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Pakistan 26 squadrons by 2010 VS India 26.5 squadrons by 2015.

I beg to differ with this statement, block 52 is quite capabale and can take on SU-30MKI in BVR scenario. WVR gives SU-30 some advantages such as radar and payload.
Dont you mean that in WVR the blk 52's will be able to match the MKI. In BVR, the MKI's radar outranges and classes the blk 52's by quite a distance.

Payload is a liability in WVR!

Please read the Indira Dhanush reports, the MKI did not use the radar due security concerns and RAF Tornado's were always able to counter it in WVR warfare.

Aerodynamics is one this, weapons and electronic suite another. Block 52 is selected by PAF to counter latest IAF fighters including the MKI.
Electronics suite are Israeli mate for the MKI ;)
Malay, wait on buddy, and it will be true. ;)
Yeah, if JF-17 is scheduled to be upgraded every 5 years as i have heard, then it is possible. However IAF may upgrade the Mirage 2005's as well, but knowing India's defence procurement policies, that seems unlikely to the point of being unrealistic.

By the way, Matra MICA will be a good addition in the air-to-air weapons arsenal.
Yeah, though i would rather have had all of IAF's fighters equipped with Python 5. Its the next best missile to the AIM-9X. India is already procuring them for the SPYDER missile defence systems, but i dunno whether they will be given to the IAF.
I am also a fan of French Meteor.

MBDA missiles - mica, meteor, exocet missile

Rafale is equipped with them dont they? It replaces Magic I & II for French Air Force.

The meteor is being constructed by a consortium of European countries and the UK will procure it for the Eurofighter.

French involvment is for the active radar based on their knowledge from the mica missiles.

This would be one heck of a MKI killer as it goes at mach 4+
Meteor will be the deadliest AAM to date when it comes out. It will have a no-escape zone of over 100km!

I hope India can get them. We will definitely get em if we order Rafale, Eurofighter or Gripen.

As for PAF, they can also get if they order the aforementioned jets
As for PAF, they can also get if they order the aforementioned jets

Not necessarily. If PAF really wants the missile it can get it, and integrate it with a rader (which is being picked looking at the missiles also)
This thread came up as a suggested thread in one of the threads I was going thru.. You guys had such nice and civilized conversations then even on VS. thread..

Webby must be thinking

Jaane kahan gaye wo din ;)
This thread came up as a suggested thread in one of the threads I was going thru.. You guys had such nice and civilized conversations then even on VS. thread..

Webby must be thinking

Jaane kahan gaye wo din ;)

buddy this is the discussion of seniors,cant u see the coded tags.
if u have something to talk then jump in otherwise keep away like me.:agree:
Since joining ive learned a lot from the seniors.. u guys rock!!!!!!
The MoD is quickly finalizing the 2.2 billion dollar Mirage upgrade deal, which includes the MICA Missiles.
JF17 is not so called STATE OF THE ART Aircraft to counter Indian Aircrafts remember i bet Aircraft technical specs even cant able to match with mig 29 mirage 2000 SU30 is different story. So better to stop making hype of this piece of toy we should go for 4. 4.5 ++ Aircraft rather thn keep happing ourself on the name of super duper JF17.

F16 Block 52 is good but we should consider Rafale IMO.
This thread came up as a suggested thread in one of the threads I was going thru.. You guys had such nice and civilized conversations then even on VS. thread..

Webby must be thinking

Jaane kahan gaye wo din ;)
Yeah. I too was taken by surprise by the way the discussion went on. They were so good. Would love to see much more like this. This should be made as a sticky :p
Can somebody tell me what are the strengths of our current airforces?
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