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Featured Pakistan Armed Forces have been placed on Red Alert in view of Indian military preparations

That is an almost certainty in case things go out of hand. This time neither China nor Pakistan are going to not get involved unlike in 1962 or 1965 or 1971 if either party is involved in war against India.

You see: India had thought that by having large trade volume, hugely in China's favor, India would be able to let China sit idle over Indian plans on Kashmir. But under Modi, India went too far, too fast in threatening China which rightly see the OBOR as China's path forward.
And then came the blunder of August 5, 2019 in Indian Occupied Kashmir and subsequent public claims over Aksai Chin and attempts by India to build infra in Laddakh to potentially threaten CPEC. Add in India's vocal support for anti-China measures in the Pacific Ocean.
In the larger schema of things, China would rather lose the trade benefits from India than to compromise on its long term strategic goals.
Interestingly, until fairly recently, even PDF Indians were saying that China doesn't actually come to Pakistan's aid and just issues bland diplomatic 'why cant we all get along' statements. My, my, how things have changed in just last 2-3 years!!

I expect heat in Kashmir in April 2021 onwards...
The Indian so called diplomats and strategic thinkers are like Headless Chicken.

This time show no mercy to indian pilots or their army. Pakistan has a habit of being soft and friendly to the enemy.
What are you talking about..??
It is India that has the habit of being soft on Pakistan, we even released all your POWd without any fuss.

india is at the receiving end because of this soft and timid attitude.
We always go on red alert but nothing happens.

Why do we wait for India to attack us?
We should attack them first and capture Kashmir.
Our Kashmiri brothers and sisters are suffering because endia illegally annexed them last year on August 5. Endia is turning Kashmir into Palestine their letting Indians move there and their gonna create settlements there.
If we wait like this in a year or two Kashmir will be majority hindu then India is gonna go un get plebiscite done and Kashmir and make their occupation legal. Then instead of fighting to free iok we’ll be fighting to save gb and ajk from India.
Also it doesn’t matter if India has a bigger economy or bigger military. We have Allah SWT on our side. Remember how Muslims defeated romans and Persians two world super powers at the same time with the help of Allah SWT.
Just one call to jihad and Muslims from around the world will come and help free iok.
The time is near when we will repeat the history of our ancestors in the land of India. Mr Modi !!!!! This time Ghaznavi and Ghauri will not come on horses but riding on Pakistani missiles.

Now, once again, our centuries-long reign over India is about to begin . . . .
Do you get money for misleading Pakistanis?

The Indian so called diplomats and strategic thinkers are like Headless Chicken.

Indeed, India could do far better than it has done diplomatically. India has no real friends and India knows that. India BUYS diplomatic support! It is the hard work of tons of Indians, the industrial and agriculture infrastructure, the smooth transfers of power, which is not 'democracy', btw, the large market potentials for investor, and the relative distance from the hotspots of the Middle East--a combination of these have given India advantages and India has largely prospered starting early 1990s, while Pakistan has lost TWO decades since late 1980s.
But India could have done still better. For India to be a big player, it needs to be secure inside and at least with its neighbors. The ideological hatred of Pakistan has blinded India to the potentials of the huge peace-dividends with Pakistan. The over-reliance on the Americans since the 2000 Clinton visit. The desire to replicate Israel not only in Washington but also in India itself. All these might bear fruit but are also a huge gamble. The Manmohan Singh administration was far more practical and almost reached an agreement with Pakistan. Even Musharraf used to say that the progress with India was 'irreversible'.

We should closely watch what the literal thaw in the Himalayas might bring starting spring 2021...
What are you talking about..??
It is India that has the habit of being soft on Pakistan, we even released all your POWd without any fuss.

india is at the receiving end because of this soft and timid attitude.
Released all my POWs?. What makes you think they were my POWs? Pak should have allowed the villagers to bludgeon the indian pilot when they captured him instead of proving him with cups of tea.
I think Pak is saying all that so next time, we can hit military targets literally..
Hostility towards Pakistan quickest route to national unity in India, says Obama

India divided on caste and creed need to unite and nothing unites them more than hatred for Pakistan, Muslims.

Regional and religious divisions in India need some united enemy....Pakistan!!!!

And the new low in India regarding the farmers protest which is getting nastier and dangerous for Modi, the Covid-19 dilemma, the second worst in the world, -9.5 GDP reverse growth...common denominator-look Pakistan.

The worst joblessness rate in the last 45 years in India...how to go about it, blame/attack Pakistan, a fake surgical strike will do for the 90% poor, low IQ Indians.

Do you get money for misleading Pakistanis?

What you are attributing to me, this black deed is actually belongs to the Indian political leadership and media. It is the Indian media jokers and Modi governments + Indian armed forces command's fake masters who try to befool the world and the entire Indian nation as well. From Pangong Tso to Kashmir, every Photoshop forgery, every false and self-made news actually shows the world the black deeds of Indian media clowns. The world knows very well that Indians are shameless people. Your type of Indians are only cyber terrorists . . . .Ignorant people like you only perform the duties of cyber terrorism
The time is near when we will repeat the history of our ancestors in the land of India. Mr Modi !!!!! This time Ghaznavi and Ghauri will not come on horses but riding on Pakistani missiles.

Now, once again, our centuries-long reign over India is about to begin . . . .
Ghaznavi and Ghauri were Pakistanis? Lol.
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