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Good. CKKB-XX firmware controls the embedded kernel. This is replaceable with native firmware written in C. There is no such thing as codes or source codes or pin codes or key switches. @araz

Firmware and embedded Kernel ... Both are software stored in Read Only Memory. Nevertheless, they are program routines written in low level programming language. So source codes are very much real. What you are proposing here implies that every missile and weapon can be integrated on every other plane. This is not that simple.
Firmware is interoperable between OX kernel and card/device/devices.
Firmware and embedded Kernel ... Both are software stored in Read Only Memory.

Either C or scala for DFPR. No assemblers.
Nevertheless, they are program routines written in low level programming language.

No such proposal!! Not my implication.
What you are proposing here implies that every missile and weapon can be integrated on every other plane.

Firmware operates between FCS, Av & multiple rader kernel(s) and peripherals. Multiple firmwares operates singly, in tandem or multiplex eg. mirage upgarde.

I think then the integration of SD-10A should be possible. In the Indo-Pak theater though, with such close proximity and with the plan for over 150 JF-17 and over 75 F-16, im not sure it is worth it for F-7 which is on its way out. That being said there are dual ejector racks for Mig-21bis wvr missile and i have seen load outs of 4 wvr missiles and 2 bvr missiles with 1 large centerline fuel tank so in such a configuration, 2 sd-10 and 2-4 aim-9/pl5s could be doable, albeit it would have almost no legs to stay in a fight. Even if all that was doable, lets look how the super dooper Mig-21bis (which for all intents and purposes is similar to F-7PG with somewhat better EW capabilities) did against F-16. It was trounced before even firing a single missile. Not sure of the viability in pitched battles against mki, m2k, or rafale. It is fine in the current loading for dealing with point defense against strike packages so why exert the effort for SD-10? Your thoughts?

J-16 ... now that's interesting. PAF do need few of these Flankers in CCS to perfect our tactics against MKIs. Chinese Flankers are only possibility of getting them. Russian will be a non-starter.
J-16 ... now that's interesting. PAF do need few of these Flankers in CCS to perfect our tactics against MKIs. Chinese Flankers are only possibility of getting them. Russian will be a non-starter.

J-16 is on much higher tech. tier than MKIs, practicing with one will give PAF foresight into any MKI upgrades coming after so called super sukhio upgrade then also most probably MKI upgrades wont be with AESA like J-16
Pak should look towards defence ties with Israel like other islamic countries r doing
You wont get much bite from that fish. The two are in direct confrontation if not now then in the next decade. A few deals on the black market aside you wont get response crom them.
You wont get much bite from that fish. The two are in direct confrontation if not now then in the next decade. A few deals on the black market aside you wont get response crom them.
Govt to govt there would be no issues, but who is going to make the mullah in our country understand that it's the benefit of Pakistan to have diplomatic ties with Israel
Govt to govt there would be no issues, but who is going to make the mullah in our country understand that it's the benefit of Pakistan to have diplomatic ties with Israel
It would be political and strategic suicide in my very humble view. We are the 2 sides ofa coin and being diametrically opposite we arebound to clash at some stage. We are a big thorne in the side of Israel and until and unless we are defanged the greater designs cannot be enacted. Best to keep away.

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