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Here you go Fellas :)

My dear, this example is not in infra-red markings. Aircraft# 755 has been applied with the said markings.....i'll try and post the image later.

Sorry for the poor quality, you can see the infra-red markings on the tail and under the canopy of No 25 squadron's Mirage-5EF, home base Rafiqui.


What is Infra red Marking ? Does it glow in Infra-red enabled camera or FLIR. If yes then M-VEF 756 markings may also glow when viewed through IR. Because Sqn No. 25 would not have just painted one Mirage but all its fleet.
Specially marked Mirage V EF
Rafiqui-based 25 squadron ( Eagles) has recently painted it's Mirages in infra-red markings in a bid to distinguish it's aircraft from the co-located night attack Mirage unit, 27 squadron.
something like that Materials for IR and visible vehicle identification from surveillance aircraft | SPIE Newsroom: SPIE
What is Infra red Marking ? Does it glow in Infra-red enabled camera or FLIR. If yes then M-VEF 756 makings may also glow when viewed through IR. Because Sqn No. 25 would not have just painted one Mirage but all its fleet.

something like that Materials for IR and visible vehicle identification from surveillance aircraft | SPIE Newsroom: SPIE

It's the green wordings (Eagles, Night Strike) which glows in the dark, Mirage 755 may just be a test bed to determine the effectiveness of this exercise.
It's the green wordings (Eagles, Night Strike) which glows in the dark, Mirage 755 may just be a test bed to determine the effectiveness of this exercise.

Damnn .... then they are Electroluminescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Something like this on F-18 and other Modern aircraft. the dim light ... 8)

Plz Expend further discussion here .... http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-air-force/44991-capabilities-paf-mirage-3-5-a-14.html leave this thread for AFM articles.
Short-range, laser-guided, air-to-surface missile.


MAR-1 is an anti-radiation missile (ARM) developed by Brazil's Mectron and the Aerospace Technical Center (Centro Técnico Aeroespacial, CTA) of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). Development began in 1997 and was kept under tight secrecy, for many years the weapon's manufacturers refused to acknowledge its existence. The missile is guided by a Brazilian-developed passive anti-radiation seeker designed to target different types of land-based and sea-based radars with different modes, including high power surveillance radars, low power mobile radars and radars used by surface-to-air missile systems. Enemy radars can be targeted by the missile independently or with targeting data from the launch aircraft's electronic warfare systems, such as the radar warning receiver.

The missile's airframe is constructed from composite materials to reduce its radar cross-section. MAR-1 has been reported to have a range of 25 km when launched from an altitude of approximately 33,000 feet, but according to a Brazilian engineer the actual range is far larger than this. The MAR-1 is fully MIL-STD-1553 and -1760 databus compatible. For non databus-equipped aircraft a standalone integration using a dedicated fire-control unit and display can be fitted in the cockpit. That is the approach adopted for Brazil's non-upgraded Embraer AMX (A-1) attack aircraft.

Operational Status

In December 2008 the Brazilian government approved the sale of 100 MAR-1 missiles to the Pakistan Air Force in a contract worth $108 million.

In mid-2011 it was reported that MAR-1 was being integrated with the JF-17 which shows that Pakistan has a well-structured program to expand the capability of the aircraft beyond its Chinese roots. The MAR-1 is the second non-Chinese weapon that the JF-17 is known to be adopting after the HAFR runway penetration bomb.

Once operational, the MAR-1 will be the PAF's only modern anti-radiation weapon and a significant boost to its combat capabilities. The missile has several operational modes, but is typically used in a pre-programmed attack against known emitting targets in a lock-on-after-launch engagement. Mectron has developed a dedicated mission planning system for such operations.

The MAR-1 is likely to operate, at least initially, with a 'missile-as-sensor' function, meaning that the weapon's own wideband radio frequency seeker is the primary sensor for emitter location and targeting. The JF-17's Chinese developers certainly have the expertise to produce a more capable emitter location system in the future. The MAR-1 can also use supplementary targeting information from the JF-17's radar warning receivers.

Pakistan has a growing number of electronic intelligence (ELINT) systems with which it can build an electronic order of battle of hostile emitters to support MAR-1 targeting. This includes the highly capable HES-21 ELINT system carried by the PAF's recently delivered Erieye airborne early warning and control aircraft.

The MAR-1 has yet to enter formal FAB service, but understands that qualification flight testing in Brazil will conclude by the end of 2011.


Type: Anti-radiation missile (ARM)
Manufacturer: Mectron, Brazil
Weight: 274 KG (600 lb)
Length: 4.03 meters (13.2 ft)
Diameter: 0.23 metres (0.75 ft)
Warhead: High Explosive
Warhead Weight: 90 KG (200 lb)
Detonation mechanism: Laser / contact proximity fuse
Guidance: Passive radar homing, home-on-jam
Launch platform aircraft: Northrop F-5, AMX, JF-17 Thunder, Mirage-III
Quaid’s first ADC: Mian Atta Rabbani passes away

Rabban*i collec*ted Rs27,500 for the last genera*l electi*ons held in undivi*ded India.

By Our Correspondent

Published: June 3, 2012


Mian Atta Rabbani, father of Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, passed away here on Saturday after a protracted illness. He was 90.

Born in Jalandhar, India, he had the singular honour of serving as first Aide-de Camp of Governor-General Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was also the first pilot to be transferred from the Royal Indian Air Force to the Royal Pakistan Air Force in the newly-born state of Pakistan.

Mian Atta Rabbani accompanied Quaid-e-Azam and Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah from New Delhis’ Palam Airport to Mauripur Airport, Karachi, on August 7, 1947. He served with Quaid-e-Azam approximately for six months. He was later posted as Flying Instructor at the Flying Training School of Royal Pakistan Air Force, Risalpur, to train cadets of the air force of the newly-created state.

He retired from PAF as Group Captain and later wrote many books about his association with the Father of the Nation and about the ideology of Pakistan. His most important book is “I was the Quaids’ Aide-de-Camp.” Mian Atta Rabbani, fearless of a possible court martial while serving in Indian Royal Air Force, collected donations for the crucial last general elections held in undivided India and handed over a donation of Rs27,500 to the Quaid-e-Azam.

His funeral prayers will be offered at Sultan Masjid in DHA after Zohr prayers on Sunday. He will be laid to rest in the Armed Forces graveyard at Chanesar Goth.
Just a thought - Are PAF Fighter Planes protected against EMP - Electromagnetic pulse.
Group Capt. Atta Rabbani was head of Public Affairs at Esso Pakistan when I joined Esso in 1967. He was a nice and amiable man. May Allah bless his soul.

Inna lillah-e- wa inna ilahey rajayoon.

The first photos of what could be the J-16 prototype taxiing at the SAC airfield were disclosed in May 2012. It was first rumored in August 2010 that SAC is developing a 3.5 generation heavy multi-role fighter bomber (J-16?) based on J-11BS. The aircraft can be viewed as an upgraded version of Su-30MKK based on its mission and capability, which is comparable to American F-15E. First flight was rumored to have taken place in late 2011. J-16 has tandem seats with a WSO sitting in the backseat. It features an enhanced fire-control system with additional AG modes. Besides PL-8 and PL-12 AAMs, it could also carry the same precision guided weapons being carried by JH-7A, such as KD-88 ASM and LS-500J LGB. The aircraft also features an extended tail sting similar to Russian Su-34, which could house additional electronics. Compared to JH-7A, J-16 is expected to have a more powerful radar (AESA?), a greater weapon load (8t) and a longer range (4,000km).

- Last Updated 6/7/12

PAF should look into this system. made for export by China.
Just a thought - Are PAF Fighter Planes protected against EMP - Electromagnetic pulse.
No one has any shield regarding EMP however if EMP is carried by ballistic missile , the only way would be anti ballistic missile. otherwise not in any country.
PAF Starfighters - Induction to Phasing Out

Induction Date... Tail Nr...... Remarks

5 Aug 1961.........56-802......Lost on 09-11-1963 when the aircraft went into spin. F/O Asghar Shah ejected

5 Aug 1961.........56-803......Lost on 03-09-1964 during a low pull-out. F/L Tariq Majeed died in the accident

5 Aug 1961.........56-804......Lost on 05-12-1971 due to AAA. F/L Amjad Hussein ejected

5 Aug 1961........ 56-805..... Lost on 10-07-1968 due to fire while on ground. Pilot S/L Asif Iqbal survived
5 Aug 1961........ 56-807...... Lost on 15-04-1968 due to an inflight fire. F/L G U Abasi died in the accident
5 Aug 1961........ 56-868...... Lost on 17-09-1965 due to pilot getting disoriented. F/L G U Abbasi survived the accident
5 Aug 1961........ 56-874...... Preserved at PAF Base, Sargodha
5 Aug 1961........ 56-875...... Mounted at AHQ Chaklala
5 Aug 1961.........56-877.......Lost on 07-09-1965 after a mid-air collision with IAF Mystere. F/L Amjad Hussein ejected

5 Aug 1961........ 56-879....... Mounted ar PAF Base, Masroor
8 June 1964........56-773........Lost in air combat on 12-12-1971. Pilot W/C M L Middlecoat died after the ejection

1 March 1966......56-798........Preserved at PAF Base, Faisal

5 August 1961..... 57-1309.... Preserved at PAF Academy, Risalpur
5 August 1961......57-1312.....Preserved at PAF Museum, Faisal

Special Thanks to Jet Fighter Aircraft | Cash Advance | Debt Consolidation | Insurance at Pafcombat.com for the list
During their brief service, the F-104 served PAF well in both interception and long range strike roles.
During the 1965 war, the Indians termed the F-104 as "Badmash" and it was a Starfighter, which forced an IAF Gnat to air surrender.
During their brief service, the F-104 served PAF well in both interception and long range strike roles.During the 1965 war, the Indians termed the F-104 as "Badmash" and it was a Starfighter, which forced an IAF Gnat to air surrender.

jammer are we sure about this?
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