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what plane is this is red square ...
All brave men of substance who delivered beyond the call of duty !

AIr Marshal Nur Khan Awan HJ, An ultimate Legendary C-in C, Icon, Leader & A Fearless Commander who led from the front amongst his fighter boys ! with Sqn Ldr Nosy Haider SJ and Flt Lt Shabbir Syed SJ. in 1960's

Nosey Hyder and his boys destroyed 9 mig 21 at pathankot strike on the ground. Shabbir Hussain Syed moved up to the rank of AVM.

Legendary 9 Squadron Griffins of Pakistan Air Force at Sargodha in 1965

L-R Standing: Amanullah, Salim Sandal, Arif Manzoor, Rashid Bhatti, Mushtaq Alam, Abbas Mirza

L-R Sitting: Abbassi, Farooq Umar, Mervyn L. Middlecoat, Hakimullah, Ishaq, Aftab Alam

Hi there,

I'm trying to find information on Group Captain Zaheer H. Zaidi. He served in the PAF during the 1980's and understand he passed away some time ago after retiring from the PAF.

I am looking for biographical information about him.

I'm unable to obtain copies of Shaheen, the quarterly PAF journal, which would have likely published an obituary.

If anyone knew Zaheer Zaidi and his family or they have back issues of Shaheen or any other publication that did have an obituary, that would be highly appreciated.


Faisal A. Qureshi

just reposting this in the hope that someone can help. I can be reached via DM's here or at faq@protonmail.com .

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I just had my post asking for information on Akram Awan deleted because it was:

"Thread based upon irrelevant discussion".

Would the relevant moderator responsible care to discuss why this is the case?


Faisal A. Qureshi

You cannot just create a thread merely to ask information on certain officers as such, which is already not available in public domain. Op Sec & confidentiality will be maintained. Please avoid creating threads as such.
You cannot just create a thread merely to ask information on certain officers as such, which is already not available in public domain. Op Sec & confidentiality will be maintained. Please avoid creating threads as such.

My original post did not violate any forum rules and I certainly don't see how asking this question justifies deletion.

Given the case was being investigated 30 years ago and most Pakistan print media from that period is still offline, how does one find out more unless it's by posting in a forum such as this?


Faisal A. Qureshi
My original post did not violate any forum rules and I certainly don't see how asking this question justifies deletion.

Given the case was being investigated 30 years ago and most Pakistan print media from that period is still offline, how does one find out more unless it's by posting in a forum such as this?


Faisal A. Qureshi

If you are so keen to drag on this instead of contacting GHQ for redressal, I am afraid that I will have to restrict your access to these threads that areal supposed to discuss news only. We do have dedicated thread for questions related to military in section or you can use this thread but inquiries as such are not appreciated tompost a separate thread.

Kindest regards,
If you are so keen to drag on this instead of contacting GHQ for redressal, I am afraid that I will have to restrict your access to these threads that areal supposed to discuss news only. We do have dedicated thread for questions related to military in section or you can use this thread but inquiries as such are not appreciated tompost a separate thread.

Kindest regards,

I'm sorry but I'm unaware of what GHQ is and why would I want to contact them for redressal? I'm not from a military background.

If you can point out the right thread to put my enquiries, that would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Faisal A. Qureshi

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