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Pakistan Army Question Thread



New Recruit

Apr 14, 2008
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hey i recently saw the pakistani soldiers on geo operating in swat, and to me they didnt look properly equipped. They didnt seem to have a standard kevlar armour or helmet.

can anyone elaborate on this further?
well .. yeah ... the standard inf eqpt of a soldier is still very redundant and old styled in Pakistan Army. The army is in the process of preparing GSR for new eqpt, that includes kevlar BPJs and helmets, plus some other basic eqpts. Still the matter is in the pipeline and will take some more time for induction into the svc ...
can anyone put an approximate date to the full induction of kevlar BPJs and helmets?
Can some one tell me what are these reactive armor tiles seems very interesting????

I came across a picture across the net which is an US Abram tank:usflag:, goin to get these potential upgrades, I know that Al-Khlaid 2 is in the makin, I would like to know if Al-Khalid 2 is goin to have Reactive Armor Tiles:azn: which can be seen with the Abrams in the below link, I think these tiles can give Al-Khalid great protection against enemy fire, :sniper:wut do u guys think?????:pakistan:

hey i recently saw the pakistani soldiers on geo operating in swat, and to me they didnt look properly equipped. They didnt seem to have a standard kevlar armour or helmet.

can anyone elaborate on this further?

Dont worry about that, not all soldiers have it but those facing imminent or high chances of combat have them. And good ones at that...Pakistan Army is a big place, introducing something simple as body armour can take a long time...And besides when soldiers come on T.V. they are usually relaxed so its no suprise many prefer to stay without their armour.
Can some one tell me what are these reactive armor tiles seems very interesting????

I came across a picture across the net which is an US Abram tank:usflag:, goin to get these potential upgrades, I know that Al-Khlaid 2 is in the makin, I would like to know if Al-Khalid 2 is goin to have Reactive Armor Tiles:azn: which can be seen with the Abrams in the below link, I think these tiles can give Al-Khalid great protection against enemy fire, :sniper:wut do u guys think?????:pakistan:


Dude you have to bear in mind that the upgrades for the M1 were brought in due to the fact that it was not designed for low intensity warfare. The ERA blocks were brought in to prevent mobility kills in built up areas. Unless The PA is planning to fight a long drawn out urban conflict it would be a waste of time having those blocks there as they would not stop a heavy tank missile or APFDS round (the primary threat is from RPG rounds for the M1) and in addition to the extra weight the ERA would also be a danger to nearby infantry.
Salamualikum to all,

Does Al-Khalid has an automatic gun stabilising system like the M1/M1A1 Abrams, this can really improve the accuracy of the tank along rough terrain, especially in desert's?????:azn:

I've posted the following link about M1/M1A1 Abrams which is a very good documentary regarding the 2 tanks.

2X4j_2Kgi9o[/media] - M1/M1A1 Abrams Tank Documentary

Also, i was very impressed by the German Leopard 2 more than M1/M1A1 i found another documentary regarding this tank, the following link has the video

KxdEtyxa7Ao[/media] - Leopard 2 ( the best tank in the world)

One thing to be noted that the US:usflag:went into a joint venture with the Germans when developing the M1/M1A1 Abrams, they knew that German tanks r superior to US tanks!!!!!

I don't know much abut Al-Khalid, but I haven't seen it's gun stabilizing automatically in any videos that i see abut the tank in action online, My point here is, I think PAK should carry out some joint venture with the Germans, so we can bring it to Western standards, like the Leopard 2, also we can then help our Chinese friends improve their techonology as well!!!!!:china::pakistan:

It will be very effective for PAK Army, as we have less area to defend then our rival, so why not go for quality rather than quantity!!!!!

also i found this cool video with some hot firin by Abrams in Iraq do have a look @ it as well:enjoy:

hk9BiypNxQM[/media] - M1 Abrams Tank
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Yes Al-Khalid does have a gun/sight stabilizer.

The gunner is provided with a dual magnification day sight and the commander with a panoramic sight for all-around independent surveillance. Both sights are dual-axis image stabilized and have independent laser range-finders. The commander has the ability to acquire a target independently while the gunner is engaging another one. The automatic target-tracking system is designed to work when tank and target are both moving. Night vision for the gunner and commander is achieved through a dual-magnification thermal imaging sight. Both sights are integrated with the fire-control system.[5] The production Al-Khalid tank has a fire-control system of western origin.
On the point about Leopard II, if the Pakistan Army could have had their pick of the western tanks in the 80s and early 90s, it would have been Leopard II without any questions asked ;)
Ha guyies does anyone know if Pakistan is using IFV's. And if yes then what kind?
Not quite its an M113 with what is very similar to the turret the chinese use on one of their wheeled APCs I think called WZ551.

Yes, your right. Thanks for the correction.

I often get confused with Al-Talha and M113.
Yes, your right. Thanks for the correction.

I often get confused with Al-Talha and M113.

As Talha is very similar to the FNSS AAPC built by Turkey Pakistan could buy turrets from them to convert it to an IFV.
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