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Pakistan Army Aviation Corps - Updated

Yeah However IIRC they didn't sell the Pantsir when requested ( I could be wrong about that) A KA52 order will get the Indian knickers in a twist.
Few units of Pantsir were already delivered for training purposes, but PA did not pursue the order due to some issues other then payments.
I know this is a silly question, but is there a way a fixed winged aircraft could be equipped with Ventral Machine gun turrets (like a helicopter) and be used as a cheap CAS aircraft for counter terrorism?
Something which could fly for 6+ hours and continuously provide fire power/ ISR for troops at a moment's notice?
I have see designs of OV-1s being modified for a similar task.
I know this is a silly question, but is there a way a fixed winged aircraft could be equipped with Ventral Machine gun turrets (like a helicopter) and be used as a cheap CAS aircraft for counter terrorism?
Something which could fly for 6+ hours and continuously provide fire power/ ISR for troops at a moment's notice?
I have see designs of OV-1s being modified for a similar task.
Yes search C-295 Gunship Jordan conversion on google. These are mini gunships that they used to replace aging AH-1s in COIN role.
Yes search C-295 Gunship Jordan conversion on google. These are mini gunships that they used to replace aging AH-1s in COIN role.
Those are side mounted, trainable guns. I meant a ventrally mounted guns like in helicopters.
Those are side mounted, trainable guns. I meant a ventrally mounted guns like in helicopters.
US is putting those on retractable arrangement on Ospreys. But ventral mounted turrets don't work on fast movers.
It's got that too.
Really? That's news to me.... Anywho why don't we get one of those bad boys? I don't think the conversion (guns only) is that much, it could be extremely effective against guerrilla warfare.
Plus C-235s don't cost that much to operate in the first place. We're missing out.
Z10 is almost a done deal.
Agreed, Z-10ME is basically the only realistic option for a medium weight gunship for PA atm Unless they want to wait years for T-129 (a deal they’ve basically already pulled out of)
They might still buy T929 or another heavy gunship later down the line when it is ready. (I’d also watch out for a Chinese offering in this regard, they’re likely working on one). Mi28NM also remains a unlikely but possible candidate, obviously the Chinese one would be the best owing to how logistics will pan out, but T929 might be more appealing due to the Turkey factor.
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