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Pakistan army bombarding TTP positions with 105mm artillery fire || Operation Khyber IV

go on you indulge me. just for the heck of it
do a complete wargame
after all DHA Generals are busy recording another sexy audio of Riayast Medina's deposed Amir.
How about, no war. What's the point? Muslims killing Muslims. Who wins? Not us.

They attack us, we have all the right in the world to defend ourselves. We attack them, they have all the right to defend themselves.

Instead, allow peace to continue. Give them aid. Help their people. Make it known that we are not their enemy. Change the peoples perspective on us. Show that their minds were poisoned by the previous puppet government.

Show who the real enemy is (TTP, BLA etc).

conduct lots and lots of cross border operations via SSG, drone strikes and possibly air strikes against TTP terrorists and other terrorists. Wipe out their fighting strength as quick as possible.

Team up with them, to hunt down Daesh. It's a win win if both nations commit to their demise.

if none of that works, conduct an operation that targets and destroys ALL military equipment the IEA has within a 100km radius from the border. Destroy/cripple their means of attacking us. As for terrorists. See my point before this
Its not fight its just scaring them away for 3 days . Real attack will be with airforce or drones
Real attack will be when Pakistan follows this policy strictly:

Find their recruitment base and send them to jahannum. No recruitment = no way to sustain the insurgency.

Then seal the Afghan border. I promise you after you finish this successfully, however long it takes - you will be truly secure.

All Pakistan needs is a friendly government in Afghanistan that does not support terrorism.
Which is outright impossible.

It's like saying "all Pakistan needs is a friendly government in India that hands over Kashmir to us and admits that Hindutvas are terrorists, and doesn't support insurgency in Balochistan"

Both those statements are impossible for the same reasons. Loy Afghanistan is part of the psyche of every Afghan, if one of them doesn't believe in it you should question if they're even Afghan.
Let's not kid ourselves; the reality is that it is these Corrupt Generals who are dragging this country into yet another fake war for US dollars. TTP is nothing but a creation of these corruption kings sitting in the GHQ.

But I have some news for these corrupt, cowardly Generals -- the people of KPK are in no mood for this. People of KPK will surround these Generals and their soldiers and kick them out of their lands. KPK is in a mood to break away from the country.
Former Afghan Mujahideens, present Afghan Talibans are the result of Pakistan establishments/CIA collaborative project together to resist USSR invasion in Afghanistan in 80s and they were successful hence Afghanistan are not speaking Russian today Alhamdulillah.

TTP is the result of Indian funding based on Afghanistan created, after the 9/11, to destabilize the regions whether it is Afghanistan and Pakistan altogether to make room for India to denuclearize Pakistan nuclear program and weaken China military position. It is proxy war going on. And possible collaboration with American intelligent network just as collaboration between Pakistan establishments and Afghan Talibans to weaken USA armies in Afghanistan. It was proxy war between one side and other side.

Both Afghan Talibans and Indian-funded Afghan-based TTP are different and built for different purposes.

Somehow Imran khan has been defending nonstop for TTP who attacks Pakistan regularly and responsible for killing more than 100k last time I heard - killing children, women and beyond.

Which kind of organization kills its own Muslim people and that too for Hindu nations that want to see Islam removed from the facets of the earth?

Precisely why General Kiyani allegedly engineered Nawaz Sharif to win 2013 election to employ military operation such as Zarb-e-Azb which was possible with the collaboration between Nawaz Sharif and Former General Raheel Sharif.

I am beginning to think this could be one of among many reasons why Imran Khan is removed before his time. At the end, only ALLAAH Alone knows best.

Only Imran khan is standing in the path of main establishments who want to employ military project. If that is the case, then that Niazi is certifiably traitor.

Regardless of the options such as Nawaz Sharif and Zardari who are corrupt but betraying the nation to help TTP weaken Pakistan army? I hope Pakistan establishments learnt the lesson not to bring Niazi in the powers again.
What kind of dumb stupid jahil donkey argument is this???????

TTP is a mixture of religious jahilat and pashtun nationalists

They exist because something seriously has gone wrong amongst pashtuns

If you don't accept it and sort out the problem amongst your people you will burn them all up

Surely your upbringing is better than this?? Or Maybe I am expecting too much. :lol: You can disagree with people through proper dialogue. My advise, Don't open your foul mouth in public like this or people will unclothe you and lash your arse 100 times and parade you naked in the streets. :lol:

Anyways, I will repeat this again - TTP is the creation of Military Generals. People of KPK understand this and can now see right through these lying treacherous Generals.
Surely your upbringing is better than this?? Or Maybe I am expecting too much. :lol: You can disagree with people through proper dialogue. My advise, Don't open your foul mouth in public like this or people will unclothe you and lash your arse 100 times and parade you naked in the streets. :lol:

Anyways, I will repeat this again - TTP is the creation of Military Generals. People of KPK understand this and can now see right through these lying treacherous Generals.

I repeat TALIBAN are pashtuns
TTP are pashtuns
Most of the groups attacking us for decades has been pashtuns

The problem isn't religious

The problem is ethnocentric jahilat of pashtuns
Their inability to live in peace with anyone either in Afghanistan or Pakistan
Their inability to respect treaties, boundaries, borders or laws
Their poor grasp of history

The CONSTANT playing the VICTIM

Pretending that the generals have made pashtuns this way us a joke when they have created fassad for DECADES

I repeat TALIBAN are pashtuns
TTP are pashtuns
Most of the groups attacking us for decades has been pashtuns

The problem isn't religious

The problem is ethnocentric jahilat of pashtuns
Their inability to live in peace with anyone either in Afghanistan or Pakistan
Their inability to respect treaties, boundaries, borders or laws
Their poor grasp of history

The CONSTANT playing the VICTIM

Pretending that the generals have made pashtuns this way us a joke when they have created fassad for DECADES

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Not only TTP but also other armed groups within Pakistan are ALL creation of Army Generals. In fact many religious extremest organisations were created by Army including shia and sunni extremist organization. TLP, MQM, BAP, PML-Q, etc were created and controlled by Pakistan Army Generals.
Not only TTP but also other armed groups within Pakistan are ALL creation of Army Generals. In fact many religious extremest organisations were created by Army including shia and sunni extremist organization. TLP, MQM, BAP, PML-Q, etc were created and controlled by Pakistan Army Generals.

So just to clarify in your brain none of the local ethnocentric jahil idiots actually causing fassad and terrorism are to blame?
go on General
lay it out.
let's hear it how you will run this fight.
I will start with the hope that more knowledgeable people will refine these ideas.

Border fence is useless. It is designed as demarcation for humans but it is the zoo animals we are dealing with.
Border management should be done through remote surveillance rather than foot soldiers on front.
Cameras should monitor the border areas with drones on stand-by and ready to strike.
There should be miles wide zone where there is remote monitoring only without any physical presence.
Since the barbarians don't care about their own lives they are happy to cross over and strike, physical presence of soldiers is meaningless.
This can be resolved through surveillance, let them cross and be taken out before they can approach security forces or local people.

Their strength lies in not caring about their own lives and taking lives of their enemies. This can be changed by making this our primary goal to protect our lives first and then worry about territory.

Militias should be raised and positioned inside Afghanistan to fight extremists. since Afghans will not trust our army, this can be assigned to KP government who need this for their own peace after all.

Pakistan should find a leash to be put on Taliban government so they can take responsibility of their territory. Pakistan should offer them money and aid for joint operations to take out extremists and involve third countries like Saudi Arabia as guarantors in any commitment they make.

Pakistan should also open up channels of communication with former regime members if possible to get some leverage over taliban.
I will start with the hope that more knowledgeable people will refine these ideas.

Border fence is useless. It is designed as demarcation for humans but it is the zoo animals we are dealing with.
Border management should be done through remote surveillance rather than foot soldiers on front.
Cameras should monitor the border areas with drones on stand-by and ready to strike.
There should be miles wide zone where there is remote monitoring only without any physical presence.
Since the barbarians don't care about their own lives they are happy to cross over and strike, physical presence of soldiers is meaningless.
This can be resolved through surveillance, let them cross and be taken out before they can approach security forces or local people.

Their strength lies in not caring about their own lives and taking lives of their enemies. This can be changed by making this our primary goal to protect our lives first and then worry about territory.

Militias should be raised and positioned inside Afghanistan to fight extremists. since Afghans will not trust our army, this can be assigned to KP government who need this for their own peace after all.

Pakistan should find a leash to be put on Taliban government so they can take responsibility of their territory. Pakistan should offer them money and aid for joint operations to take out extremists and involve third countries like Saudi Arabia as guarantors in any commitment they make.

Pakistan should also open up channels of communication with former regime members if possible to get some leverage over taliban.
Problem is army leadership are living in a bubble incapable of adapting to new threat parameters and utilize modern technology. Still stuck in old era of foot patrols and artillery guns instead of using drones and surveillance assets and rapid reaction techniques..

It all comes down to education and encouragement of innovation, which alas senior leadership do not want to do as they want juniors and soldiers to be yes sir robots…
Army has failed to evolve, intelligence assets are misused for political purposes hence the casualties that are being afflicted on the poor troops..
Not only TTP but also other armed groups within Pakistan are ALL creation of Army Generals. In fact many religious extremest organisations were created by Army including shia and sunni extremist organization. TLP, MQM, BAP, PML-Q, etc were created and controlled by Pakistan Army Generals.
"Yes saar all created by the army 🤡Pakistanis themselves or foreign enemies could never, they are too innocent"
They seem 122mm.

Problem is army leadership are living in a bubble incapable of adapting to new threat parameters and utilize modern technology. Still stuck in old era of foot patrols and artillery guns instead of using drones and surveillance assets and rapid reaction techniques..

It all comes down to education and encouragement of innovation, which alas senior leadership do not want to do as they want juniors and soldiers to be yes sir robots…
Army has failed to evolve, intelligence assets are misused for political purposes hence the casualties that are being afflicted on the poor troops..
And what makes you an expert?
I repeat TALIBAN are pashtuns
TTP are pashtuns
Most of the groups attacking us for decades has been pashtuns

The problem isn't religious

The problem is ethnocentric jahilat of pashtuns
Their inability to live in peace with anyone either in Afghanistan or Pakistan
Their inability to respect treaties, boundaries, borders or laws
Their poor grasp of history

The CONSTANT playing the VICTIM

Pretending that the generals have made p this way us a joke when they have created fassad for DECADES

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Total BS, we have had Pashtuns who have been the head of state of Pakistan and Chief of Staffs of Pakistan Army, Air Force and even at senior levels in the Navy. They are the most patriotic Pakistanis. The issue has nothing to do with being a Pashtun so shut the “F” up before I expose you. Fing idiot.

What is the version ?
The old Korean War silver barrel = M114. The 25 pounders have all been junked, finally.
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I repeat TALIBAN are pashtuns
TTP are pashtuns
Most of the groups attacking us for decades has been pashtuns

The problem isn't religious

The problem is ethnocentric jahilat of pashtuns
Their inability to live in peace with anyone either in Afghanistan or Pakistan
Their inability to respect treaties, boundaries, borders or laws
Their poor grasp of history

The CONSTANT playing the VICTIM

Pretending that the generals have made pashtuns this way us a joke when they have created fassad for DECADES

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This is a very unhelpful post. So what exactly are you trying to say? It’s a very tenuous link you are trying to make with his post which screams hyperbole.

I mean 1+1 =2 but the reality of this conflict is beyond that. Please don’t make sweeping statements like this about Pashtuns and please don’t refer to Pashtuns as illiterate.

Polite advice, next time your post will be reported.
The old Korean War silver barrel = M114. The 25 pounders have all been junked, finally.
I was hoping you wouldn't say that, I didn't want to believe it either but here we are with M-114s :laugh:
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