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Pakistan admits India attack link

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Well, they somehow knew even before the investigation started that it was the ISI, and then when they finished most it, and came up with a dossier than they shared with the rest of the world, it concluded that there was no evidence of Pakistani institutional involvement, but they still continued to insist the ISI was involved.

It just seemed like they were hell bent on ranting about the 'ISI was involved' regardless of what the evidence suggested.

Indeed, I think the Indians came to their senses a little when even the Americans and British concluded that the ISI nor the Pakistani government had anything to do with these attacks.
Yet it is funny to see Indian politicians claim otherwise afterwards, they continue to do so, they refuse to believe even their sources (the "rest of the world") who they conduct and cry to so often to condemn Pakistan or isolate Pakistan in any way possible.
Do you really think your government will openly accept ISI's link? If you listen to the entire press conference, he confessed that they recieved marine as well as weapons training within Pakistan. And no independent terrorist organisation can recieved such combative trining without support of state actors. That is also what the US said.

Does my government have to "openly" accept any ISI involvement?
Does my government have to pledge guilty to all Indian (baseless) charges?
Why are you so desperate for Pakistan to accept any links without CLEAR PROOF?
You simply want the GoP to accept all charges because you feel hurt.
And who is "he" if I may ask?
Do you really think your government will openly accept ISI's link? If you listen to the entire press conference, he confessed that they recieved marine as well as weapons training within Pakistan. And no independent terrorist organisation can recieved such combative trining without support of state actors. That is also what the US said.

Actually they can - just go to FATA, we have thousands of people with that sort of training, its nothing exceptional. But given your logic, should we conclude that because thousands of militants have that 'special training' they are all sponsored by India, since only a state can provide such 'combative training'?

Your argument is completely speculative and baseless. There is ZERO proof of any Pakistani institution being involved, nor is there any credible motive for any Pakistani institution to carry out such an attack. Our support for insurgents has been limited primarily to the Kashmiri freedom movement in fighting Indian occupation forces, not carrying out terrorist attacks on civilians.
More like finally the investigation is complete and a proper statement based on the investigation can be released - this isn't denial, its called following the proper process and conducting an investigation to confirm, as much as possible, what happened.

Of course we realize that this is an alien concept in India, where investigators are blessed with supernatural powers that allow them to implicate the ISI and Pakistan while en route to the crime scene. :rolleyes:

Proper process? Why was GOP denying involvement even before it carried out a prelimenary investigation. Why did they deny Kasab was Pakistani? Isnt equally shaky as the GOI stance of accusing Pakistan the moment the first gunshot or bomb is fired?

We have failed in proving your roles in previous cases, but this time we were lucky to have that Kasab caught alive.Or else you and your govt would have happily toed the line on 'not involvement' and 'Indian consipracy'. The moment ATS Chief Karkare was tragically killed in Mumbai, Pakistan was flooded with 'analysis; that this was a plan hatched by the Hindus and the Indian army to kill Karkare as he framed charges on a Hindu Terrorist.
Proper process? Why was GOP denying involvement even before it carried out a prelimenary investigation. Why did they deny Kasab was Pakistani? Isnt equally shaky as the GOI stance of accusing Pakistan the moment the first gunshot or bomb is fired?

We have failed in proving your roles in previous cases, but this time we were lucky to have that Kasab caught alive.Or else you and your govt would have happily toed the line on 'not involvement' and 'Indian consipracy'. The moment ATS Chief Karkare was tragically killed in Mumbai, Paksoatn was flooded with 'analysis; that this was a plan hatched by the Hindus and the Indian army to kill Karkare as he framed charges on a Hindu Terrorist.

Use your brains for a change, why SHOULD Pakistan accept ANY involvement without proper research and investigation being conducted at first hand?
What did you wish for? That GoP simply said at the beginning: "Ah yes, it probably was carried out and funded by us, please, we already know that for sure, but do let us wait for the proper investigation and proof from both sides"??
These are very SERIOUS allegations at a world stage, and you are asking of the GoP to simply accept them from the very start because India says so?
Also, Mr. Karkare's death comes at an unusual timeframe, especially when he had critical information regarding a Hindutva terrorist organisation, conspiracy? Or a plan to annihalite the poor lad because he was doing the right thing in trying to disband these groups which have pestered both India and Pakistan.
If anyone googles the following words he will get what we are talking

"Pakistanis Deny Any Role in Attacks"

How ministers made such statements when the investigation is going on.?

Now todays statements are contradictory to their earlier remarks

Again, homeboy, Pakistan has every RIGHT to DENY any involvement untill PROVEN OTHERWISE. :crazy:
Proper process? Why was GOP denying involvement even before it carried out a prelimenary investigation. Why did they deny Kasab was Pakistani? Isnt equally shaky as the GOI stance of accusing Pakistan the moment the first gunshot or bomb is fired?

Innocent till confirmed guilty - there were also domestic political compulsions to take into account once India became belligerent - the GoP was already being accused of being an 'American lackey', merely accepting Indian demands without an investigation and in the face of that belligerence and refusal to cooperate by India was not the correct thing to do.

Any claims, Kasav, Pakistani nationals involved etc. should only be confirmed after a proper investigation - this should be the case and likely is the case in most nations.

We have failed in proving your roles in previous cases, but this time we were lucky to have that Kasab caught alive.Or else you and your govt would have happily toed the line on 'not involvement' and 'Indian consipracy'. The moment ATS Chief Karkare was tragically killed in Mumbai, Paksoatn was flooded with 'analysis; that this was a plan hatched by the Hindus and the Indian army to kill Karkare as he framed charges on a Hindu Terrorist.
If you had no evidence to share of elements from Pakistan being involved, then why should we merely accept India's claims. As you said, in the past you have not had any evidence, this time you did. It is also equally likely that the lack of evidence in the past implicating Pakistani elements meant that no Pakistani elements were involved.

Sorry, but there is no substitute for sharing evidence (which India did in a limited way through the dossier) and conducting a proper investigation and releasing conclusions based on that investigation.
If you had no evidence to share of elements from Pakistan being involved, then why should we merely accept India's claims. As you said, in the past you have not had any evidence, this time you did. It is also equally likely that the lack of evidence in the past implicating Pakistani elements meant that no Pakistani elements were involved.

Sorry, but there is no substitute for sharing evidence (which India did in a limited way through the dossier) and conducting a proper investigation and releasing conclusions based on that investigation.

There are occassions when evidence cannot be shared as it mgiht expose the 'moles'. Like the case of Kargil war, when GOP was denying it, MFA went ahead and made public the conversatio between Mushraff and Lt General of PA exclusively proved it false at the cost of exposing Indian ability to track and listen to those frequency calls.

Well this time a lot of evidence came via the live Kasav. If we was dead, we would have been left with those 'rations and sacks' as evidence.
Pakistan did everything to deny the involvement. Recently, there were news leaks about the Bangladesh involvement to test whether the world buy it or not. After they found out that it is not possible to sell their story, they admit that part of the conspiracy was planned in Pakistan.

Even ISI is involved, the GoP will not accept it and destroy the evidences. GoP will only accept the involvement of non-state actors, though I am not sure they will be prosecuted.

Why not sacrifice some of your assets to protect yourself (ISI)? After all you can buy plenty of such assets using the religion.
Finally....the Denial stops flowing..

Dude again u act like an Indian, always blaming, dude we needed the facts and we on this forum been saying this for thousand posts ago, as we were honest about saying it, so now we will recommend hanging him and dude u should do the same to your prohibit or whatever him name is.

U do not grasp the honesty we have dude, and that is why we say what we say here, we did not believe u in the beginning cause we have experience with u of lies and execration in the past, Dude.

So instead of insults u should appreciate it Dude. But i do not think that u have in u to know even if a ton of bricks hit u on your head Dude.

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Pakistan did everything to deny the involvement. Recently, there were news leaks about the Bangladesh involvement to test whether the world buy it or not. After they found out that it is not possible to sell their story, they admit that part of the conspiracy was planned in Pakistan.

Even ISI is involved, the GoP will not accept it and destroy the evidences. GoP will only accept the involvement of non-state actors, though I am not sure they will be prosecuted.

Why not sacrifice some of your assets to protect yourself (ISI)? After all you can buy plenty of such assets using the religion.

yeah zaradari himself trained the terrorists and gen.kyani supplied ak47s
and gilani provided the boats.
if this job was done by isi it would not send these idiots like kasab.
you should be happy now,when india has scored it,s strategic points
wtf you want now???
Straight to the point, AM you are the man.
It indeed looks like the investigation is finally complete, and we have every right to deny any allegations coming from India untill the results are there.
But then again, India doesn't really know what an investigation means, because theirs took incredibly long and almost cost a war between both nations.
Fingerpointing and distorting the rules of law and justice is something some of our Indian friends are good at, but luckily, our government kept its cool and simply proceeded with calmness over the situation, afterall, good senses will always prevail.

How do U say that ("India doesn't really know what an investigation means, because theirs took incredibly long and almost cost a war between both nations.")

it is the calmness of INDIA thats why the war not exist till date bcoz every time when INDIA gave proof to GOP, it was denied & said that "it is only a information not any proof"

can U tell me what is the defination of 'proof' in pakistan ?
My dear Indian brothers,
Please stop blaming pakistan now. It has already accepted 'somewat' responsibility for the mumbai attacks. I dont think we are going to yield something just by blaming.
The time is to take action. Govt of Pakistan should make it clear, if it is ready to destroy all the camps where the attack was planned and training was given Or should India do it??
All peace loving pakistani people have major role to play now. They should come ahead and be proactive in demanding action against the people whereever they are . May it be ISI and LeT ( as claimed by India) or Non state actors( as claimed by pakistan).
If people from pakistan wants to regain identity as peace loving they cant sit at homes . They need to come out against anti - Indian elements who have maligned image of their nation. Hope god will provide more strength to pakistanis who are in favour of gud relations with India.
My dear Indian brothers,
Please stop blaming pakistan now. It has already accepted 'somewat' responsibility for the mumbai attacks. I dont think we are going to yield something just by blaming.
The time is to take action. Govt of Pakistan should make it clear, if it is ready to destroy all the camps where the attack was planned and training was given Or should India do it??
All peace loving pakistani people have major role to play now. They should come ahead and be proactive in demanding action against the people whereever they are . May it be ISI and LeT ( as claimed by India) or Non state actors( as claimed by pakistan).
If people from pakistan wants to regain identity as peace loving they cant sit at homes . They need to come out against anti - Indian elements who have maligned image of their nation. Hope god will provide more strength to pakistanis who are in favour of gud relations with India.

the same goes for you, don,t think to be angels.
mumbai type accidents are natural when you oppress an entire region with 6 hundred million soldiers
Question to pakistani brothers who have said thousand times that they are against violence and terrorism....
want to know what will you be doing to pressurize ur govt to act against the terrorist?
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