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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

That's one fellow out of thousands and ghakarmandi ain't some shanty town , it's literally connected with a divisional h.q. its like arguing kachi pahaari ain't part of Karachi

Only a handful of army chief, not in thousands.

Even today, there are about 175 top ranking 2, 3 and four star generals.

And BTW this is not the point of discussion.

Apparently the bills got President's (forged) approval today.

While President saying he never signed them.

The question is why would he even sign it ?
You mean the President of Pakistan is so helpless that he can't even go to the nearby police station to lodge a FIR ?

You want him to spoil his retirement plans?
Check the news clip I posted they explained it clearly.
I just checked your Art 75, and indeed it's not clear in the article, what happens if President chooses to sit on the bill in abeyance.
So there's a grey area there.
But it gets complicated when he says he wanted to render the bills ineffective, and was not allowed to by his staff.
You want him to spoil his retirement plans?
He should either put up or shut up. Right now, he is trying to please both his party and the establishment. He needs to decide which horse he wants to ride.

There is no doubt that his actions have seriously undermined Pakistan's international standing and credibility. Why did he wait for more than a day after all the media was reporting that he had signed the Bills to tweet and why has he not taken any legal action?
A new Pandora box opened, president has actually showed courage with so much pressure on him by the khakis, and talked about it.

He must be resigning and that would expose the duffers more.

Duffers are in a fix, damned if we do, damned if we don't.
A new Pandora box opened, president has actually showed courage with so much pressure on him by the khakis, and talked about it.

He must be resigning and that would expose the duffers more.

Duffers are in a fix, damned if we do, damned if we don't.

Truly duffers of highest order.
So far he has only blamed his staff. If what he says is true , it is a grave crime against thr Constitution of Pakistan. It is his responsibility to ensure that those responsible are brought to book.

If he actually takes some concrete legal action against those responsible then I will agree that he took a brave decision. Right now, it is just creating chaos and confusion.
Truly duffers of highest order.

Only dangerous duffers can destroy a country of 240 million people just to keep a hold on it, to keep the tentacles and make the Awam subservient and oppressed.

And in the end there would be no country for these dangerous duffers to rule.
Thinking about this a bit more ...

I think he should resign on point of principle. The game is sooooo rigged - that there is no point being part of it - and that the best he can do is show how much of a stink there is where none of the civilian institutions are allowed to work at all.

He has no power - none - as he has been sidelined obviously - let it it be seen for all and best to not be held to account or be the front man for the duffers anymore.
You mean the President of Pakistan is so helpless that he can't even go to the nearby police station to lodge a FIR ?
the FIR wont even get registered dude :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thinking about this a bit more.

I think he should resign on point of principle. The game is sooooo rigged - that there is no point being part of it - and that the best he can do is show how much of a stink there is where none of the civilian institutions are allowed to work at all.

He has no virtual power now - as he has been sidelined obviously - let it it be seen for all.
you want fazlu as president?
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