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Pakistan and Israel

From the tone of his posts, it sounds like he's desperately trying to find some common ground so he can have the 'neighbors' believe that Pakistan is still a part of the equation.

From the tone of your post it seems you have not sleep for days.Keep your views in your dreams.:tongue:
Abu Zolfiqar
Don't even bother to answer Indians talking about Israel with us.You will just waist your time.
I know exactly what you are thinking.But one last word you agree with me or not that the fundamental difference between Jew and us is the Faith.The point about commonalities that you tell me not eating pork etc are all I am not denying.I should have not argue with you in the first place brother.

of course there are differences.......i simply wanted to point out those crucial commonalities --some of which bear striking resemblance to our own views and approach

more importantly, as Pakistanis I think we must recognize that if Jews want seperate homeland they should get it --as long as it is done in civilized fashion and the mistreatment against Palestinian is done away with.

we Muslims of subcontinent demanded a seperate homeland and our dream was attained, Alhamdolillah. It was a victory for new Pakistan Nation, victory for Islam. Why should we adopt a double-standards then?

and dont worry, i didnt perceive your post as hostile or argumentative......

well I'm sorry you join a forum and expect everyone to conform to your own views, and attempt to debunk (without any real reasoning or examples) that which you take issue with

feel free to ignore my post and simply move on, friend :coffee:

I didnt even bother reply to Unicorn's post. not sure which part of the world he is living in. it is definately not Pakistan
even a Madrassah student wont have such repulsive & ingorant attitude.
Pakistan should establish dialogue with the Israelis and at least we could help the situation in Palestine i.e. through negotiation, acting as a third party. The Palestinians should be given their rights and they can live in a two state system, in perfect solidarity with the Jewish people.

Virtually all Israelis want peace. Having spoken to so many all they want to do is live their lives and make sure their children's futures are secure.

For centuries as far as Islamic records go back Muslims and our Jewish cousins have lived side by side and in peace. For instance the Ottoman empire welcomed masses of Jewish refugees to their territories after they were expelled from Europe. There are many other examples of cooperation that can be listed.

assalam alaikum,

I hear this argument many time that if we establish relation with israel we can help the palestinains. Well since our independence we had relations with america ( actually we r licking their feet ( u can use other words instead will work fine too) ) and we could not help the afghans with all their sacrifices and ours after soviet withdrawl. And when we uplift the sufferings of the kashmiries ( which is our main isssue ) by the help of gr8 relations of U.S. As a matter of fact america is keep pressuring us to be slave of it and its allies ( and u know i m talking about which country). Who can insure us that it wont be the same story with israel. We think of ourself big but we r not as turky which is close to the region then us and has gr8 relations with israel what help to the palestinian they could provide.
The sending of the freedom caravan was in defiance of the relations and not with the approval of israelies and what happened is history to them. We will make relations with israel now israelies r working behind the scenes then they will be working with diplomatic passports and buisseness visas issured by our embassy from israel. Hope of improving our economic conditions and our stature will be a dream.
Yes but surely we will loose our moral grounds. NO MONEY NO MORALS WHAT IS LEFT ?

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they will be working with diplomatic passports and buisseness visas issured by our embassy from israel. Hope of improving our economic conditions and our stature will be a dream.
Yes but surely we will loose our moral grounds. NO MONEY NO MORALS WHAT IS LEFT ?


if you start hating and dismissing everyone then it is very hard to exist. you need to engage with people who have a differing opinion

the Lal Mosque and taliban version of burn down everything and chop every head is not the solution. how has the present status quo helped the Palestinians?
if you start hating and dismissing everyone then it is very hard to exist. you need to engage with people who have a differing opinion

the Lal Mosque and taliban version of burn down everything and chop every head is not the solution. how has the present status quo helped the Palestinians?

assalam alaikum,

Thanks for the quick reply where is hate in my posting and dismissing it was a reply to the argument of improving the life of the palestinains through our relations with israel. show me where i showed hate i will oppologize

ppl in their neighborhood live for many years and dont exchange social activity with each other is it bcoz of hate? simply the dont have many thing in common.

I think there is no need of mentioning of lal masjid and burning down or choping of heads coz nobody have called for it.

And about how the present status quo of palestinians help them. I belive u ppl's argument if u improve the present status quo of afghans and kashmiries through our gr8 relations with U.S. Then ur argument will have a base i will keep my mouth shut.
It is better for us pakistanies to let the palestinians deal with israelies and if they come to a an agreement then we will see.

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Paksitan and Israel are both founded on the basis of the religon
whether their neighbour like it or not but thats a fact
there are too many things that are common among us that its hard to ignore
in the end its all about mutual benifit if it helps both then most welcome

True, both Israel and Pakistan are founded on a religious identity both founded on "Abrahamic" religions.

Judeaism and Islam actually have a lot in common. Monotheism, belief in the same God, Prophet Abhraham, similar dietary rules, modesty, etc. So there is certainly room for ties and better understanding.
True, both Israel and Pakistan are founded on a religious identity both founded on "Abrahamic" religions.

Judeaism and Islam actually have a lot in common. Monotheism, belief in the same God, Prophet Abhraham, similar dietary rules, modesty, etc. So there is certainly room for ties and better understanding.

Pakistan and Israel both need to have a bi-directional initiative for remove hurdles in having a full diplomatic relationship.
Pakistan has a history,present and future of being a "Push over" country which easily becomes a tool for other so called Friend countries for fulfilling their desires and benefits without drawing much for herself..
Same can be said about a friendship with Israel.
If we want to forget religion and be done with it then it may be different..Otherwise Israel has too much blood on her hands...and shaking someone's blood stained hand is a bit awkward.We cannot compare ourselves with Jordan and Turkey...those who visited these countries know very well how much islam is left in them,apart of Muslim names.
Like many members already suggested..why not look into making friends with south american countries? such and Brazil and Venezuela? Why go after a dodgy country which has a well documented history of deceit and an ongoing diplomatic strategy of distorting facts for her own benefits....
Those who think Pakistan will one day have diplomatic ties with Israel should wake up and smell the coffee...

Those who think Pakistan will one day have diplomatic ties with Israel should wake up and smell the coffee...

Brother, with this kind of attitude, we would get no where.

Enmity only brings suffering and creates hurdles in the path of progress. We need to wake up to ground realities of this world before it is too late.

We need to create new friends and we need to make progress. Once we become strong, only than world will pay attention to us.

Islam encourages peace and prosperity.
Another thing i will clarify here is that there is a difference between Jew bashing and Israel bashing.Jew bashing for the purpose of hate propagation is wrong and i am against it by all means.Every Jew is not Israeli and every Israeli is not Jew,and they are as humans as we are with all the sentiments and feelings.
In 2008 Gaza conflict when Israelis were shown on world media cheering and jeering while watching phosphorous bombs being dropped on civilians,anti Israeli sentiments ran high..Saying that the UK jewish community..well most of them were against the Israeli army's actions all together..Yet a ssangyong in Manchester where i live was found stained in Pig blood when the Jew worshipers came for their prayers,and the perpetrators were not Muslims but Caucasian Brits who felt sad and angry when they watched charred bodies of children due to Israeli Phosphorous and otherwise indiscriminate bombing...This incident prove sthat its not only muslims who regularly mix anti Israeli sentiments with anti Jewism...although both are two different things...One is acceptable due to the war crimes of the country and the other is totally unacceptable.
If we want to forget religion and be done with it then it may be different..Otherwise Israel has too much blood on her hands...and shaking someone's blood stained hand is a bit awkward.We cannot compare ourselves with Jordan and Turkey...those who visited these countries know very well how much islam is left in them,apart of Muslim names.
And you think that we are very pious and religious? :what:

The level of duplicity and corruption in this nation is simply mind-boggling. Also, lot of people here have not even read Quran properly.

Seriously, we need to open our eyes. We need to amend ourselves first before talking about others.
Brother, with this kind of attitude, we would get no where.

Enmity only brings suffering and creates hurdles in the path of progress. We need to wake up to ground realities of this world before it is too late.

We need to create new friends and we need to make progress. Once we become strong, only than world will pay attention to us.

Islam encourages peace and prosperity.

Salams Safriz...

It wont happen... Thats all I m saying... Let me give you all a challenge actually... Get it done if you think it can be done and tell me... I ll stop posting out of shame for a full year... :no::no:

We dont need Israel to progress yaar... what are you saying??

I think you should go to the first page of this post and you ll see some excellent answers to this issue...
And you think that we are very pious and religious? :what:

The level of duplicity and corruption in this nation is simply mind-boggling. Also, lot of people here have not even read Quran properly.

Seriously, we need to open our eyes. We need to amend ourselves first before talking about others.

I dont know what you are suggesting here...i will let you clarify...

From what i understand..i would say that such friendship wont work for us...we need to build our economy from withing the country...without seeking friendship from any external source..they wont do it for us...we have to..
Israel wont make any difference to us...we will.
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