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Pakistan Army role now extending beyond borders


Apr 20, 2011
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An amazing thing is happening. Afghanistani gov is holding talks about rebels. And the venue is "Islamabad". That is a HUGE development.

So far, such negotiations needed a venue in the capitals of very very powerful countries.

Guess what? Now Pakistan has become one such country.

Sadly, Most of Pakistani politicians have not realized this. Similarly our media pundits barring few, are similarly ignorant of this clear writing on the wall.

So how did this happen. How did Pakistan rise up in status where US, UK, China all have saluted and supported Pakistan's role.


Due to one such reason.

Pakistan army's successful operations against gangs of Waziraztan.

These gangs have run amok, unchecked for many many many years.

Not any more.

Pakistan army has kicked these gangs, bitch slapped them, and destroyed their hideouts. And that too in just one year. This my friends is unheard of. Yes in the bad lands gang lands around the world, this perhaps is the shortest quickest and yet bravest operation conducted by any army in the world.

So in that way, my salute to Gen Raheel and his boys,
And yes our collective salute to Gen Raheel and his boys.

May Allah bless them with more power and more respect.


Pakistan army zindabaad
Pakistan Paindabaad

@Atanz, @Gufi, @Slav Defence, @Luftwaffe, @WebMaster, @Jungibaaz, @jaibi, @notsuperstitious, @Azlan Haider, @ajpirzada, @DESERT FIGHTER,

@AgNoStiC MuSliM, @Jazzbot, @Jf Thunder, @Hyperion, @JonAsad, @Nihonjin1051, @cirr, @Cherokee @Donatello, @Genesis, @Bamxa, @SarthakGanguly,

@Cat Shannon, @Butchcassidy, @Norwegian, @Mr.UTurn, @GreenFalcon, @Syed.Ali.Haider, @KURUMAYA, @Gazi, @Patriots, @karachiite_pacifist

@Emilly David, @Joe Shearer, @scorpionx, @Irfan Baloch, @orangzaib, @jhungary, @Xeric, @Icarus, @CENTCOM
There is no doubt that Zarb-e-Azb has been the main contributor of the peace we are witnessing in Pakistan today. Initially, I was cynical whether such operation will succeed. Pakistan army should be commended for this.
But let us not forget our spineless, virtual and downright criminal politicians who will try everything within their powers to derail this process, after all Zardari did went to Kabul and held meeting with Afghan leadership, and what followed everyone knows. Again its about time to have a deeper look at our constitution, instead of a living breathing document, it had turned more into a cancer by these political elites.
But let us not forget our spineless, virtual and downright criminal politicians who will try everything within their powers to derail this process, after all Zardari did went to Kabul and held meeting with Afghan leadership, and what followed everyone knows. Again its about time to have a deeper look at our constitution, instead of a living breathing document, it had turned more into a cancer by these political elites.
Well said.

Sadly most of our politicians and our intellectuals are stuck in 1980s,
but the masses have moved on.

Look at Tafu Mota Chor threatening Rangers.
Look at Zardari making stupid speeches like Hum hamaisha rahain gay. Pathetic scumbag.

But the masses want our army to play its role.
Yes we want them to bring peace to Pakistan and bring peace to our neighbors especially Afghanistan. That country has suffered too much.

Well said.

Sadly most of our politicians and our intellectuals are stuck in 1980s,
but the masses have moved on.

Look at Tafu Mota Chor threatening Rangers.
Look at Zardari making stupid speeches like Hum hamaisha rahain gay. Pathetic scumbag.

But the masses want our army to play its role.
Yes we want them to bring peace to Pakistan and bring peace to our neighbors especially Afghanistan. That country has suffered too much.


We don't have true progressives in this country, we got extremists on both sides, one claims to be liberals others religious rights, in reality both are fascists. Rest of country fells in the middle, but still the rest is not innocent. Army can do only much, they can not make all our ills right.

Anatol Lieven wrote in his book "Pakistan: A hard country" that democrats in Pakistan are not democratic enough and the dictators were not dictators enough. This statement sums up our leadership dilemma.
We need a thorough cleaning of political system, but first this constitution needs to be get rid of and we should move towards a true Republican system. For now its nothing but a pipe dream
Well said.

Sadly most of our politicians and our intellectuals are stuck in 1980s,
but the masses have moved on.

Look at Tafu Mota Chor threatening Rangers.
Look at Zardari making stupid speeches like Hum hamaisha rahain gay. Pathetic scumbag.

But the masses want our army to play its role.
Yes we want them to bring peace to Pakistan and bring peace to our neighbors especially Afghanistan. That country has suffered too much.


They have realized that people wont come out to support these chores and killers and thats why Both Taffu and Zardari are doing zabani jama kharach. They see the writing on the wall, people of Karachi are calling rangers about MQM zakat and firta collection, these same people MQM claims to their loyal supporters.
They have realized that people wont come out to support these chores and killers and thats why Both Taffu and Zardari are doing zabani jama kharach. They see the writing on the wall, people of Karachi are calling rangers about MQM zakat and firta collection, these same people MQM claims to their loyal supporters.
That is not the case and Rangers are picking up all Sector and Unit In Charge of MQM without any Legal Justification to the most extent by quoting they are part of MQM militant wing. There must be some Criminals in MQM Units and Sectors including those In Charge but that doesnt justify to pick them up without Legal Justification on them which is completely wrong in every way and Abusing their Authority.
There is no doubt that Zarb-e-Azb has been the main contributor of the peace we are witnessing in Pakistan today. Initially, I was cynical whether such operation will succeed. Pakistan army should be commended for this.
You serious or sarcastic ?
That is not the case and Rangers are picking up all Sector and Unit In Charge of MQM without any Legal Justification to the most extent by quoting they are part of MQM militant wing. There must be some Criminals in MQM Units and Sectors including those In Charge but that doesnt justify to pick them up without Legal Justification on them which is completely wrong in every way and Abusing their Authority.

Meray piayray bhai jaan

Please do not distract this thread.

Not true. Not just MQM, rangers have shutdown door to door and shop to shop campaigns.

It is time we quit being Mota Altaf Quam and become true Mohajirs and true Pakistanis free of Tafu mota slavery.

here is a bit more detail. Thank you. Post your ranger specific comments here.

‘Extorted’ donations: Karachi’s multi-million dollar Bhatta/"charity" business
No you really said that we can see witness a peace in pakistan today because of zarb e azb.I agree there is less suicide attacks etc but your statement is a bit exaggerating.

Haven't you read a US report on terror attacks in Pakistan? It say there has been 64% less terror attacks this year as compared to last year. That is a huge decrease
That is not the case and Rangers are picking up all Sector and Unit In Charge of MQM without any Legal Justification to the most extent by quoting they are part of MQM militant wing. There must be some Criminals in MQM Units and Sectors including those In Charge but that doesnt justify to pick them up without Legal Justification on them which is completely wrong in every way and Abusing their Authority.

This is the problem with Pakistan, every party supporter use a big "IF" and a huge "But"
The mess Karachi is in now doesnt need IF and BUT, thats whats going on for last 20 years and look how these BUTs f'ed our butts.
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