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Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China

That's still a dream project while Iran is moving forward fast by North South corridor connecting Chabahar with border town of Mashhad with a plan to connect to CAR and Russia.

Gwadar may be near the Hormuz but its the land journey across the mountains that will make any transportation very expensive. Even if its constructed for strategic benefits, it will again won't have economic benefits.

You so discouraging, typical Indian behavior. :sick: and thanks for kind information i wish people like you serve on higher positions in hindustan. I am leaving you a link have a nice read.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Wednesday approved a deal transferring from Singapore to China the management of the strategically located deep-sea Gwadar port on the Arabian Sea.

China provided about 75 per cent of the initial $250 million in funding for the construction of the port in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan.

It is currently being operated by Singapore’s PSA International, but needs further development work to become fully operational. According to PSA’s Gwadar website, there has been no ship in the port since November.

“The cabinet today gave approval to transfer Gwadar port operations from Port of Singapore to Chinese Overseas Port Holdings Limited,” Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira told reporters.

“Both the companies have settled their deal,” he said, without giving a timetable for the transfer.

Kaira said that Singapore’s PSA International could not develop or operate Gwadar “as desired” and said he hoped that under new management the port would soon contribute to Pakistan’s flagging economy.

“The Chinese will make more investment to make the project operational,” Kaira said.

China, one of Pakistan’s closest allies and its main arms supplier, has also funded ports in Sri Lanka and has been approached to help build a port in Bangladesh.

Pakistan’s former defence minister Ahmad Mukhtar said in May 2011 that China had agreed to take over port operations at Gwadar.

He also said Islamabad would be “more grateful to the Chinese government if a naval base was being constructed at the site of Gwadar for Pakistan”. At the time, China’s foreign ministry said it was unaware of any such request.

Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Is it only management transfer or some Navy of China will be also involved ?

My favorite comment

That's why with Pakistan's permission this will be PLAN's base in the South Pakistani Ocean, ready to cut India's energy supply route anytime.
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Let me give it a try to translate these Chinese forum posts regarding this issue
(the first line is users name and address, so I skip that)

A life time partner

这才叫兄弟,尼玛朝鲜 你看看
This is called brotherhood, F**king North Korea, look at them

This is Heart Bbypass Surgery, its artery

@Timberwolve 中巴太有爱了
Too many loves between us

Brother lets folk India together

although all the comments were lovely but these are so so full of WIN :D epiccc
Nothing bad, none of us Indians ever want our economic interest living on Pakistan's mercy and we are doing quite well without having any transit. Our major stakes are in Chabahar and North South corridor in Iran.

Making alliance with China's rivals. We already have oil blocks given by Vietnam in South China Sea, the area claimed by China.

Using Chabahar port to carry resource back to India :blink: it's just a waste of time and money, sure it's a painfull solution for current global economy competition, soon or later your future gorvernment will reconsider to cozy Pakistan for land route to afghanistan. I don't think Pakistan would mind if the transit fee is right :D. amd of course if you don't try to piss Pakistan why you need to afraid of been at their mercy, you should learn chinese way, we also depend Pakistan for the transit but we learn how to keep our relation as all weather one :D

And sure you can cozy Vietnam but you will end up empty handed because we know how to deal with Vietnam ;)
From Pakistan's point of view China is a big market and serving them with Gwadar Port would mean economic activity. Personally, i like the fact that China's presence there would mean putting pressure on India and U.S. also.

Just there are positive things, there is always a negative side. Although China might be our friend, but before that, they will look for their interests. Baluchistan is literally sitting on Oil, Gold, Gas, and Coal reserves, i just hope these precious resources don't get snatched.
Using Chabahar port to carry resource back to India :blink: it's just a waste of time and money, sure it's a painfull solution for current global economy competition, soon or later your future gorvernment will reconsider to cozy Pakistan for land route to afghanistan. I don't think Pakistan would mind if the transit fee is right :D. amd of course if you don't try to piss Pakistan why you need to afraid of been at their mercy, you should learn chinese way, we also depend Pakistan for the transit but we learn how to keep our relation as all weather one :D

And sure you can cozy Vietnam but you will end up empty handed because we know how to deal with Vietnam ;)

Then you don't know Pakistanis well. First of all they will never give us transit route for Afghanistan, second thing is their Kashmir obsession is above all. And their are other factors.

Chabahar is still profilable for us.
I had said it then, when they were giving it to Singapore. Singapore is a competitor - it should not be allowed a stake in Gwadar. So far their involvement has shown nothing impressive.

China has a stake in Gwadar's success and hence a natural entity to handover the management to.
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