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Pakistan Army Chief Kayani visits Sri Lanka

SLAF expected to get new jets – Possible Deals

12 – MIG-29 SMT jets
12 – JF-17 jets

Regarding Defence Ties

Sri Lanka seeks more military training & upgrade offers from Pakistan


I think Pakistan would be quite interested in how Sri Lanka countered terrorism. We can learn from you guys.
Battled extremist and dont have any Nukes at all!

Yes for 3 decades... and the extremists didnt have an open border with a nation like afghanistan shelterin and arming them at will... as for nukes... bhai nukes hai pakoray nahin...


General Jagath Jayasuriya, Commander Sri Lanka Army,

Brigadier Indunil Ranasinghe, Commandant Sri Lanka Military Academy,

Faculty Members and Instructional Staff,

Parents and Families of Officer Cadets,

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Assalam - o - Alaikum, Good Morning and Ayubown

It is a matter of honour and privilege for me to have been invited by General Jagath Jayasuriya, Commander of Sri Lankan Army, to visit Sri Lanka and review the passing out parade at this prestigious Military Academy.

This day marks the culmination of basic military training of the future military leadership of Sri Lanka from one of the finest military institutions of the world. At this auspicious occasion, I extend sincere felicitations and greetings to all passing out Officer Cadets.

Officer Cadets who have received awards of distinction for their outstanding performance merit special appreciation and congratulations. I would also like to compliment the faculty and instructional staff for effectively equipping the upcoming generation of military leaders with requisite professional skills and leadership attributes; needed to join the ranks of a highly professional Army, held in highest esteem all over the world.

The impressive military bearing, immaculate turnout and outstanding standard of drill, displayed here today, not only bear testament to the quality of training imparted in this institution but also indicate the urge to pursue excellence, which is the hallmark of Sri Lankan nation and its valiant armed forces. The determination and resolve that is evident on the young faces today reflects conviction as well as eagerness to venture into a challenging career that demands devotion and commitment towards the supreme cause of national security.

Sri Lankan Army has proved its mettle under the most trying circumstances and has emerged victorious not only in the context of purging the menace of militancy and violence but also in pursuit of post conflict peace and stability.

During this entire period i.e. approximately three decades of conflict and the ensuing rebuilding phase, Pakistan always stood by and wholeheartedly supported your great nation and its armed forces, both in moral as well as material realm. Pakistan has proved to be a true friend of Sri Lanka in your hour of need. I believe this provides a very strong foundation for a sincere friendship and genuine goodwill that exists between our two nations and armed forces. In particular, the Armies of Sri Lanka and Pakistan have enjoyed the highest degree of mutual trust and cooperation and have proved as committed partners in the face of challenges; for the larger cause of preserving peace in our respective countries and the region at large. I am certain that this trust and collaboration would further strengthen in the times ahead. Pakistan Army would continue to support Sri Lankan Army in its pursuit of excellence.

It is an established fact that Armed Forces draw their inspiration from respective national ethos and sentiments. Sri Lanka and Pakistan are both peace loving countries and regardless of internal and external challenges, our armed forces persistently seek peace within the region and beyond. We earnestly desire regional stability based on a balance of power that promotes respect for each other's sovereignty and discourages any form of quest for dominance and hegemony.

Desire for peace is our greatest strength, which places us at a high moral ground and affords us the poise and confidence to exercise restraint, even once incited or provoked.

The promising young men and women joining the proud ranks of Sri Lankan Army today have rich traditions to follow. I am certain that the splendid legacy of the present and preceding generation of Sri Lanka�s devoted military leaders would serve as a guiding beacon for the future military leadership and Sri Lankan Army will be blessed with evermore success in times to come.

I once again congratulate all Officer Cadets on their richly deserved commission in the Army. It is a great trust that this nation has reposed in you and I have no doubts that you will prove worthy of it in every possible sense. I would also take this opportunity to felicitate the proud parents and families of the passing out Officer Cadets present here today. It is indeed a day to rejoice and the people of Pakistan and all ranks of Pakistan Army share this moment of happiness with you.

I thank you all.

Best of luck, Allah Hafiz and Bohoma Sthooti








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