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Pak will give up nukes, when India does,too: Haqqani

lol ^_^ man ... come on its the nukes I am talking about giving up

:coffee: its not , a fire cracker lets trade ..

Come think about - no more madrassas , no more taliban , no more uneducated
crazy folk , all educated , rock listening graduates form balouch univerity

Is that a bad deal ... its not , and plus Pakistan signs NPT ...

And then india is forced to sign it too - and Israel -

Peace in whole region , and no more arms race ...

Pakistan is fighting extremists in its territories for its own survival. Those "crazy folk" are killing their brothers and sisters in their own motherland. Is that what Pakistan stands for???

U'r way of bargaining seems to suggest me that the whole world owes you money for extremism you nurtured for years.

Al Baradi can come , and eat biryani with AQ Khan and then leave - no more profileration .....

Unlike North Korea who don't listen , or Iran who don't listen , Pakistan willing to be a full time partner ^_^ almost like a marrige when we sign that NPT contract .. is that not what US congress wants ? ? ?

Please, No biryani stuff . If i wanted it I would rather fly 2 chicago and have it in dewan st

More than that I wonder how AQ Khan is let free, he should be put in institution for mentally insane and made a sissy out of him

North korea and Iran are aggressors as we see it and actively pursuing nuke tech. They will be dealt with
And just to make the trade fair, al baradi can manage the 10 nuclear station in Pakistan ? ? ? Pakistan at this stage just need the energy ... and think about 10 contracts for nuclaer plants for US companies to build more jobs ...

And we are talking about an old used air craft naval carier not even top of the line nuclear one .... just something we can use to may be fly off , drones or helicopters
Since we don't have F15 ???
Please i do understand the economics of making money and profiteering.

Why an aircraft carrier ?? why even an old one??
I'ld say rather sink an old AC near seychelles or bahamas to make an artificial reef out of it(marine life and a lot of tourism) rather than giving it to Pakistan.
But this is a fair trade for no more nuclear arsenel expansion

Other wise, you know Saudia want Nuclear weapons, Iran wants em North Korea wants them too for their missiles , and they are willing to pay 100 billion a pop for 5-6 units , from each country ? I mean that is alot of money ... if you know what I mean , we can eliminate all our debt

I mean you know those Saudi kings when they want something they like they pay good money , for it , I heard they have 396 billion dollars in reserve , what is a 100 billion to them ? nothing they can make it in 1-2 years

Should we head in that direction ? I don't think its good for each other

Just the way you have equated money as a reason for proliferating Nuke tach shows what a peace loving person u r.
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Pakistan is a declared nuclear state and this issue must not be discussed now. I doubt anybody will make itself helpless by destroying its nuclear assets.
it was based upon , the statment of a 2nd most hated person in pakistan.:agree:
he is trying to be over smart & is looking for a special position in pakistani establishment, with the backing of US.
he have to understand , that these kind of statments , shoud be given by PAKISTAN's PRESIDENT OR PAKISTANI PM, not by a ammbasdor, at least!:smokin:
ISrael and India ke pant geli hoi tu Nuke ke safety yaad agaye kay sab apnay apnay nuke daydoo lol ye koi Cricket ball hey ? lol
Ok global hawk don't give us the carrier, we will get it from China.

And civilian nuclear technology , we have france for that

Other technology , gas pipe line we already are getting that from Iran - I don't even know why we need US anymore

Just make sure your 7 billion dollar cheques do not bounce in case you run out of cash, I mean you could pretend to have money in Bank but we all know , most of US funds are just china's borrowed cash - don't end up bankrupting yourselves

Abdul Qadir khan will likely get a natioanal award for his efforts I hope they name a city in Afghanistan after him

:) Don't worry about the reefs , I am sure a nuclear detonation underwater would build some reefs , in future big one ...

Don't want India/Israel to sign NPT great , neither will we and we will have a stalemate-
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Why should Pak give up its nukes for anybody? Nukes are legit defense weapons. And whether Pak has nukes or not is nobody's business.

We should never give up our nuclear weapons. Indian army is 3 times bigger than ours in every aspect... so we need some credible deterrence to overcome the numerical advantage India has over Pakistan. And about the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear assets is more than enough...It's not a candy that any one, including these Taliban’s can steal.:pakistan::china::pakistan::china::pdf:
Ok global hawk don't give us the carrier, we will get it from China.

And civilian nuclear technology , we have france for that

Other technology , gas pipe line we already are getting that from Iran - I don't even know why we need US anymore

Just make sure your 7 billion dollar cheques do not bounce in case you run out of cash, I mean you could pretend to have money in Bank but we all know , most of US funds are just china's borrowed cash - don't end up bankrupting yourselves

Abdul Qadir khan will likely get a natioanal award for his efforts I hope they name a city in Afghanistan after him

:) Don't worry about the reefs , I am sure a nuclear detonation underwater would build some reefs , in future big one ...

Don't want India/Israel to sign NPT great , neither will we and we will have a stalemate-

Dude. That money is in USD. In this world only USofA can print dollar bills, well, at least legitimately. :cheesy:
US will never running out of dollars. However, how much would they be worth is totally another story, depends on market view and what US would do.
Dude. That money is in USD. In this world only USofA can print dollar bills, well, at least legitimately. :cheesy:

Hey, he's a professor alright. This shudra would like to propose an idea for the upcoming "new" six-party rounds on North Korea.

We know NK was pretty peeved about its "US$" being confiscated in Macao (or something along the line). Now perhaps in exchange for "gestures" from Kim, Uncle should just "license" Kim to print a certain stash every month ...

You know, maybe they won't even have to pass a bill or anything that way :azn:.
Hey, he's a professor alright. This shudra would like to propose an idea for the upcoming "new" six-party rounds on North Korea.

We know NK was pretty peeved about its "US$" being confiscated in Macao (or something along the line). Now perhaps in exchange for "gestures" from Kim, Uncle should just "license" Kim to print a certain stash every month ...

You know, maybe they won't even have to pass a bill or anything that way :azn:.

Why do you use the word 'Shudra' so many times? I hope your aim is not to offend Indian members.




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Lol nuke free world isnt a reality.

People are just dreaming.

The below flow chart reads like this way.


Both brits and france give up once US does.

Just a question to fellaw lurkers.

What do you mean by giving up nukes?

Just dismantling the weapons and throwing out the raw material?
If so then how can you avoid a nation from building again in case of need?

a country which designed by its own unlike some other which stolen the designs can build nukes any hour of need.
Aray, why get upset.

Relax - Pakistan conditioned the offer to India, knowing full well India is not going to go that route, and it makes Pakistan look good in terms of only wanting Nukes because India developed them and continues to retain them.

Good PR! :D

Exactly how many school children will not see this for the gimmickry that it is? Pakistan came off looking undiplomatic at best, and as a Chinese lackey at worst.
People are forgetting the past.

India tested the nukes only after China did.Indian nukes are china specific rather than PAK.

so India only give up nukes after China does the same.
btw, how a country, which have nuclear tech, test data and blue prints can GIVE UP nukes?

Ok global hawk don't give us the carrier, we will get it from China.

And civilian nuclear technology , we have france for that

Other technology , gas pipe line we already are getting that from Iran - I don't even know why we need US anymore

Hmmm... Elaborate fantasies of control. Do you write for naughty magazines as well?
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