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Pakistan addicted to using militants against India: Pentagon

We're stuck being the world's policeman, it seems.

Context is everything.

No credibility without sources, please.

Just guessing but I think it's because that while Islam may not be any more militant and tyrannical a religion than some others, Muslims, unlike Christians, have not developed theological defences against tyranny that empower democratic liberals to pick up the sword and fight for what is morally right for their community, rather than their immediate self-interest. Thus corruption is everywhere and even Pakistan's educational system has been distorted; your thinking is not logical, your "facts" often baseless, and neither your teachers nor your government care one whit: your ignorance helps officials keep you down and exploited while your teachers do what they must to retain their jobs.

You are talking hypothetically which reflects you are being brainwashed for a prolonged duration and this treatment has limited your abilities to see truth and absorb it as a fact and that is what has been done so successfully by jews to most of the americans...Your teachers were brainwashed before you by kabbalists and then it was thier job to train nerds like you who can then spread these satanic seeds to the whole world...But what you cant see is whats coming for you...

Whatever I said is true and the PROOF is you are asking me to give you a proof that americans killed uselessly millions of innocent people...what a shame it is to be an american for any sane person..I m so thankful to creator I am not an american...

Regarding contexts tell me solomon the context of holocaust???

Would there be any isra-hell today without that holocaust and it shows all the basics and contexts which are being created by satanists like you....

I ask you to get yourself free of that brainwashing and see the world the way it is...and be ashamed of the miseries you people have caused to this world and avoid the one's your fellows are brewing for the future...

otherwise you know WHAT GOES AROUND IT COMES AROUND the way you are burning the world its gonna burn your own home one day...
You are talking hypothetically which reflects you are being brainwashed -
I live in a free society and I do my own studies, thank you. But you should seriously consider whether your arguments apply to yourselves and yor countrymen. Do you not live in a society where it is verboten to voice pro-Zionist sentiment? Where your life is endangered if you want to protect Christians and Ahmadis?

Whatever I said is true and the PROOF is you are asking me to give you a proof -
Circular reasoning. How can you still maintain that your logic is not deficient?

It doesn't have to be this way, Albatross. But assuming one has to fly high above the tumult to see the air pollution below, I have given your question the best answer I can.
How do you feel about the rest of the planet - even other Muslims - regarding Pakistanis as sneaky lawless violent scum as a result of such an attitude?

With respect Solomon - there is no need to voicing your own personal opinions about Pakistanis and pretending to call ALL our nations people names. It would be like me insinuating all Zionists as the lowest form of human - which i think you would disagree. No need to generalize about the nation of the forum you spend time on.

As regards to the OP - Unless stonewall evidence is shown in black and white from a creditable source one must tread carefully.
With respect Solomon - there is no need to voicing your own personal opinions about Pakistanis -
I didn't think of my personal opinion. I was thinking of a South African Muslim who referred to Pakistanis as crazies and all the Pakistanis I've met who call themselves Canadian or even Indian to escape their stigma. But I think you're right - I shouldn't have said anything because there was no need for me to voice what many Pakistanis can voice themselves, yes? And by repeating that South African I was, as you said, unfairly besmirching all Pakistanis without qualification.
How do you feel about the rest of the planet - even other Muslims - regarding Pakistanis as sneaky lawless violent scum as a result of such an attitude?

Solomon have you been deprived of sleep?

How do you feel about the rest of the planet - even other Muslims - regarding Pakistanis as sneaky lawless violent scum as a result of such an attitude?

Funny you should say all that. Those adjectives apply better to America and Israel
With respect Solomon - there is no need to voicing your own personal opinions about Pakistanis and pretending to call ALL our nations people names. It would be like me insinuating all Zionists as the lowest form of human - which i think you would disagree. No need to generalize about the nation of the forum you spend time on.

As regards to the OP - Unless stonewall evidence is shown in black and white from a creditable source one must tread carefully.

Well said. I would also like to say real evidence, not American suspicions or Indian blame. We already know where that goes when Samjhauta Express, initially claimed to be done by Let men was known to have been conducted by local Indian fanatics. Blaming is the number one thing US has done in the past 10 years for its own failures.

And here we see people presenting anything as evidence. American suspicions, unproven as yet do not count as evidence. Americans suspected Iraqi's of having nukes and it turned out false. Remembering that I find it amazing that Americans are still willing to accept their governments lies and triangulations. It only makes you people look like brainwashed thugs and a race of killers... which I am sure you are not. I mean you killed no more than 200,000 people in Japan and claimed it was a necessity... I am sure it wasn't because you were a people with a murderous heart?
In any event how can we believe anything that Americans say. You know your govt is the biggest liar in the world. Remember WMD? Remember what facts are??
I didn't think of my personal opinion. I was thinking of a South African Muslim who referred to Pakistanis as crazies and all the Pakistanis I've met who call themselves Canadian or even Indian to escape their stigma. But I think you're right - I shouldn't have said anything because there was no need for me to voice what many Pakistanis can voice themselves, yes? And by repeating that South African I was, as you said, unfairly besmirching all Pakistanis without qualification.

You are referring to the guys you met and therefore the truth can not be established as its you who is stating his experience but go around on the world forums and see how many thousand people hate americans and jews for their capitalist approach and their indifference to human feelings and miseries...All america want is absolute power over this planet without even realizing it has been nothing more than a tool in the satanists agenda of overpowering the creator and his creations like you...
Well said. I would also like to say real evidence, not American suspicions or Indian blame. We already know where that goes when Samjhauta Express, initially claimed to be done by Let men was known to have been conducted by local Indian fanatics. Blaming is the number one thing US has done in the past 10 years for its own failures.

And here we see people presenting anything as evidence. American suspicions, unproven as yet do not count as evidence. Americans suspected Iraqi's of having nukes and it turned out false. Remembering that I find it amazing that Americans are still willing to accept their governments lies and triangulations. It only makes you people look like brainwashed thugs and a race of killers... which I am sure you are not. I mean you killed no more than 200,000 people in Japan and claimed it was a necessity... I am sure it wasn't because you were a people with a murderous heart?
when Samjhauta Express[/B], initially claimed to be done by Let men was known to have been conducted by local Indian fanatics.
Is that correct?
And who found out that it was conducted by 'local Indian fanatics'? Pakistan?
Who put those losers in jail and disbanded there organization? Pakistan?
Funny that you mention it while at the same time blatantly discrediting the same Indian investigators when they say that more terrorist strikes were carried out by 'Pakistani local fanatics'.
Whereas when it comes to your own, Hafiz Saeed for example. What do you guys do? You give him a mock trial, in which he is obviously not found guilty. He is provided police protection and allowed to give hate speeches all over.
In any event how can we believe anything that Americans say. You know your govt is the biggest liar in the world. Remember WMD? Remember what facts are??
As I've written before, if you have to go back eight years to cite someone for telling a lie that someone must be a pretty honest person, yes? Anyway, as near as I can tell every major Western country thought that Saddam had nukes; very few analysts thought, as it appears to have turned out, that he was only pretending to. So it was an honest mistake, not a deliberate lie as some like to tell.

In any event, one doesn't have to rely on the testimony and proofs from Americans to cite Pakistani usage of militants. I read in histories of Pakistan written by Pakistanis that Jinnah employed them from Day One and of course there is all that U.N. testimony about un-uniformed Pakistani "infiltrators" crossing the Line of Control.
Pakistan is addicted to use Militants against India the same way Saddam Hussain wanted to take over the region with the WMD.

There haven't been any serious proofs and everything has been baseless and never been proved. This hype is just a baseless propaganda and sheer allegation. The truth is far from this. Pakistan is the worst effected country from militancy and has given away most sacrifices to fight it, not only for herself but globally. Not only in the region, but gone abroad to Middile East, parts of Africa and Europe.

This doesn't even make sense leave aside logic that Pakistan, who has been worst affected, would produce militants to target India or anyone else. Pakistan cannot afford to produce them either.

I request all those who are bringing fourth such news, to please provide any proofs for these statements and we will allow you to prosecute the guilty. But if you fail to do so, like every other time, then please do not be raged and shocked when and why people of Pakistan turn against you. Period.
Lets just say the Army still wants to use militants..
lets just say that it is a doctrine of necessity..
A flawed one.. a bad one.. but one that is now existent.
Is there any reason for it not to be pursued while the neighbour which the establishment perceives and promotes as the primary threat... when that threat actively arms and displays its intent to hurt, maim and kill the population of this country?
There is evidence and proof which is enough to be used by the establishment to convince the masses of this..
and breed militants against its enemy(and sustainer).

Sure we are fault.. but then again you aren't helping the addict either.
And to think that a self-destructive Pakistan will have little effect on India..
is the height of folly since Think tanks declared peace after the fall of the USSR.

One cannot want or expect the US to Arm Pakistan to the teeth against India..
But one can expect it to be slightly more accommodating when it comes to the Afghan endgame.
When you bump and bump at a people.. they find a venue for venting frustrations..
and those that facilitate such frustrations have their source.
Stop bumping them.. and you will see a reduction in frustration.

The US has to stop its attacks via drones.. and verbal threats..
that will reduce its enemies..the hardcore ones will stay.. but the mass anger that exists now will drop exponentially.
India will have to reduce its statements of belligerence and implicitly pointing at Pakistan at the target.. the result will be people finding a Military that need not fund this much.. or accommodate beyond its limits.

Currently.. Pakistan is dissolving in terms of its infrastructure and intuitions.
What is sustaining the country are private ventures.
When they too go.. there will be an explosion of militancy and chaos the likes in front of which Yugoslavia will look like peaceful resolution.
Lets just say the Army still wants to use militants..
lets just say that it is a doctrine of necessity..
A flawed one.. a bad one.. but one that is now existent.
Is there any reason for it not to be pursued while the neighbour which the establishment perceives and promotes as the primary threat... when that threat actively arms and displays its intent to hurt, maim and kill the population of this country?
There is evidence and proof which is enough to be used by the establishment to convince the masses of this..
and breed militants against its enemy(and sustainer).
Where is the proof? Is it just those 7 consulates or have you guys caught any real RAW agent in Baloch.
And if they have it, why don't they bring it to the international fora?
Neither I or the American are talking about persecution of Pakistanis engaged in cross border terrorism .Thats a long off shot .

This thread is about nth assertion from India and by the rest of the International community of that fact the Pakistan is sponsor of terrorism. Terrorism is a state policy of Pakistan for long.

Assertions are cheap and easy. Convictions are not.

People once asserted the world is flat and the sun revolves around the Earth. But they were proven false.

I think that, since Pakistan has been accused so much and yet all people have failed miserably to prove even once that any element of the state was involved in any such action, it goes to show that Pakistan has been TESTED the most and came out not guilty.

Right now India has allowed a CIA team within its territory whose sole purpose is to implicate Pakistan state in an act of terrorism. The combined efforts of RAW and the CIA have not produced any result. Perhaps its time to admit that Pakistan is clean.
Assertions are cheap and easy. Convictions are not.

People once asserted the world is flat and the sun revolves around the Earth. But they were proven false.

I think that, since Pakistan has been accused so much and yet all people have failed miserably to prove even once that any element of the state was involved in any such action, it goes to show that Pakistan has been TESTED the most and came out not guilty.

Right now India has allowed a CIA team within its territory whose sole purpose is to implicate Pakistan state in an act of terrorism. The combined efforts of RAW and the CIA have not produced any result. Perhaps its time to admit that Pakistan is clean.
Talking about proof
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