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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office


Once again, respecting this institution of Kanjars in Khaki and waiting for some miraculous gradual change on its own is NOT and option.

Fascists don’t just hand over control.View attachment 947554

This is probably how it all happened.

There is much more to this behind the scenes.

It's not a simple matter of administrative confusion, or the President suddenly forgetting how to return a bill, or the secretary going AWOL.

And unfortunately, our media cannot talk about it and is instead fudging the actual issue.

And after the statement of Mr Waqar, there is no doubt that it's the MS who is the culprit here.

He did not even move the file from the desk of the President to the PS and then the Dy Sec, and Section Officer and so on.

didnt the law ministry said that it is silent assent, which they based upon their interpretation of 10 days. and not a signed document. and then they had their twitter account suspended. why do that, if he had actually signed it.


The bigger crime here is who the heck published this bill into the gazette in the law ministry?

There is no question about the 10 days assent thing in this case.

Law ministry shot itself in the foot two times, and so did the molester information minister we have. In ko kisi karnail nay bola hoga press conference kardo, and they did that, but later realized the blunder.
There is quite a big list of high treason by senior army command in recent years.

1- Bajwa driving his own Foreign policy (Condemning Russia, taking sides to please americans)
2- Spying on PM, PM house, cabinet, their families etc.
3- Hiring anti-Pak figure (Hussain Haqqani) for his own narrative.
4- Biggest treason: (Regime change op) Facilitating dissents meetings in US embassy, allowing foreign power to influence change of power in the country. All for foreign interests.
5- Use of force against ordinary Pakistanis (Murdering 25 unarmed Pakistanis on 9th May and much more on daily basis)
6- Terminating Pakistan's constitution (not conducting elections in Punjab and KP despite law is clear and SC ruling)
7- Missing persons case (its more than treason to abduct (and murder) citizens without any legal proceedings)
8- Now latest: Infiltrating President house and forging documents for important legislation.
View attachment 947546
Hours after his removal's request as secretary to the president, Waqar Ahmed on Monday issued a statement saying that President Dr Arif Alvi neither assented to the Official Secrets (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Pakistan Army (Amendment) Bill, 2023 nor gave a written decision for returning them to parliament for reconsideration.

Earlier today, the president sought the removal of his secretary, saying his services are "no more required" and are surrendered to the Establishment Division with immediate effect.

In a letter sent to the president, Ahmed stated that the Pakistan Army (Amendment) Bill was received on August 2 and sent to the president on August 3.

President Alvi, he added, had the 10-day time to advise on the bill till August 11.

"The Honourable President neither assented to the Bill nor gave a written decision for returning the Bill for reconsideration by the Parliament. The said file has not been returned to the Office of Secretary to date i.e. 21.08-2023," the letter stated.

Meanwhile, the Official Secrets (Amendment) Bill was received on August 8 and was moved to the president's office on August 9.

"It was clearly stated in the Note that the Prime Minister's advice was received on 08-08-2023 and time of 10 days will be completed on 17.08.2023 (Thursday)," the letter also stated.

However, the letter added that the president neither assented to the bill nor gave a written decision for returning the bill for reconsideration by parliament.

The secretary further said that he "neither delayed above mentioned two bills nor committed any irregularity or negligence". He added that the files of the bills are still lying in the President's Office as of today (August 21).

He said that the president's decision for the surrender of his services is not based on justice.

"I request that the Honourable President may kindly order an inquiry by FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) or any other Agency to probe the facts and fix the responsibility for any lapse if committed by any officer or official," he said.

Ahmed further said that he would present himself in court if it is needed to prove his innocence.

"It is requested that U.O. dated 21-08-2023 regarding surrendering of my services to the Establishment Division may kindly be withdrawn," he added.

Arif Alvi seeks removal of secretary after army, secrets bills signature saga​

The President’s Secretariat earlier today said that the services of Waqar Ahmed — secretary to the president — are no more required and are surrendered to the Establishment Division with immediate effect.

“In view of the definite statement of yesterday, President’s Secretariat has written a letter to Principal Secretary to Prime Minister that the services of Mr. Waqar Ahmed, Secretary to President, are no more required and are surrendered to the Establishment Division, immediately,” read a statement posted on the President of Pakistan’s official account on X, previously known as Twitter.

What is Article 75(1)​

It should be noted that the Pakistan Army (Amendment) Bill, 2023, bill was sent to the president on August 1 for approval whereas it was received the following day on August 2.

Subsequently, the Official Secrets (Amendment) Bill, 2023 was sent to the president on August 8 and received on the same day for approval.

According to Article 75(1) of the Constitution, the president shall give his assent to the approved bill of parliament within 10 days of its receipt.

“In the case of a Bill other than a Money Bill, return the Bill to the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) with a message requesting that the Bill or any specified provision thereof, be reconsidered and that any amendment specified in the message be considered,” read Article 75(1)(b) of the Constitution.

The president objected to the said bills after a constitutional period of 10 days.

Under Article 75, the bill must be approved by the joint session after being sent back by the president. After approval by the joint session, the bill is again sent to the president for approval.

"When the President has returned a Bill to the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), it shall be reconsidered by the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) in joint sitting and, if it is again passed, with or without amendment, by the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), by the votes of the majority of the members of both Houses present and voting, it shall be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution to have been passed by both Houses and shall be presented to the President, and the President shall give his assent within ten days, failing which such assent shall be deemed to have been given," it states.

Furthermore, if the president does not approve the bill within 10 days it then turns into a law.
I am starting to sense that the President is a dullard and didn't want to take any decision. After it became law by 'default', he is having buyer's remorse and wants to deflect attention from his incompetence. Basically, a case of the president being a dud. And not much honor to boot.
This is final confirmation that martial law is imposed and we are living in a military dictatorship.

The question is, will CJP take suo moto action on such a clear violation of the President's office and that controversial laws have fraudently come into effect?
CJP is sitting in a haze himself while the laws and the constitution he swore to is raped daily
I am starting to sense that the President is a dullard and didn't want to take any decision. After it became law by 'default', he is having buyer's remorse and wants to deflect attention from his incompetence. Basically, a case of the president being a dud. And not much honor to boot.

The bill cannot become a law by 'default'.

Please cite a source for this.

Even if the President is a dullard, and after 5 years forgot how to return a bill, and even if he is straight up lyinh through his teeth, the bill still cannot become a law.
Well, the law minister says so. And he is the government. (OK, I smirked). I agree the whole thing is ridiculously childish.
So the question is what now?
All this debate of legalities on one side, will any 4 star general see the inside of a prison or is that reserved only for politicians, media persons and of course common Pakistanis.
We are such a cuxk nation. No wonder we are in a mess with no light at the end of the tunnel.
There is quite a big list of high treason by senior army command in recent years.

1- Bajwa driving his own Foreign policy (Condemning Russia, taking sides to please americans)
2- Spying on PM, PM house, cabinet, their families etc.
3- Hiring anti-Pak figure (Hussain Haqqani) for his own narrative.
4- Biggest treason: (Regime change op) Facilitating dissents meetings in US embassy, allowing foreign power to influence change of power in the country. All for foreign interests.
5- Use of force against ordinary Pakistanis (Murdering 25 unarmed Pakistanis on 9th May and much more on daily basis)
6- Terminating Pakistan's constitution (not conducting elections in Punjab and KP despite law is clear and SC ruling)
7- Missing persons case (its more than treason to abduct (and murder) citizens without any legal proceedings)
8- Now latest: Infiltrating President house and forging documents for important legislation.
Add big one no elections in 90 days

Does these acts violate the constitution? The answer is No.

The President should sign these Bills without creating a drama.

Country does not run on the biases, whims and fancies of this PTI / IK agent.

Very shameful behavior by the President.
Oky patwari
Lol, you can't write five words without multiple grammatical and punctuation errors and want me to "relearn" English.
Yup..relearn English

This is probably how it all happened.

There is much more to this behind the scenes.

It's not a simple matter of administrative confusion, or the President suddenly forgetting how to return a bill, or the secretary going AWOL.

And unfortunately, our media cannot talk about it and is instead fudging the actual issue.

And after the statement of Mr Waqar, there is no doubt that it's the MS who is the culprit here.

He did not even move the file from the desk of the President to the PS and then the Dy Sec, and Section Officer and so on.


The bigger crime here is who the heck published this bill into the gazette in the law ministry?

There is no question about the 10 days assent thing in this case.

Law ministry shot itself in the foot two times, and so did the molester information minister we have. In ko kisi karnail nay bola hoga press conference kardo, and they did that, but later realized the blunder.
Apparently secretary to president says he sent it in prescribed time

Which means it was Pm Office who simply ignored it

Hence we have a new way for legislation..
Just ignore the president..

PPPP will be happy now 😂😂😂
1973 consitution is finally dead with president
Where is idiot supreme court spiritual head named bandial ? Did he got few plots in DHA for his services.
Thats why i was saying all along until and unless these failed tainted generals are not handed over to the firing squad Pakistan have got no hope.
Imagine if this would have happened even in any 3rd world country what there response would have been.
Treason at the highest degree.
jahan kahi col ki biwi, col ya uska bacha (numberplate issue), col ki bachi (she overran a guy sitting by the side of the road), koi captain (potential rapist of dr shazia) or major (who dragged a motorway constable) nazar aaye, maar do. same for judges. the nation has to increase the costs for these sellouts. do you want plots or family. the are animals and will only understand that language.

only few generals is bakwas. the fact that such psycopaths are hired and then protected is a multigenerational issue.

the above kind get promoted. If my son/daughter effs up, they wont be calling me, because of the hell that I will be unleashing upon them, rather than taking their side.
Do you lack basic comprehension ability? The secretary has clearly said the files are still lying with the President. How could he have "sent it in prescribed time" to PM office or Senate when the President just sat on the files ?

The President tells his MS to move the files from his desk to the PS. The MS doesn't do it and keeps the President in the dark.

How hard is that to comprehend?

Lol. Even the President seems to have accepted that these Bills have become law.

Because the law ministry published it in the gazette.

Everyone is glossing over the fckup by the law ministry. After all, they had to please their masters.

It can only be reversed once a court annuls this, and a petition has been filed in the LHC.
Despite all the noise from the mosty uninformed fanboys here, no action has been taken against the military secretary
Yeah, we see what happened the last time a civilian leader wanted to take action against a military official, didn't turn out too well.

Heck, a guy got shot at and he couldn't nominate an army officer in the FIR.

You really live in a Utopian world don't you?

- nor a finger lifted to undo the notification of the Bills as law.
See first comment. Only the court can undo this.

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