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Arms imports to Pakistan, 2013-2013

Note: Information is provided on deals with deliveries or orders made during the period specified and covers major conventional weapons, as defined by SIPRI. The 'No. delivered' and the 'Year(s) of deliveries' columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. For more information, see
Sources and Methods

Supplier Recipient No. ordered Weapon designation Weapon description Year of order Year(s) of deliveries No. delivered
Recipient Involvement Comments

China Pakistan (50) JF-17 Thunder/FC-1 FGA aircraft 1999 2007 - 2013 (50) Yes JF-17 Block-1 version; developed for Pakistan; incl production of components and assembly in Pakistan; incl 8 mainly for testing and first 42 production version ordered 2009 for $800 m.

China Pakistan (100) C-802/CSS-N-8 Anti-ship missile 2008 2012 - 2013 (20) For JF-17 combat aircraft

China Pakistan (50) CM-400AKG Anti-ship missile 2010 2012 - 2013 (20) For JF-17 combat aircraft

China Pakistan (800) PL-12/SD-10 BVRAAM 2006 2010 - 2013 (200) For JF-17 and possibly modernized Mirage-3/5 combat aircraft

China Pakistan (750) LS-3 Guided bomb 2008 2010 - 2013 (275) For JF-17 combat aircraft

China Pakistan (1000) LS-6-500 Guided bomb 2008 2010 - 2013 (250) For JF-17 combat aircraft

China Pakistan (750) LT-2 Guided bomb 2008 2010 - 2013 (250) For JF-17 combat aircraft

China Pakistan (1000) PL-5E SRAAM 2006 2009 - 2013 (360) For JF-17 combat aircraft; PL-5E-II version

China Pakistan (200) WMD-7 Aircraft EO system 2008 2009 - 2013 (50) For JF-17 combat aircraft

© SIPRI 17 March 2014. For terms and conditions of use see
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why would PAF spend its meagre resources to buy munitions it cannot deploy and use.....dosnt make any sense does it....

I would take SIPRI data with a pinch of salt. We don't know how Sipri collected this info and veracity of it. If such munitions (SD-10 and the PGM's) were in PAF inventory, wouldn't they display it with JF-17 in IDEAS? Last 3-4 IDEAS exhibitions are testament to this fact. They showed MAR-1 training round because it was in the INVENTORY.

And most of these PGM including WMD-7 can't be used on block-1 unless they go through MLU and wing strengthening measures.
I would take SIPRI data with a pinch of salt. We don't know how Sipri collected this info and veracity of it. If such munitions (SD-10 and the PGM's) were in PAF inventory, wouldn't they display it with JF-17 in IDEAS? Last 3-4 IDEAS exhibitions are testament to this fact. They showed MAR-1 training round because it was in the INVENTORY.

And most of these PGM including WMD-7 can't be used on block-1 unless they go through MLU and wing strengthening measures.
Not only SIPRI but anything coming from the PAF officials should also be taken with more-than-a-pinch of salt. I have simply stopped buying anything from PAF for only Allah knows if they are telling the truth or just spreading disinformation.
Not only SIPRI but anything coming from the PAF officials should also be taken with more-than-a-pinch of salt. I have simply stopped buying anything from PAF for only Allah knows if they are telling the truth or just spreading disinformation.

Exactly Syed sahab. The mentality of suppressing failures and showing everything is hunky dory was hallmark of our Missile program. Same mentality has infected or spread across major defence program of other branches of armed forces. Be it JF-17, Al Khalid or the Navy frigate and submarine programs.
I think usage of F-16s and other US origin equipment during WoT has more to do with Coalition Support Fund then any other reason. :-)
I would take SIPRI data with a pinch of salt. We don't know how Sipri collected this info and veracity of it. If such munitions (SD-10 and the PGM's) were in PAF inventory, wouldn't they display it with JF-17 in IDEAS? Last 3-4 IDEAS exhibitions are testament to this fact. They showed MAR-1 training round because it was in the INVENTORY.

And most of these PGM including WMD-7 can't be used on block-1 unless they go through MLU and wing strengthening measures.

It was displayed with the full complement at Dubai and Zhuhai air show. I don't know why you are hell bent on disagreeing, but in any case, PAF would know the most.....and i don't know why they would be eager to reveal the tiny nits and bits. LGBs might not be fully ready, but they are integrated and can be accepted right now. The main issue is creating their individual weapon profile.....that is tedious and resource consuming....and it will carry on even if there was JF-17 BLK XII

Only a stupid Airforce would purchase CM400/C802 just to store them in bunkers.
Exactly Syed sahab. The mentality of suppressing failures and showing everything is hunky dory was hallmark of our Missile program. Same mentality has infected or spread across major defence program of other branches of armed forces. Be it JF-17, Al Khalid or the Navy frigate and submarine programs.

All the people in the know, know exactly the state of each n every prog. They r the ppl that matter. No one is under any sort of illusion, they know where exactly they stand regarding all n sundry.
Info. Is available on a need to know basis only. Not ment for xyz on this n that chat room
It was displayed with the full complement at Dubai and Zhuhai air show. I don't know why you are hell bent on disagreeing, but in any case, PAF would know the most.....and i don't know why they would be eager to reveal the tiny nits and bits. LGBs might not be fully ready, but they are integrated and can be accepted right now. The main issue is creating their individual weapon profile.....that is tedious and resource consuming....and it will carry on even if there was JF-17 BLK XII

Only a stupid Airforce would purchase CM400/C802 just to store them in bunkers.

There is a difference b/w Chinese inventory and Pakistan inventory. I disagree with Pakistani side of version, assuming Block-1 is capable of so and so things which even Project director has refuted in b/w the lines until Block-2 upgrades are applied to them.

Once block-2 arrives, such goodies would come in pakistani inventory is the gist of my argument.

And unless Project is being run on PAF own resources, We would not question every nit and bits and beside look at how we and our neighbors behave on projects run on tax payer money. Heck, check F-35 thread, how every nit bits are shared by Project director of F-35. I'm amazed and impressed by such professionalism and is the standard of how Public accountability should be held.

All the people in the know, know exactly the state of each n every prog. They r the ppl that matter. No one is under any sort of illusion, they know where exactly they stand regarding all n sundry.
Info. Is available on a need to know basis only. Not ment for xyz on this n that chat room

Are these projects being funded by people in know or by Taxpayer money ? If former your argument holds, if it's latter, your arguments fails. The amount of accountability F-35 projects projects makes me wonder sometimes as if JF-17 is a 6th Generation fighter being produced and info has to be kept under wraps most of the time
Why the hell is jf17 page showing 3400kg payload and removing the cm 400AKG missile for Air to surface missile. The information is utterly old. as far as I know most of the international delegates who come to air shows and ideas like expo's look for the weaponry of choice for the country they first look at wikipedia. it may not be best source for us as we have some abc of weaponry but basic people refer wikipedia. Do something PDF elite members !

PAF carrying out precise operations against terrorists: air chief

  • APP
  • December 30, 2014
ISLAMABAD: Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt on Monday said that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was very clear-minded about its targets and along with Pakistan Army was carrying out categorical and precise operations against terrorists and anti-state elements.

“We are targeting the hideouts of terrorists, weapon-dumping sites, logistics and all places from where terrorists are causing damages to the country,” he said while talking to APP after the launching ceremony of two PAF books titled “History of Pakistan Air Force (1999-2013)” and “Sentinels in the Sky”, at the Air Headquarters.

“PAF would not sit idle unless we completely eliminate all the places from where the terrorists were operating against the nation and the country,” the air chief said.

He said that PAF has been transformed into a new force during the last 15 years and equipped with modern hardware and training facilities.

While addressing the books launching ceremony, attended by former air chiefs, a large number of PAF serving/retired officers, families of martyrs and war veterans, the air Chief said, “While keeping pace with the demands of a compelling future, we can never be oblivious to what our predecessors achieved in the past. The extraordinary sacrifices rendered by our great heroes, while guarding the aerial frontiers of our beloved motherland, will always remain a source of inspiration for all of us.”

“Ever since the birth of PAF, our evolving annals have chronicled many an occasion when we were put to the test, but manfully rose to each challenge. The nation salutes its valiant sons who either attained the lofty station of martyrdom, or returned home with pride as Ghazi. For us they are all heroes who deserve our enduring gratitude and respect,” he added.

“In our rich history the past fifteen years merit a special significance as the era entailed the need for replacing our aging arsenal and aligning ourselves along the contours of the future air power employment across the entire range of conflict, from sub-conventional to the strategic. Ably led by my predecessors, PAF met each challenge and has transformed itself into a modern air force of 21st century,” he said.

Tahir Rafique Butt said that throughout this era, the air force gained strength from a process of continuity when each successive leadership built on the achievement of its predecessor.

“We take pride that it was in this timeframe that PAF also earned the distinction of being the first air force to co-produce its own combat aircraft,” he added.

Speaking on the occasion, the war veterans and families of martyrs highly appreciated the humble endeavour made by PAF in recognising their sacrifices made for the country. They thanked the air chief for arranging such a memorable event in their honour, which would go a long way in their lives.

“History of Pakistan Air Force: Entering the New Century” is the fourth volume in the sequel of PAF history books which encapsulates the official account of PAF from 1999-2013. The official history of PAF till 1998 has already been documented in previous three volumes.

The book is written by Air Commodore (r) Qadeer Hashmi who has also served as the director of media affairs at the Air Headquarters.

As a writer the officer has already co-authored a famous book titled “The Aviation City”.

“Sentinels in the Sky” summarises the heroic deeds of PAF’s personnel who were awarded gallantry awards for displaying extraordinary valour during Indo-Pak wars of 1965 and 1971. The book is co-authored by Colonel Azam Qadri (r) and Group Captain Muhammad Ali.

Colonel Azam (r) had a distinguished career of over 25 years in the army. As a writer the officer has authored “What more can a soldier desire”, a famous book on Major Shabbir (Shaheed).

Co-author Group Captain Muhammad Ali is a serving officer of PAF and has more than 25 years of commissioned service.

In his previous literary endeavours, he has contributed a large number of articles for various national and international magazines and newspapers.

At the end of the ceremony, the chief guest presented the books to former air chiefs, present on the occasion.
PAF transformed into a modern force of the 21st Century: Air Chief
December 30, 2014, 12:00 am/ 2 Comments
ISLAMABAD- Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt said that the Pakistan Air Force has been transformed into a modern force of the twenty first century.

He was addressing the launching ceremony of two books: History of Pakistan Air Force and Sentinels in the Sky, at the Air Headquarters in Islamabad on Monday.

The Air Chief Marshal said the aging arsenal of the air force has been replaced with modern and high tech equipment in the last fifteen years.

He said the Air Force has also earned the distinction of producing its own combat aircraft JF-17.

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