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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

The question is who is responsible for this.

The MS.

Why would the staff follow his instructions for 13 bills and not only for 2 ?

Is there any question as to why won't they obey his instructions?

It's all too obvious.

Alvi's rationale for tweeting now is that he asked his staff to put out a message through official channels regarding this, but they refused. So he had to do it this way.

Why would an MS wreck his entire career just to listen to what Alvi says (a guy from a party which is getting pummeled), and not of those who will actually promote him?
Don't they have any officers, NCOs and privates with Iman and Ihlas?
It is reminiscent of British India army not janisarries.
Sad as it is.
We are massively cheated by the tribe of Abdullah Ben ubbai.

A new ISPR song is the need to time.
Our generals are showing their true colors and capacity, these village kids who grew up watching chaudhry's son rape their women and take their land by force somehow passed F.Sc. and joined Pakistan Army and decided to do to Pakistan what Chaudhry and his family did to their family. this is the only way of life they know growing up, who fcuked who
The whole recruitment is a rot.
Top is cancerous.
The MS.

Is there any question as to why won't they obey his instructions?

It's all too obvious.

Alvi's rationale for tweeting now is that he asked his staff to put out a message through official channels regarding this, but they refused. So he had to do it this way.

Why would an MS wreck his entire career just to listen to what Alvi says (a guy from a party which is getting pummeled), and not of those who will actually promote him?
Has Alvi named the Military Secretary? Why not ? He is sitting in the chair of the President. If things actually happened as he said, he should have tweeted that the Bills were published in the Gazette illegally and don't have any constitutional validity instead of apologising to those affected. What he is alleging is an unprecedented subversion of the Constitution. Why is he using such soft language if things actually transpired as he alleges?

One explanation that I find credible is that since Alvi didn't sign the Bills and the Gazette says that the President was deemed to have assented, he probably did not expect such a backlash from the PTI. The media mischievously played the fake news that he had signed the Bills. Alvi was hoping to save his chair and ride both horses but the pressure from PTI was too much and he was forced to tweet a soft statement. If he was serious, he should have named people responsible and taken some actions to punish those responsible and reverse the publication of the Bills as laws.
There is some clarification by the new government:
They seem to imply the simple act of not receiving the bills back from the president makes them the law by default. There is not even a mention of second go around in the parliament.

As God is my witness, I did not sign Official Secrets Amendment Bill 2023 & Pakistan Army Amendment Bill 2023 as I disagreed with these laws. I asked my staff to return the bills unsigned within stipulated time to make them ineffective. I confirmed from them many times that whether they have been returned & was assured that they were. However I have found out today that my staff undermined my will and command. As Allah knows all, He will forgive IA. But I ask forgiveness from those who will be effected.


Unprecedented! Now there is no respect for President office as well. GHQ should come out open now and impose martial law officially
I may be wrong in my amateur analysis. But if one person is playing every role, we are either living under a monarchy or dictatorship, regardless of the titles officially adopted by puppets at the front.
There is some clarification by the new government:
They seem to imply the simple act of not receiving the bills back from the president makes them the law by default. There is not even a mention of second go around in the parliament.
I had posted the relevant Article of Pakistani Constitution earlier. It requires the President to either assent or return the Bill with a message in the first go. There is no third scenario and the Constitution is silent on what the position is if the President does neither. I don't think there is a precedent for this either. The President ( or his staff) is at least partly to blame. Thirteen other bills were returned after the dissolution of the NA. There is no controversy about them. They cannot be sent back to the President till a new assembly is elected. The President could have avoided this situation by writing a letter to Parliament returning the two disputed Bills. If the staff hadn't forwarded it to Parliament, there would be clear proof that they disobeyed the President's instructions. Right now it is not clear if there is paper trail of proof of what the President's instructions ( not his intentions) were. If there is no official record, it is the President's word against that of his staff. Hence the controversy.
we are either living under a monarchy or dictatorship, regardless of the titles officially adopted by puppets at the front.
I would propose a third option: Insane Asylum. As this article proves:
Even the government is illiterate about the constitution. A parliament of clowns or even owls would be more knowledgeable.
There must be a proper process for returning or signing a Bill. Formal official business is not done on verbal instructions but requires written documentation of all the steps. If the President wanted to return the Bills, he must have written a note giving the reasons for returning the Bill and signed that. If he is telling the truth, he must provide details about that note which expressed his dissent.
what process in a banana republic ?
Is there any Position in Pakistan's civil Govt which can fire a current COAS ? Can a President/PM send a COAS home or issue a order for his arrest ?
Is there any Position in Pakistan's civil Govt which can fire a current COAS ? Can a President/PM send a COAS home or issue a order for his arrest ?
Since there is no precedent, the practical answer is no. COAS is the modern version of a Sultan or Viceroy or Governor General. There is a mechanism for appointment but none for removal.

As God is my witness, I did not sign Official Secrets Amendment Bill 2023 & Pakistan Army Amendment Bill 2023 as I disagreed with these laws. I asked my staff to return the bills unsigned within stipulated time to make them ineffective. I confirmed from them many times that whether they have been returned & was assured that they were. However I have found out today that my staff undermined my will and command. As Allah knows all, He will forgive IA. But I ask forgiveness from those who will be effected.


Unprecedented! Now there is no respect for President office as well. GHQ should come out open now and impose martial law officially

Pakistan is a failed banana republic of Faujistan!

But to undermine the president this way, it's super brazen even by recent Pak Army standards.
Pakistan army has no standards... It's an organization designed to rape and pillage gullible stupid people...

what a sad situation, what a horrible country, i feel terrible for the future of pakistan

Now?... Were you sleeping for the past year or so?
Actually nobody cares what the constitution says...
Not Caretaker PM
Not Mil-establishment
It's a Free for All banana 🍌 Republic

Since there is no precedent, the practical answer is no. COAS is the modern version of a Sultan or Viceroy or Governor General. There is a mechanism for appointment but none for removal.
Chief can be fired/Removed from his post by the PM.
Gul Hassan comes to mind
There are recent examples both by NS
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President should be acting impartially but sadly here the President is acting as an agent of IK & PTI.
President act according to his constitutional powers. Alvi is doing just that. It's upto him to not to sign those draconian acts.
IK and PTI too needs an appraisal for not bending down to do something that's not in the interest of this country and it's public.
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