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Pakistan : A distasteful evening's reminder.


Oct 3, 2010
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Pakistan a friend? Try the word fiend

The Kansas City Star
To speak of Pakistan as America’s partner in the war against global terrorism is both an abuse of fact and an insult to the public’s intelligence.

The better description of that chaotic and incompetently governed nation is as a haven for Islamist radicals and a deliberate obstructer of the attempt by the U.S. and its coalition allies to establish a safe and civil society in neighboring Afghanistan.

No surer proof of that can be found than the recent fate of the Pakistani doctor who helped the U.S. discover the location of Osama bin Laden’s hideaway, enabling Navy SEALs to end the life of the world’s most notorious terrorist leader.

What was the good doctor’s reward for aiding his country’s “partner”? He was turned over by the Islamabad regime to a tribal court, sentenced to 33 years and incarcerated in a jail holding many militants. His life is thought to be in serious jeopardy.

With a partner like Pakistan, who needs enemies?

Many years ago, before the violent ascendancy of Islamist radicalism and before the U.S. engagement in that benighted corner of the Middle East, my wife and I were invited by a Pakistani doctor practicing in our city to share a meal in his home with his family and several of their friends.

We were treated to a dinner of traditional fare, which we much enjoyed. But what followed the meal turned the evening irredeemably ugly.

The professed reason for the invitation was to promote understanding by acquainting us with the manners and traditions of the doctor’s native country.

But his real motive, it became clear, was to have a captive audience for an extended, vitriolic anti-American rant.

Never mind that he was living here by choice, practicing his lucrative profession here and benefiting from all the opportunities and comforts that this country affords.

None of that mattered.

Above all, it was U.S. foreign policy that enraged him — most particularly our long-term, unyielding support for the state of Israel and our friendship with his despised bête noire, India.

Until that encounter, Pakistan had been for me only a place on the map. I had traveled much of the world. But that was a country I’d neither visited nor written about. And in the years since, I’ve repeatedly reminded myself how unfair it would be to suggest that all Pakistanis could be judged by the conduct of one rude and ill-tempered individual.

I have to confess, though, that when I hear or read Pakistan described as our partner for peace — even as it persecutes a courageous man who helped us find and eliminate the author of the murderous Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — the memory of that distasteful evening does come to mind.

Posted on Sat, Jun. 09, 2012 08:47 PM
Gotta admire the Indians. So consumed by hate are they that they seem to spend all their time scouring the net for negative articles about Pakistan.

Pity the obsession...

No need to pity it, it is part of their national character.
PAKISTAN A FRIEND OR FIEND ? hmmmmmm......... US of A realzed after 60 yrs. ?

Pakistan a friend or not in global war on terror or ? hmmmmm......... US of A realizing after 10 yeras.

Insult to public intelligence ? hmmmmmm..... I am afraid it is more reflective of collective intelligence of those people who are running America

Pakistan deliberate obstructor of US and its alies attempts to "establish safe and civil society in Afghanistan" !!!!!! hmmmmm............... this really laughable.
Gotta admire the Indians. So consumed by hate are they that they seem to spend all their time scouring the net for negative articles about Pakistan.

Pity the obsession...
Atleast we try to search the web, whereas your countrymen started 8 threads on the same Indian growth topic!!!!!
Dozens of topic about India are posted on this forum and hardly one or two are positive.....
and if by chance they are positive, SinoChallenger and RazPak start pouring in negative news from all over about India..........
You should look in your own house before complaining about others.......
Atleast we try to search the web, whereas your countrymen started 8 threads on the same Indian growth topic!!!!!
Dozens of topic about India are posted on this forum and hardly one or two are positive.....
and if by chance they are positive, SinoChallenger and RazPak start pouring in negative news from all over about India..........
You should look in your own house before complaining about others.......

OK now stop giving lame excuses about your obsession. Just admit you are obsessed and move on.
As often happens, this was for domestic consumption. Not wrong, but a little indelicate.

(we have all seen it in the Asian outlets, and I doubt a journalist in Kansas City thought their peice would end up on an international forum)
anti pakistani article written by an american, posted by an indian, pakistan blames India. :yahoo:

this is a live example of a real international politics.
anti pakistani article written by an american, posted by an indian, pakistan blames India. :yahoo:

this is a live example of a real international politics.

Written by American posted by Indian........ A real example of axis of evil !!!!!!
you guys come from arabia take our lands and kill our people and you expect us to be friendly to you?

Majority of us didn't came from arabia we are the people of indus valley who accepted Islam. :wave:
Minus the "Not Wrong" part, you're right!
National interests change on a daily basis, so do alliances. Public needs to get over it, and journalists need to do their part and not further inflame the situation by adding to the fodder.
As often happens, this was for domestic consumption. Not wrong, but a little indelicate.

(we have all seen it in the Asian outlets, and I doubt a journalist in Kansas City thought their peice would end up on an international forum)
you guys come from arabia take our lands and kill our people and you expect us to be friendly to you?
Pakistanis are not Arabs,they were living here all along. As for the doctor,well,being a Pakistani national, providing intelligence of this magnitude to a foreign intelligence is considered an act of treason however you see it,the severity of the sentence however is debatable. As for the misgivings of the US,well Pakistan has bled more than all the coalition civilian and military deaths combined. This alone highlights the sacrifices made by the country. If the country had a strong government then the US would not have been granted the concessions and leeway it has now.
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