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Pakistan and Israel

#s 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 can all be corrected or at least addressed through strong and sound governance, leadership and diplomacy --which we are lacking at this time
i was expecting something better in reply.people(generally saying) here advocate that we recognize israel because of above reasons.so i gave point view that this is not possible and our day dreaming.

Geographically, we are seperate.....they don't hold the key to our success or failure. But based on what I am reading here seems that some people just want to go out and seek to create more enemies than friends or 'associates' just for the sake of it --or perhaps due to mere hatred
we have long list of enemies.if one more is added to that list than that don't make much difference.:p:P
our hatered towards them is also based on facts and reasons(poisoning of prophet,abdullah bin saba,their role in destruction of caliphate,list is very long)
by the way sir i am not asking for creating enemies i just want that we should keep snakes at distance and should not give more head aches to isi.and although we are geographically separated but they use india as a base against us.and after teaming up with them damage our interests in arab world.
Surely you have seen my hundreds of posts stating clearly that it would be stupid for us to recognize israel without a fair solution to Palestine issue; but that will take time (if it ever happens at all)....in the meantime, we should at least acknowledge that they are a party in the dispute and that we can't just wish them away!
i never question your intentions.if zionists are so serious about peace why should not they go back to pre 1967 positions.they do that in morning and we recognize them in evening.
I think limited contact and at least intel-sharing (obviously any possible information and mis-information would have to be sorted) would be useful. Nowhere am I suggesting that we blindly open our doors and embrace them; that would be silly, and it would send a bad message to our brothers/sisters in Palestine (though it is already done by Jordan, Egypt, Turkiye and to a large extent UAE and KSA)
there is saying in urdu
kisi ka chera surkh dekh kar apne monh par tapar nahi marte.
when we see red face we don't slap our face(so that our face also become red).
what ever arabs are doing congratulations to them.but i m only saying there are more better ways.
By the way sir, what sensitive information do you have that I have no access to? :woot:

i am not your sir.you are mine:D.you served Pakistan and i have to.
actually i remain unable to convey massage properly.
i want to say that you are military professional and you know more than me about their activities in Pakistan against Pakistan.
private massage options is disabled otherwise i send u pm.actually they teamed up with people of particular believe and are engaged in bio warfare in pak(this is only hint,and also this is not rumar).can't go in detail more than this openly.
Exactly. Nobody in reality gives a damn for Muslim brotherhood or the so called Ummah.

I think you should stop blaming everything on others and remember that Pakistan was biggest supporter of America for past 60 years.. meanwhile India became first non-Arab country in whole world to recognize the PLO.. with first PLO foreign office opening in Delhi in 1975.. Pakistan was too much under America to make political moves like that.. and even economically India helps Palestine a lot.. and secondly.. this is the first aid convoy since Turkish ship which is leaving to help the trapped people of Palestine.. PressTV - Asian aid convoy set to leave for Gaza and it is leaving from India.. with Indians being again first ones to from asia to try to run blockade and help Palestinians.. so why not Pakistanis do this?? this is despite India having close ties with Israel.. which even Palestinian President said he has no problem with since India helps Palestine so much..

also Pakistan needs to understand that to be any use to "ummah" you have to be politically and economically strong on international level and pakistan is not.. America tells it what to do politically and economically it goes asking for money to arabs and when they say no than to IMF.. so Pakistan is more like burden to ummah than help.. that is why arabs openly support India.. because on international level they help each other out.. also it is reason why Arab Union is politically tighter group than OIC.. because all arab countries like to band together before others..
Fundamental signs to recognize you people
1) liars
2)do things from whom you are forbidden.(worshiping of calf,fishing on sabat,killing innocent people)
Hamas are liars and kills innocent people.

12. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah; and even though he may tarry, nonetheless, I wait every day for his coming.
this messiah part.your believe and actions that you arer doing so that you shorten the time of his arrival.
So what messiah has to do with the issue?
Nomi -- to be the devil's advocate, they did militarily win those wars & PLO under Yasser Arafat did decline Camp David resolution

in hindsight, maybe Camp David should have been accepted....in 6 decades it was the closest thing to a peace deal if I ever saw one in my relatively short lifespan
I think you should stop blaming everything on others and remember that Pakistan was biggest supporter of America for past 60 years.. meanwhile India became first non-Arab country in whole world to recognize the PLO.. with first PLO foreign office opening in Delhi in 1975.. Pakistan was too much under America to make political moves like that.. and even economically India helps Palestine a lot.. and secondly.. this is the first aid convoy since Turkish ship which is leaving to help the trapped people of Palestine.. PressTV - Asian aid convoy set to leave for Gaza and it is leaving from India.. with Indians being again first ones to from asia to try to run blockade and help Palestinians.. so why not Pakistanis do this?? this is despite India having close ties with Israel.. which even Palestinian President said he has no problem with since India helps Palestine so much..

also Pakistan needs to understand that to be any use to "ummah" you have to be politically and economically strong on international level and pakistan is not.. America tells it what to do politically and economically it goes asking for money to arabs and when they say no than to IMF.. so Pakistan is more like burden to ummah than help.. that is why arabs openly support India.. because on international level they help each other out.. also it is reason why Arab Union is politically tighter group than OIC.. because all arab countries like to band together before others..

I always blame the problems of Pakistan on the people of Pakistan. Not the government or non-Pakistanis.

I especially hate it when Pakistanis show support for arabs though, (i'm not blaming arabs for the actions of some traitor Pakistanis, but i dis-like arabs in general) because they make us look prideless and desperate by showing all this support for arabs, even though arabs in general look down on non-arabs... they view themselves superior to non-arabs... they think they are better than us.
I always blame the problems of Pakistan on the people of Pakistan. Not the government or non-Pakistanis.

I especially hate it when Pakistanis show support for arabs though, (i'm not blaming arabs for the actions of some traitor Pakistanis, but i dis-like arabs in general) because they make us look prideless and desperate by showing all this support for arabs, even though arabs in general look down on non-arabs... they view themselves superior to non-arabs... they think they are better than us.

you make me sick you dirty indian you will never understand us :pakistan:s
What's wrong in what i said??

Ask any Pakistani staying in UAE and they'll tell you about how arabs view us.
I always blame the problems of Pakistan on the people of Pakistan. Not the government or non-Pakistanis.

I especially hate it when Pakistanis show support for arabs though, (i'm not blaming arabs for the actions of some traitor Pakistanis, but i dis-like arabs in general) because they make us look prideless and desperate by showing all this support for arabs, even though arabs in general look down on non-arabs... they view themselves superior to non-arabs... they think they are better than us.

Yeaa I agree with you.. I have a lot of Pakistani friends they share your view.. well over and all they are more proud of being a seperate culture than Arab culture.. which is good thing.. look at Persians.. a very proud race.. they will never look up to arabs.. they make arabs look up to them.. lol.. :cheers:
I 100% agree with PakiiZeeshan, its about time we Pakistanis stop kissing the feets of these Arabs. Why should we make ourselves desperate to help these Arabs and their purely Arab cause while they shake hands with our enemies and treat us like animals? Just recently KSA had a joint military exercise with the indian army, now imagin what the reaction of these Arabs would be if Pakistan Army were to conduct a joint military exercise with Iran or israel. We Pakistanis have lost our national identity and our national pride for the sake of "Ummah" and "brotherhood" that doesn't even exist.:angry::tdown:
In my office building is the Saudi Cultural Mission section of their embassy --I have lunch with a Saudi every single day --a dear friend. He agrees that while the common man Pakistani in Gulf (labourers) are treated like rest of the other expat labourers, they do view and hold Pakistan in high esteem. They appreciate their hardwork and in many ways look up to Pakistan specifically --and not just because of Atom bomb.

whether its empty words or genuine ones, I think it's not good to generalize Arabs as ethno-centric. You have good apples and bad ones in any country.

While we are culturally distinct peoples with different attitude and different temperment; but we are still of similar faith....we read in the same script. Many of our words are the same. We pray side by side and do Hajj together --or at least we are all bound by this obligation once in our lifetime.

lets just be proud of who we are because we should be......as well we should celebrate our differences instead of saying who is good and who is bad --that is immature

the Arabs have supported us diplomatically in many instances ---except perhaps the now defunct U.A.R. of 1950s which was pro socialist and thusly pro hindustan. While they do have a trade relations with our enemy (and why shouldnt they?) i dont believe they would ever go against Pakistan or its interests --whether on Kashmir or on other issues. That is my feeling.
In my office building is the Saudi Cultural Mission section of their embassy --I have lunch with a Saudi every single day --a dear friend. He agrees that while the common man Pakistani in Gulf (labourers) are treated like rest of the other expat labourers, they do view and hold Pakistan in high esteem. They appreciate their hardwork and in many ways look up to Pakistan specifically --and not just because of Atom bomb.

whether its empty words or genuine ones, I think it's not good to generalize Arabs as ethno-centric. You have good apples and bad ones in any country.

While we are culturally distinct peoples with different attitude and different temperment; but we are still of similar faith....we read in the same script. Many of our words are the same. We pray side by side and do Hajj together --or at least we are all bound by this obligation once in our lifetime.

lets just be proud of who we are because we should be......as well we should celebrate our differences instead of saying who is good and who is bad --that is immature

the Arabs have supported us diplomatically in many instances ---except perhaps the now defunct U.A.R. of 1950s which was pro socialist and thusly pro hindustan. While they do have a trade relations with our enemy (and why shouldnt they?) i dont believe they would ever go against Pakistan or its interests --whether on Kashmir or on other issues. That is my feeling.

assalam alaikum

Agree with u, Pakistanies r most trusted among the expatriots even compared to the arabs in Saudia and what saudia have done to pakistan in terms of economic diplomatic support is is reflection of it. Our pakisani brothers forget gulf population of arab is only about 10% or the arab. If there is a friction between an empoyer or an employee it is not bcoz of hate or looking down , it also happens in our country too.

Why we goto arab countries it is due to economic conditions, corruptions etc. who is stopping u by not electing the right persons to the right places. I never saw a saudi when they r faced with problems they say where is our pakistani brothers unlike us eg during 1998 nuclear blasts, earthquake and floods recently we were crying for their help. They do buissiness with india we also have ties with india and do trade with them u stop trading with india.

Arabs donot hate pakistanies ( in general ) i know it coz i lived all my life with arabs but there r always exceptions.

Mohammad bin alqasim was an arabic from taif ( saudi arabia) never forget it.

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you forget the slaughter of 1400 Palestinians.

BTW if you are referring to Cast Lead it was primarily to destroy Hamas and their weapons that were attacking Israeli civilians Period.

The aim was not to attack civilians but to achieve a military objective that being to destroy/reduce Hamas military capability of firing Kassam rockets. Your Hamas angels were hiding there weapons in civilian buildings such as schools,Mosques and so on.

thats why they win election with wast majority.

And that's why Hamas rules like the Taliban and kills its own people
Israel ummm nice question but i must say zionists do not represent all jewish so we just hate zionist. we do not hate jewish

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