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Pakistan and Iranian Naval Cooperation

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The mere fact that eyeran allowed indians to be in chahbahar proves thay they knew india is going to spread terror in pakistan.
This level of logical thinking is clearly impossible to contend with. Hail to you with your supreme logic.

Sometimes decisions are made (in this case economic), and their are consequences that are unexpected, happens everywhere all the time. Don't confuse them with malice.

I hope we nevwr ever have any connection with eyeran.
I'm sorry to say, but their is, as it should be.
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did you know what uae and ksa are upto or do you know today what turkish fitna is upto no so blaming iran is absurd when pakistan is continuesly part of fitna so who can take finger pointing serious specially when its of that stupid sort btw irans biggest enemy is america and pakistan works to this day with america so imagine iran would act the way pakistan did than pakistan would be scared of iran more than of india so i dont take pakistani hostility serious specially when they can only mention again and again 1 spy as supposedly ground breaking event and threat when spies terrorists and other trash come into iran from pakistani side all of the time

Your comments seem to be of an extremist and full of hatred against Pakistan.
I would not like to communicate with you.

@The Eagle
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i say lets liberate all of islamic lands you say india i say what india and here again there is a misconception on your part for me islam will rule and there is no alternative no india no nothing only one ummah so stop blabber about india its not even relevant anymore we will wash it away soon enough the whole filth of it

we dont have a sunni lense we have a revolutionary sense meaning either you are on the side of the oppressors or you are not and siding with america you cant expect us to be close to you but today india sides with usa and pakistan gets further sidelined so you are on our side now get used to it

Who said we are on your side? Has there been any sort of cooperation ever since China signed MOU for multi billion dollar investment. Either US or them has been core problem with Iran and Saudis. Then you people say that we have no religious lens to view other countries. Even now Iran has been trying to insert those MOFOs of Zanibyun Brigade into Pakistan to cause mayhem. Several of those SOBs were arrested working with Sindhi Ethno Facists. Iran is not even in our equation bcz you people are extremists in your views toward Pakistan. We will not become your lackeys just bcz you are on some holly mission to defeat Saudis and Americans.
Your comments seem to be of an extremist and full of hatred against Pakistan.
I would not like to communicate with you.

@The Eagle
Even funnier is the fact that this guy is a Pakistani not Irani. These shah say zayada shah kay wafadars are only found in Pakistan.
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Who said we are on your side? Has there been any sort of cooperation ever since China signed MOU for multi billion dollar investment. Either US or them has been core problem with Iran and Saudis. Then you people say that we have no religious lens to view other countries. Even now Iran has been trying to insert those MOFOs of Zanibyun Brigade into Pakistan to cause mayhem. Several of those SOBs were arrested working with Sindhi Ethno Facists. Iran is not even in our equation bcz you people are extremists in your views toward Pakistan. We will not become your lackeys just bcz you are on some holly mission to defeat Saudis and Americans.

Even funnier is the fact that this guy is a Pakistani not Irani. These shah say zayada shah kay wafadars are only found in Pakistan.
go join nato turkey and fall to ruin together with it if that is your plan we will watch taliban take pakistan dont worry about anyone else
you side with the oppressors you die together with the oppressors so go and join nato fast
btw when you talk about pakistanis who went to war to protect shrines and places of worship from daesh and insult them tell me what pakistani is the good one in your view is it the one who allowed america to bomb you or is it that one who sold you out again and again or is it that one who is washing your small brains to buy liberalism and all kind of degeneracy because to me you dont seem far away from holding the hands of the oppressors but still not holding their hand as turkey does who completely sucks up to dajjalic forces but again you are easily brainwashed and fools who knows maybe pakistan will have to be liberated in future aswell 100% if pakistan sides against the islamic resistance it will be gone and a breakup is the best you can hope for really with the most of territory falling to your northern neighbors and nobody will wait til you decided that its a better choice to not stand by the oppressors of this world and if you understand this little about islam than dont call yourselves muslims go and destroy and plunder churches and civilizational artifacts around the world like your turkish daesh buddies do and let me remind you that turkey will be liberated one day by muslims from these imposters who enslave children and brainwash them to soldier who take religious places and convert them they are not better than zionists its the same disgusting mentality that runs through both so go on join daesh that is your side
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