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Pakistan Army order of battle


Mar 17, 2019
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The geographical areas of responsibility of the Corps commands is not well attested in public record. Of course, the Northern Area Command is responsible for the Federally Administered Northern Areas. It appears that XI Corps is responsible for the North West Frontier Province , to include the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, while the XII Corps is responsible for Balochistan. V Corps in Karachi is responsible for the southern part of Sindh province, while XXXI Corps includes the northern part of the province.

The remainder of the Pakistan Army is in Punjab, stationed across from Indian forces in Punjab and Kashmir. Punjab is a vulnerable province, as it shares a 550 km border with Pakistan. Punjab is strategically very important for Pakistan, so the formation of its army is extremely strong in this area. The XXXI Corps is the defensive formation assigned to take the brunt of an Indian armored assault. The II Corps in Multan is assigned to follow up the XXXI Corps holding action and counterattack against invading Indian forces.

The tank battles fought in the area between Charwa and Chawinda from 8th to 21 September 1965 were the most decisive battles of the 1965 War. The main Indian attack against Pakistan was launched by the Ist Indian Corps opposite Chawinda in Sialkot Sector. The Sialkot Sector was defended by the Pakistani 1 Corps comprising 15 Division and 6 Armoured Division. [SOURCE]

In the West during the 1971 War, the Indian Army had very limited offensive aims and was relegated more to a holding role. The Indians penetrated at least 15 miles into West Pakistan in the direction of Karachi. The initiative lay with Pakistan. In this theater, Pakistan had near parity with India in armor and artillery while India had more infantry divisions. There was fighting on the Punjab plain, but the results were inconclusive. Pakistan's most successful thrust was in Chhamb sector north of Jammu, where there was good tank country. Here, the 23rd Pakistani Division completely overwhelmed the forward defensive positions of the Indian 10 Division. Acting in accordance with its strategy to grab as much territory in the West as possible, Pakistan also launched a major attack on Punch in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. This attack, unlike the one on Chhamb, was completely repulsed. Smaller attacks were launched by Pakistan in Punjab at Fazilka and Hussainiwala. The forward Indian defences were breached but the Pakistan Army could not sustain its attacks.

During the 1971 War the Rajasthan sector was thinly held by both India and Pakistan for the simple reason that the Thar desert is not conducive to vehicular movement. Unlike in North Africa, where the desert surface is relatively hard and the coastal areas allow for easy movement of traffic, the loose shifting sands of the Thar cannot be crossed by wheeled vehicles and even tracked vehicles are liable to get bogged down. The region also has very few dirt tracks and even fewer paved roads. The Indian brigade operating in Umerkot-Nagarparkar area captured many thousand square miles but all these consisted of empty desert.

An ambitious Pakistani armored thrust in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan was stopped in the famous Battle of Longewala. The battle is part of the curriculum taught to senior Indian officers in the higher command course at the Army War College and has been immortalised by the Bollywood super-hit "Border". Longewala is part of army folklore. This is a fairy tale of 100 odd soldiers and their steely resolve, which forced an entire Pakistani brigade, backed by an armored regiment of 45 tanks, to retreat in the 1971 war. Pakistan's Chinese Type 59 and US-made Sherman tanks were slow on the sandy Thar Desert, and some analysts suggest that the attack may have been an overly ambitious move on the terrain. Some Pakistan tanks had suffered engine failures due to the harsh conditions and were abandoned. Pakistan's vehicles, tanks and guns got bogged in sand, and armor was deployed without air defense protection. Longewala provided a classic example of the importance of air defense, with Indian forces destroying 51 tanks, at least 18 and possibly as many as 37 of them with the use of aircraft.

Since no ground offensive is possible in the Thar Desert without heavy air cover, India's air deployment in 2002 suggested that the focus of their strike corps could well be in the south (Western and Southern Commands).

Good Tank Country
Geographically, the whole of Pakistan can be described as a narrow strip of land astride the Indus River. This has its own peculiar implications of lack of depth and difficulty in defense. Major core areas, major industries and main arteries of communication lie perilously close to the border. With a vulnerable coastline open to the Indian Navy, Pakistan is prone to be blockaded due to single port of Karachi.

There is a lot of good tank country in Pakistan's heartland - the Punjab plain. Korea isn't good tank country. There were almost no good roads in Korea, and it was not good tank country in the Patton and Walker sense. Iran, one of the world's most mountainous countries, isn't good tank country. The border between China and India is high in the Himalayan mountains, which is not good tank country. Burma was definitely not good tank country. Two substantial rivers run north and south, the first being the great Irrawaddy and, 50 miles to the east, the Sittang. The few roads and tracks went through rice paddy fields, and were mostly underwater in the rainy season and baked hard in summer, having many banks and obstructions. Beyond the paddy fields was the jungle, almost impenetrable for tanks.

What does "good tank country" look like? German tanks easily rolled into Poland on September 1, 1939. Poland was good tank country, relatively flat with few physical barriers. The open steppe and farm land of the Ukraine is good tank country. presenting only a few large river barriers to an attacking force. Germany is good tank country. The North German Plain is relatively flat and open terrain. Rivers and valleys do not canalize cross-country movement as is the situation further south. Such conditions made the area ideally suited to armor operations and provided Warsaw Pact forces with the best terrain to conduct a high-speed offensive across Western Europe to the major port facilities along the coast. Much of Vietnam was good tank country, particularly northern I Corps along the DMZ. The Central Highlands were actually very good Tank Country. Iraq has lots of good tank country, offering easy passage with wide and deep fields of view and fire. As a theater of military operations, the majority of Kuwait is flat and unobstructed desert. Military terrain analyses identified 60% of Kuwait as open desert terrain - good tank country and maneuvering - while another 15% was impeding terrain - soft sand dunes and rough man-made badlands.

Pakistan is divided into three major geographic areas: the northern highlands; the Balochistan Plateau, and the Indus River plain, with two major subdivisions corresponding roughly to the provinces of Punjab and Sindh. Because of their rugged topography and the rigors of the climate, the northern highlands and the Himalayas to the east have been formidable barriers to movement into Pakistan throughout history. North-south valleys in Balochistan and Sindh have restricted the migration of peoples along the Makran Coast on the Arabian Sea east toward the plains. Several large passes cut the ranges along the border with Afghanistan. Among them are the the Khyber Pass, forty kilometers west of Peshawar and leading to Kabul.

On the eastern border with India, south of the Sutlej River, the Thar Desert may be considered separately from the Indus Plain. Sindh is the South Eastern Province of Pakistan. The province can be divided longitudinally in three distinct sections of equal sizes. The western part, known as Kohistan is hilly; the central portion is a fertile valley irrigated by the River Indus (Nara) and in the Eastern part is the Thar Desert. The Sindh Plain comprises mainly the province of Sindh and stretches between the Punjab Plain and the Arabian Sea. River Indus flows here as a single river. The plain comprises of a vast fertile tract stretching westward from the narrow strip of flood plain on the right bank of River Indus, and a vast expanse of desert stretching eastward from the left bank.

The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert, straddles the border between northwestern India and eastern Pakistan. The Thar Desert of Pakistan, also known as the Rajasthan Desert in India, is bound on the east by the Aravalli Range and on the west by the present Indus River floodplain. As the monsoon crosses India, it loses moisture on the eastern slopes of the Aravalli Range. The Thar Desert of western India is the most densely populated hot desert in the world. Tharparkar supports a population of one million spread over 2350 villages pressed on 20,000 square Kilometers. The live stock population is considerably high, i.e about four million heads (in 1993) as compared to the availability of feed resources which are hardly sufficient for half of the live stock population. The area is mainly covered by sand dunes with substantial natural vegetation.

Rains are the only source in the sand desert tract and it is rare, at intervals of 3-4 years and maximum rain fall is recorded up to 3 inches only, with the result that the local Tharies are always in the state of nomad tribes. Besides, uncertain fate, famine is inherited by Tharies. Under the aforesaid desperate local conditions and environments that Tharies have a courage and solitude to survive and meet such desperate conditions boldly as their fate.

Located in northwestern India and eastern Pakistan, the Thar desert is bounded on the south by a salt marsh known as the Rann of Kutch, and on the west by the Indus River plain. About 800 kilometers long and about 500 kilometers wide, the desert's terrain is mainly rolling sandhills with scattered growths of shrub and rock outcroppings. The Thar desert, located in the Rajasthan state of India and parts of Pakistan is the home to a number of saline playas (lakes). These commercially important playas in this part of the world vary in size from very small depressions of few tens of square meters to massive basins which may exceed hundreds of km2. The Thar Desert includes a 214,000-km2 sand sea on the ancient alluvial plain of the Indus River in Pakistan and western India. The sand dunes of the Thar Desert constantly shift and take on new shapes.

Thar is a desert region in the southern part of Sindh province in Pakistan. "Thar" consists of a tract of small hills resembling the waves troubled sea, generally, running east and west and generally, higher in the western than eastern part of the district. 'The 'Parker' is situated in south-east of Thar. Its length and breath are from north to south, twenty miles, and from east to west thirty miles. In Parkar, ranges of hills composed of hard rocks take the place of the small hills of the Thar. From the south, the Runn separates the Thar and Parker from Kutch.

The district is mostly desert and consist of barren tracts of sand dunes covered with thorny bushes. The ridges are irregular and roughly parallel, that they often enclosed sheltered valleys, above which they rise to a height of some fifty meters. These valleys are moist enough to admit cultivation and when not cultivated they yield luxuriant crops of rank grass. But the extraordinary salinity of the subsoil and consequent shortage of potable water, renders many tracts quite uninhabitable. In many of the valleys the subsoil water collects and forms large and picturesque salt lakes, which rarely dry up.

Cultivation is sparse in the northern mountains, the southern deserts, and the western plateaus, but the Indus River basin in Punjab and northern Sindh has fertile soil that enables Pakistan to feed its population under usual climatic conditions. The Punjab Plain comprises mainly the province of Punjab. It is the gifted fertile land of River Indus and its five eastern tributaries - Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. The plain is a great alluvial crescent stretching from the Indus River system in Pakistan to the Punjab Plain (in both Pakistan and India). Most of the Punjab plain is at an altitude of about 100 m, whereas the cloud-covered peaks to the north are above 6000 m (6 km or more of relief over a 60-km horizontal distance). The Punjab Plain in India has an area of about 40,000 square miles (100,000 square km) and in India covers the states of Punjab and Haryana and the union territory of Delhi.

In Pakistan the Punjab plain spreads from the south of Potohar plateau up to Mithankot, where the Sulaiman Range approaches river Indus. The Punjab plain is almost a featureless plain with a gentle slope southward averaging one foot to the mile. The only break in the alluvial monotony is the little group of broken hills (100 ft-1,600ft.) near Sangla and Irana on either side of the Chenab. The entire plain is extensively irrigated by a network of canals.

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Good tank terrain or bad tank terrain you cannot roll tanks out in open desert without air cover

In 1991 Iraqi republican guard divisions were turned into minced meat simply because they did not have air cover and the US attack helicopters wiped them out

Pakistan needs to add T129 ASAP
Scenerio : Cold start doctrine : Full thrust and indiam army rolled in pakistan thn what ...
Major cities near border in punjab and urban area near loc . So their amry will be engulfed and destroyed in urban warefare within matter of few days .indian army experience in urban warfare : 0.
Pak army experience in urban warfare : 10 years anssuccessful .
And thn what .... full fledge retaliation from pak armed forces with hundreds of thousands of volunteers .
Net result : india woulf end up in losing its territory from punjab and kashmir side.
...I did not mention nucear option in that scenrio .
Good tank terrain or bad tank terrain you cannot roll tanks out in open desert without air cover

In 1991 Iraqi republican guard divisions were turned into minced meat simply because they did not have air cover and the US attack helicopters wiped them out

Pakistan needs to add T129 ASAP
Can anyone shed light on steps taken by us to improve our air cover capability in desert area.
Good tank terrain or bad tank terrain you cannot roll tanks out in open desert without air cover

In 1991 Iraqi republican guard divisions were turned into minced meat simply because they did not have air cover and the US attack helicopters wiped them out

Pakistan needs to add T129 ASAP
How about mass producing man pads and install them on all the tanks in IFV?
Indian order of battle just for comparison (it's old data might have been changed as of now) (source:Indiadefence.com)

Headquarters, Indian Army New Delhi
  • 50th Independent Parachute Brigade

Central Command, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - Lt Gen. B S Negi

- I Corps — Currently assigned to South Western Command
  • 23rd Artillery BDE
  • U/I Air Def BDE
  • U/I Engineer BDE
  • 4th Infantry Division
  • 31st Armored Division
  • 6 Mountain Division


Eastern Command, Kolkata, West Bengal - Lt Gen Praveen Bakshi

  • 23 Infantry Division
III Corps - Dimapur, Nagaland
IV Corps - Tezpur, Assam
XXXIII Corps - Siliguri, West Bengal
  • 17th Mountain Division - Gangtok
  • 20th Mountain Division - Binnaguri
  • 27th Mountain Division - Kalimpong
  • U/I Artillery BDE

XVII Corps - Siliguri, West Bengal


Northern Command, Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir - Lt Gen Devraj Anbu

XIV Corps, headquartered at Leh, Jammu and Kashmir

  • 3rd Infantry Division headquartered at Leh
  • 8th Mountain Division headquartered at Dras
  • U/I Artillery BDE
XV Corps, headquartered at Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir
  • 19th Infantry Division headquartered at Baramulla,
  • 28th Mountain Division headquartered at Gurez
  • U/I Artillery BDE
XVI Corps, headquartered at Nagrota, Jammu and Kashmir


Southern Command, Pune, Maharashtra - Lt. Gen PM Hariz

XII Corps, headquartered at Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • 4th Armoured Brigade
  • 340th Mechanised Brigade
  • 11th Infantry Division headquartered at Ahmedabad
  • 12th Infantry Division (converting to RAPID) headquartered at Jodhpur
  • U/I Artillery BDE
XXI Corps, headquartered at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

South Western Command, Jaipur, Rajasthan - Lt Gen Abhay Krishna

I Corps, headquartered at Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
  • 4th Infantry Division headquartered at Allahabad
  • 6th Mountain Division headquartered at Bareilly
  • 33rd Armoured Division headquartered at Hisar Military Station
X Corps, headquartered at Bhatinda, Punjab
  • 16th Infantry Division headquartered at Sri Ganganagar
  • 18th RAPID at Kota
  • 24th RAPID at Bikaner
  • 6th Independent Armoured Brigade
  • 615th Independent Air Defence Brigade
  • 471st Engineering Brigade
  • U/I Artillery Bde


Western Command, Chandimandir, Haryana - Lt Gen Surinder Singh

- 40th Artillery Division headquartered at Ambala

II Corps, headquartered at Ambala, Haryana
IX Corps, headquartered at Yol, Himachal Pradesh
  • 26th Infantry Division headquartered at Jammu
  • 29th Infantry Division headquartered at Pathankot
  • 2nd Independent Armoured Brigade
  • 3rd Independent Armoured Brigade
XI Corps, headquartered at Jalandhar, Punjab
  • 7th Infantry Division headquartered at Firozpur
  • 9th Infantry Division headquartered at Meerut
  • 15th Infantry Division headquartered at Amritsar
  • 23rd Armoured Brigade
  • 55th Mechanised Brigade
  • 55th Mech BDE
  • U/I Artillery BDE

Army Training Command,Shimla, Himachal Pradesh - Lt General P M Hariz


Rashtriya Rifles - Counterinsurgency Forces

The Rashtriya Rifles comprises 65 battalions
  • Counter Insurgency Force (CIF) R / Romeo Force – Rajouri and Poonch
  • Counter Insurgency Force (CIF) D / Delta Force – Doda
  • Counter Insurgency Force (CIF) V / Victor Force – Anantnag, Pulwama and Badgam
  • Counter Insurgency Force (CIF) K / Kilo Force – Kupwara, Baramulla and Srinagar
  • Counter Insurgency Force (CIF) U / Uniform Force – Udhampur and Banihal
Assam Rifles - Under MHA - Lt Gen Shokin Chauhan


  • Consists of 33 Assam Rifles Battalions named in the order from 1 - 33
I believe the area is heavily mined so not much of a theater.

Its too vast to be effectively mined for stopping cross-border mechanized assaults.

PA AD capability in the desert ranges from AA guns to MANPADS upto FM-90 as a battlefield ESHORAD system.

LY-80 deployment is around major cantt's / garrisons & sensitive sites.

@Tps43 may have something to add.
@Path-Finder is a proponent of Tor. :big_boss:
Its too vast to be effectively mined for stopping cross-border mechanized assaults.

PA AD capability in the desert ranges from AA guns to MANPADS upto FM-90 as a battlefield ESHORAD system.

LY-80 deployment is around major cantt's / garrisons & sensitive sites.

@Tps43 may have something to add.
@Path-Finder is a proponent of Tor. :big_boss:
Tor for moving column and for stationary defence Denel Cheetah c-ram in tandem with the orlionk AA guns!
Its too vast to be effectively mined for stopping cross-border mechanized assaults.

PA AD capability in the desert ranges from AA guns to MANPADS upto FM-90 as a battlefield ESHORAD system.

LY-80 deployment is around major cantt's / garrisons & sensitive sites.

@Tps43 may have something to add.
@Path-Finder is a proponent of Tor. :big_boss:
Plus with every major sam deployment PA uses giraffe radars

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