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Pakistan: A role model for a progressive Muslim state

Turkey is a secular country in fact many turkish are not overtly religious compared to pakistanis the turkish people in europe drink, serve pork etc and are more liberal minded. Turkey has a defence partnership with Israel and is a NATO member but in recent times is becoming more bold and assertive with conservative ideas even more now since the flotilla incident.

Pakistan on the other hand is a Islamic country which has blasphemy and sharia law implemented more in keeping with arab and Wahabi philosophy from the time of General Zia's time in power.
Yes Pakistan surely is a role model just look at its achievements
ps: you have to exclude Lashkar-e-Taiba from Pakistan
you know i'll say my true feelings even though it's ramadan yes pakistan has helped the muslim world so much what have they given us back in return ? we risked pakistani lives sending pilots to fight against israel a war that had nothing to do with us did they ever return the favour ? we refuse to recognise israel while many arabs states on the other hand are very pro-india how much aid,workers or logistical help have they sent us during this devastating flood ? Nobody cares about us other than pakistanis sometimes i think to hell with our muslim "brothers" let them look after themselves we'll look after ourselves first god knows we have plenty of our problems to deal with.The only muslim country that has always been a friend to pakistan is turkey .Pakistan needs to wake up from it's dream that muslim world cares so much about us and will ride to the rescue of pakistan like a some knight in shining armour history has shown it's quite the opposite.[/QUOTE/]

you helped them in war ...and they did help in yours against india....
the problem with pakistan is that it always blames others for its own woes.....you didnt get aid because of the negative publcity created by your own politicians - funds given as developmental aid and disaster relief have been diverted to military hardware and into politicians swiss bank accounts . and you are responsible for electing them(if you dont find a decent politician why dont you get into politics and do the job..you cant clean the gutter if you are not willing to get into it)
Achievement? What serious achievement it has, minus war on terror never heard Pakistan's name anywhere.
Yes Pakistan surely is a role model just look at its achievements
ps: you have to exclude Lashkar-e-Taiba from Pakistan

Well,if we exclude the extremist elements from Pakistan then I must say,the situation suddenly starts looking better and rosy.Good strategic location,lots of natural resources,good man power,most of the population being the youth and lots of capability to develop.Its a shame that the country has become a taboo in most of the parts of World due to past mistakes of some dictators.Perhaps it will be good for Pakistan if they remain concerned with themselves only rather than anybody and everybody.
Turkey,UAE,Malaysia are role models

by the way last two pictures Nanga parbat and Neelam Valley are from so-called "azad kashmir" which is a part of India illegally occupied by Pakistan
you know i'll say my true feelings even though it's ramadan yes pakistan has helped the muslim world so much what have they given us back in return ? we risked pakistani lives sending pilots to fight against israel a war that had nothing to do with us did they ever return the favour ? we refuse to recognise israel while many arabs states on the other hand are very pro-india how much aid,workers or logistical help have they sent us during this devastating flood ? Nobody cares about us other than pakistanis sometimes i think to hell with our muslim "brothers" let them look after themselves we'll look after ourselves first god knows we have plenty of our problems to deal with.The only muslim country that has always been a friend to pakistan is turkey .

Your festive season gives you all the more reasons to be honest and you've given a very smart comment here. Appreciate such people who understand practicality of politics.

You sent PAF pilots because PAF is obviously far superior in terms of skills and battle management than your fellow friends from Arab world. They've the money to get latest jets but money can't buy the skill that your pilots had.

And since when did Arab world become pro-us? Evern since last 4 decades, it has never recognized our issues to be ours and have demanded severing ties with Israel as a condition to get support in UN. A few gestures here and there are for maintaining diplomacy that's all. They were never pro-us.
Pakistan needs to wake up from it's dream that muslim world cares so much about us and will ride to the rescue of pakistan like a some knight in shining armour history has shown it's quite the opposite.

BTW for the sake of info, can you tell me the amount of relief Turkey sent you this time? Thanks in advance for it.

-afghanistan votes against recognition of pakistan

What recognition of Pakistan? How does it matter whether they recognize you or not? You're more influential than they are now.

-egypt pro-india and not friendly toward pakistan coz of common pro-soviet bloc during early years

During Soviet era, Egyptians might have been pro-Russians but they still sought your help in trying to defeat Israel. So that made Pakistan a more reliable ally for them.

-with goading from india afghanistan invades pakistan to annex "pashtunistan" thankfully they are quickly defeated

When did this crop up? I think you're misinformed. Afghanistan is not our 31st state to be goaded towards any direction we fancy. It is a sovereign country which has its own wishes. How many INSAS rifle loaded rebels did you see in "Pushtunistan" rebel forces?

-libya rats out pakistan -blabs to the whole world and get us in hot water with international community after receiving nuclear tech from us.

There must have been something equally lucrative for them to blab this out. Tell me, won't you do it if you were offered somthing huge equal? Think of urself as a PM in this case and answer.

-tajikistan gives india airbase

Tajikistan was never a part of the so-called Muslim brotherhood. Just because of joining OIC doesn't make them one. It has always been Russia's extension and naturally what Russians approve to, they'd do that. Since when did OIC become a military association? After Soviet dissolution, we retained excellent ties with all the emerging countries which has also played its part. Tajik forces come to Indian military academies to train in high altitude warfare.

-iran makes special pact with india that they can use iranian bases in the event of war with pakistan.

WHOA! Never heard of this one!! Why would they give us bases when we have such less contact with them in defense? I think you mis-read some article. Iran is a neutral player here despite being under an Islamic theocratic rule. You mis-calculated them as a part of some brotherhood when they despise Arabs politically. Who's fault is that?

-morrocco and some other muslims states ask for india inclusion into OIC

That's very kind of Morocco, but we're not a religion-oriented country and don't want to be associated with agencies anymore that have no weight. So you're free to have strategic ties with them.

-after shia/sunni violence iranian mobs attack pakistani embassy,burn pakistani flags while police look on.

Iran as I said seems to be neutral player. So you can engage them the way you feel.

-afghanistan goverment time and time asks pretty much for the U.S to bomb pakistan claiming it to be responsible for all terrorism

And what impact does this have on US decisions and policies?

-gulf arab states treating pakistanis as sub-human even to this day.

I agree to this. For the status and treatment you give to them as being some elder brotherly nation, they ought to give you some concession. They treat you the same way as they treat Indian expats.
No Islamic states exists...
so there is No role model..
That you rightly said, man. If you want to be existent as a country, all this brotherhood is all fiction. The reality is, you live as a country, shaking hands with whichever that offers you some benefit and to whom you can provide something they think is good.
No Islamic states exists...
so there is No role model..

Some say the USA is the most like what an Islamic State should be, from what I see the more Islamic a State is, the worse it is.
Afghanstan under the Taliban was a good example.
Some say the USA is the most like what an Islamic State should be, from what I see the more Islamic a State is, the worse it is.
Afghanstan under the Taliban was a good example.

neither America nor Afghanistan is a Islamic state...
you don't know about Islamic state from what you seeing now,,there is no Islamic state exists but if it will be there in future then you can talk about Islamic State..
Afghanistan was a state of Taliban not Islamic..
America is secular..
I would ask our brothers around the world to not mimic or copy the Pakistani political establishment. Progressive Muslim state applies to the common people and the sweat, blood, toil of hard working patriots. Backwards feudal fiefdom is what describes our government. Lulz
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