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Pak will give up nukes, when India does,too: Haqqani

btw, how a country, which have nuclear tech, test data and blue prints can GIVE UP nukes?


Great post. It's so obvious I have similar ideas. No one can/will rollback civilizations (whether nukes are good or bad is a separate issue, I don't want to talk about it here). Now NASA says the blueprints for LVM and saturn5 are gone. The lie is so insulting.
Why do you use the word 'Shudra' so many times? I hope your aim is not to offend Indian members.

I thought "Shudra" means peasants. And I am a descendant of peasants, as are the overwhelming majority of people in the land to your North East.

Any idea why that is offensive to you, resident of Chennai?

Pls give me a reason and I promise will cease and desist.

btw, how a country, which have nuclear tech, test data and blue prints can GIVE UP nukes?

Agreed..this is all bs.No country is going to destroy their labs, infrastructure and nuclear weapons.
btw, how a country, which have nuclear tech, test data and blue prints can GIVE UP nukes?

Lol....NK gave up nukes as many times.
Same goes with Russia,Us,UK,France,China,India and PAK.

Unless there comes a mandate for completely cleansing up of nuclear facilities all over the world,No one simply cant eliminate the weapons.

bottom line is:
there is no death for a technology that is matured.Be it nukes or something else.

Nuke free world goes on the same line as like cluster bombs treaty . :P Only non-state actors push for it while the state actors shrugg off.
Agreed..this is all bs.No country is going to destroy their labs, infrastructure and nuclear weapons.

Somehow I believe the procedure from scratch to a nuke can be recorded on a CD. Even if they are indeed destroyed across the globe, someone, someday will make another one. Unless more powerful weapons are created, humans will be forever associated with the knowledge of making a nuke, from uranium rock to something big and shiny. ;)

So should the goal of the game change to who can make a nuke from scratch faster than others? :rofl:
So should the goal of the game change to who can make a nuke from scratch faster than others? :rofl:

Good one Professor - when you are not mongering.

That's exactly what Japan advocates for itself as a paranuclear state. Apparently the Yamatos can do it in 2 weeks (sumth'n big & shiny - as you say), or 3 days, or perhaps in an hour!

Everything is pre-assembled.

That's where Iran is apparently headed as well. Para is good. Sitting on a pile of HEU or Plutonium is just as handy - for Iran's purposes at least.
Why is Pakistan scared of India? Ive never heard of India doing anything that would give reason for Pakistan to have defensive nuclear weapons. I read the paper and go online and ive never heard of India bombing countries. India seems pretty passive to me.Pakistan could stand to take down some of the nuclear weapons
Pakistan is not scared we just need a resolution on our territory that is in Indian possesion , Kashmir with 98% population and with UN resolution demanding a voting to determine who the Kashmiri ppl want to be associated with and end of ban on travel of Kashmiri people

Kashmiris routinely feel the abuse

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Kashmir fuming over player's detention: Cricket Next



Having received from the Governments of India and Pakistan in Communications, dated December 23 and December 25, 1948, respectively their acceptance of the following principles which are supplementary to the Commission's Resolution of August 13, 1948;

The question of the accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite;

(???????? Where is democractic india now ???????)

A plebiscite will be held when it shall be found by the Commission that the cease-fire and truce arrangements set forth in Parts I and II of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948, have been carried out and arrangements for the plebiscite have been completed;

The Secretary-General of the United Nations will, in agreement with the Commission, nominate a Plebiscite Administrator who shall be a personality of high international standing and commanding general confidence. He will be formally appointed to office by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Plebiscite Administrator shall derive from the State of Jammu and Kashmir the powers he considers necessary for organizing and conducting the plebiscite and for ensuring the freedom and impartiality of the plebiscite.

The Plebiscite Administrator shall have authority to appoint such staff or assistants and observers as he may require.

After implementation of Parts I and II of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948, and when the Commission is satisfied that peaceful conditions have been restored in the State, the Commission and the Plebiscite Administrator will determine, in consultation with the Government of India, the final disposal of Indian and State armed forces, such disposal to be with due regard to the security of the State and the freedom of the plebiscite.

As regards the territory referred to in A 2 of Part II of the resolution of 13 August, final disposal of the armed forces in that territory will be determined by the Commission and the Plebiscite Administrator in consultation with the local authorities.

All civil and military authorities within the State and the principal political elements of the State will be required to co-operate with the Plebiscite Administrator in the preparation for and the holding of the plebiscite.

All citizens of the State who have left it on account of the disturbances will be invited and be free to return and to exercise all their rights as such citizens. For the purpose of facilitating repatriation there shall be appointed two Commissions, one composed of nominees of India and the other of nominees of Pakistan.

The Commissions shall operate under the direction of the Plebiscite Administrator. The Governments of India and Pakistan and all authorities within the State of Jammu and Kashmir will collaborate with the Plebiscite Administrator in putting this provision to effect.

All persons (other than citizens of the State) who on or since 15 August 1947, have entered it for other than lawful purpose, shall be required to leave the State.

All authorities within the State of Jammu and Kashmir will undertake to ensure in collaboration with the Plebiscite Administrator that:

There is no threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery other undue influence on the voters in plebiscite;

No restrictions are placed on legitimate political activity throughout the State. All subjects of the State, regardless of creed, caste or party, shall be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of the State to India or Pakistan. There shall be freedom of the Press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit;

All political prisoners are released;

Minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate protection; and

There is no victimization.

The Plebiscite Administrator may refer to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan problems on which he may require assistance, and the Commission may in its discretion call upon the Plebiscite Administrator to carry out on its behalf any of the responsibilities with which it has been entrusted;

At the conclusion of the plebiscite, the Plebiscite Administrator shall report the result thereof to the Commission and to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. The Commission shall then certify to the Security Council whether the Plebiscite has or has not been free and impartial;

Upon the signature of the truce agreement the details of the foregoing proposals will be elaborated in the consultation envisaged in Part III of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948. The Plebiscite Administrator will be fully associated in these consultations;

Commends the Governments of India and Pakistan for their prompt action in ordering a cease-fire to take effect from one minute before midnight of first January 1949, pursuant to the agreement arrived at as provided for by the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948; and

Resolves to return in the immediate future to the sub-continent to discharge the responsibilities imposed upon it by the resolution of 13 August 1948, and by the foregoing principles.


* UNCIP unanimously adopted this Resolution on 5-1-1949.

Members of the Commission: Argentina, Belgium, Columbia, Czechoslovakia and U.S.A.

New claims are coming out that native Kashmiri ppl are banned from moving to other countries to get education out of fear they will talk about social issues they face in indian administrered Kashmir.

India routinely places its armies across our border, and loaded aircrafts on our borders, as such we need multiple deterrance

1) Nuclear capable cruise missiles
2) Trditional missiles
3) 500-600 Air fighters
4) Awac
6) One of largest militaries
Why is Pakistan scared of India? Ive never heard of India doing anything that would give reason for Pakistan to have defensive nuclear weapons. I read the paper and go online and ive never heard of India bombing countries. India seems pretty passive to me.Pakistan could stand to take down some of the nuclear weapons
Pakistan wasn't the one who built nukes first.It was India who tested first..btw are you one of those fake Canadians?:rofl:
Good one Professor - when you are not mongering.

That's exactly what Japan advocates for itself as a paranuclear state. Apparently the Yamatos can do it in 2 weeks (sumth'n big & shiny - as you say), or 3 days, or perhaps in an hour!

Everything is pre-assembled.

That's where Iran is apparently headed as well. Para is good. Sitting on a pile of HEU or Plutonium is just as handy - for Iran's purposes at least.

I never monger, but if it seems I monger, I monger to make sure someone will "enjoy" having a hard time to have to monger too. :cheesy:
I thought "Shudra" means peasants. And I am a descendant of peasants, as are the overwhelming majority of people in the land to your North East.

Any idea why that is offensive to you, resident of Chennai?

Pls give me a reason and I promise will cease and desist.


Shudra is the lowest varna in the traditional four sections (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya & Shudra) in the Hindu caste system. If you go in detail of the laws of Manu Smriti you will find offending remarks about Shudras.

No problem if you mean the word to describe peasants.
Shudra is the lowest varna in the traditional four sections (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya & Shudra) in the Hindu caste system. If you go in detail of the laws of Manu Smriti you will find offending remarks about Shudras.

No problem if you mean the word to describe peasants.

I am certainly aware of the schematics of Varnas and Jatis. But a familiarity with the "laws of Manu Smriti" is clearly "above my pay grade".

Anyhow, when I use an "offensive" term - I fully intend it to offend. Otherwise, what's the point?

But since this word was not intended to have this effect, I will desist lest unnecessary misunderstandings clog up the flow ... :cheers:
Pakistan is not scared we just need a resolution on our territory that is in Indian possesion , Kashmir with 98% population and with UN resolution demanding a voting to determine who the Kashmiri ppl want to be associated with and end of ban on travel of Kashmiri people

Kashmiris routinely feel the abuse

Most Recently
Kashmir fuming over player's detention: Cricket Next



Having received from the Governments of India and Pakistan in Communications, dated December 23 and December 25, 1948, respectively their acceptance of the following principles which are supplementary to the Commission's Resolution of August 13, 1948;

The question of the accession of the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan will be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite;

(???????? Where is democractic india now ???????)

A plebiscite will be held when it shall be found by the Commission that the cease-fire and truce arrangements set forth in Parts I and II of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948, have been carried out and arrangements for the plebiscite have been completed;

The Secretary-General of the United Nations will, in agreement with the Commission, nominate a Plebiscite Administrator who shall be a personality of high international standing and commanding general confidence. He will be formally appointed to office by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Plebiscite Administrator shall derive from the State of Jammu and Kashmir the powers he considers necessary for organizing and conducting the plebiscite and for ensuring the freedom and impartiality of the plebiscite.

The Plebiscite Administrator shall have authority to appoint such staff or assistants and observers as he may require.

After implementation of Parts I and II of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948, and when the Commission is satisfied that peaceful conditions have been restored in the State, the Commission and the Plebiscite Administrator will determine, in consultation with the Government of India, the final disposal of Indian and State armed forces, such disposal to be with due regard to the security of the State and the freedom of the plebiscite.

As regards the territory referred to in A 2 of Part II of the resolution of 13 August, final disposal of the armed forces in that territory will be determined by the Commission and the Plebiscite Administrator in consultation with the local authorities.

All civil and military authorities within the State and the principal political elements of the State will be required to co-operate with the Plebiscite Administrator in the preparation for and the holding of the plebiscite.

All citizens of the State who have left it on account of the disturbances will be invited and be free to return and to exercise all their rights as such citizens. For the purpose of facilitating repatriation there shall be appointed two Commissions, one composed of nominees of India and the other of nominees of Pakistan.

The Commissions shall operate under the direction of the Plebiscite Administrator. The Governments of India and Pakistan and all authorities within the State of Jammu and Kashmir will collaborate with the Plebiscite Administrator in putting this provision to effect.

All persons (other than citizens of the State) who on or since 15 August 1947, have entered it for other than lawful purpose, shall be required to leave the State.

All authorities within the State of Jammu and Kashmir will undertake to ensure in collaboration with the Plebiscite Administrator that:

There is no threat, coercion or intimidation, bribery other undue influence on the voters in plebiscite;

No restrictions are placed on legitimate political activity throughout the State. All subjects of the State, regardless of creed, caste or party, shall be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of the State to India or Pakistan. There shall be freedom of the Press, speech and assembly and freedom of travel in the State, including freedom of lawful entry and exit;

All political prisoners are released;

Minorities in all parts of the State are accorded adequate protection; and

There is no victimization.

The Plebiscite Administrator may refer to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan problems on which he may require assistance, and the Commission may in its discretion call upon the Plebiscite Administrator to carry out on its behalf any of the responsibilities with which it has been entrusted;

At the conclusion of the plebiscite, the Plebiscite Administrator shall report the result thereof to the Commission and to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. The Commission shall then certify to the Security Council whether the Plebiscite has or has not been free and impartial;

Upon the signature of the truce agreement the details of the foregoing proposals will be elaborated in the consultation envisaged in Part III of the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948. The Plebiscite Administrator will be fully associated in these consultations;

Commends the Governments of India and Pakistan for their prompt action in ordering a cease-fire to take effect from one minute before midnight of first January 1949, pursuant to the agreement arrived at as provided for by the Commission's resolution of 13 August 1948; and

Resolves to return in the immediate future to the sub-continent to discharge the responsibilities imposed upon it by the resolution of 13 August 1948, and by the foregoing principles.


* UNCIP unanimously adopted this Resolution on 5-1-1949.

Members of the Commission: Argentina, Belgium, Columbia, Czechoslovakia and U.S.A.

New claims are coming out that native Kashmiri ppl are banned from moving to other countries to get education out of fear they will talk about social issues they face in indian administrered Kashmir.

India routinely places its armies across our border, and loaded aircrafts on our borders, as such we need multiple deterrance

1) Nuclear capable cruise missiles
2) Trditional missiles
3) 500-600 Air fighters
4) Awac
6) One of largest militaries

Security is the mejor concerns for indian, wheather its kashmiri or other comman people of india or VIP's
May be pakistan people do not need security to tackle with Pakistani Taliban.

Kashmir is disputed area for pakistan but its intigaral part for india.Every citizen of india is free to travel everywhere in india or in the world but kashmiri people has more constitutional Right than other comman people of india.

there are mejor terrorist activities in kashmir since more than 20 year's so it is common to feel for kashmiri people but they still not figured as abuse.

India deployed about 12k army near to pakistan border but all are in indian territory not in pakistan soil.

does pakistan dont have cruise mesile ?

does pakistan not acquiring AWACS ?

Does pakistan not have Nukes ?

Does pakistan not have militants of 26/11 ?

Does you dont have taliban ?
Unfortunatly I only hear that Kashmiris are not issued passport to travel outside of Kashmir - its a pretty common topic and few students also complained they had visas issued for education and due to Indian ban on them getting passport they can't travel ....

Secondly - Kashmir is a disputed territory , based on UN documented signed by both countries, and also since now china has also interest.

Also there is absolutely no connection between Kashmir / India

To answer your questions:
You raised , yes we have armies so do india. Mumbai rouge idiots were not serving Pakistani Interest, and also we don't have AWACs nor any solid navy monitoring program on our side. Our leaders had worked hard to develop trust to forge better links so if we lose out on that its a great loss. Now we are back to point zero.

It would be ideal if UN mandate is followed and region is democratically allowed to decide its fate , which is stuck in limbo since '1948'

I think our politicians of past are 100% respobsible for making Kashmir a matter of pride rather then simple democratic election run by UN we could have had a very strong mutual friendship .. but our emotional leaders could not sit down and discuss this simple issue

If we had not been stuck perhaps we could have been great allies now but alas - british did what they are good at , leave but , leave a bone in middle to keep ppl occupied fighting over piece of bone.

You may notice that we never ask for any other part of india to be associated with Pakistan , since we have no reason to disrupt any portion of india but there was an agreement made in 1948, and as such , the people of that state should vote - otherwise future of both nations will always hang by a thread , one nuclear confrontation and the continent will be sent in stone ages
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Unfortunatly I only hear that Kashmiris are not issued passport to travel outside of Kashmir - its a pretty common topic and few students also complained they had visas issued for education and due to Indian ban on them getting passport they can't travel ....

Secondly - Kashmir is a disputed territory , based on UN documented signed by both countries, and also since now china has also interest.

Also there is absolutely no connection between Kashmir / India

To answer your questions:
You raised , yes we have armies so do india. Mumbai rouge idiots were not serving Pakistani Interest, and also we don't have AWACs nor any solid navy monitoring program on our side. Our leaders had worked hard to develop trust to forge better links so if we lose out on that its a great loss. Now we are back to point zero.

It would be ideal if UN mandate is followed and region is democratically allowed to decide its fate , which is stuck in limbo since '1948'

I think our politicians of past are 100% respobsible for making Kashmir a matter of pride rather then simple democratic election run by UN we could have had a very strong mutual friendship .. but our emotional leaders could not sit down and discuss this simple issue

If we had not been stuck perhaps we could have been great allies now but alas - british did what they are good at , leave but , leave a bone in middle to keep ppl occupied fighting over piece of bone.

You may notice that we never ask for any other part of india to be associated with Pakistan , since we have no reason to disrupt any portion of india but there was an agreement made in 1948, and as such , the people of that state should vote - otherwise future of both nations will always hang by a thread , one nuclear confrontation and the continent will be sent in stone ages

You Have your point based on what pakistani people think about Kashmir on the other hand we have our solid point on the kashmir.

Indian goverment never say that pakistan is our enemy also MR. Jardari has same view.

I respect him.

Kashmir could be solved but wait for good time.

Dont think india as a hindu country.

Think beyond Islam.

Every indian has proud of indian muslim because no indian muslim is part of Al-quida and Tliban.

In india we cant say a simple word "Mulla" openly because its communal word and it can make riots here, so you can easily understand indian culture here. I have more than 30 friends who are muslims but all are so secular but please i am not telling anything which makes you feel good, that i know muslim culture very well because its our internal matter.
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