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Pak-US Agreement over Afia Siddique

Afia Siddiqui should be shifted to a neutral country like Ireland or maybe Indonesia/Malaysia for her own safety. The concept of freeing war prisoners was applied against bounty in the Battle of Badar. Those kuffar who did not have money were allowed to teach Muslims to read in lieu of their bounty. Human rights come first before PR advantage. Even if Afia was a combatant or radical activist, she has paid more than the full price for her actions.
Even if Afia was a combatant or radical activist, she has paid more than the full price for her actions.

That might be an opinion some may hold, but not many others. She will probably die in a US jail.
Afia is a test for the entire Ummah.
Every single one of us will be held accountable on the day of judgement for this.

Even if she was a criminal you punish her in Pakistan. You do not sell a Muslim women to kuffar!

We have failed to get her back. The Ummah has failed to get her back. This is an Ummah issue as someone like Afia cared about the Ummah and her dear Pakistan sold her to kuffar. Islamic Republic of Pakistan sold a Muslim women to Kaffir Republic of USA.

Even kuffar have enough ghairat to protect their citizens especially women and even if criminals they do not hand them over to anyone.

For the enlightened protectors of humans rights on this forum, f*ck off don’t dare quote me with your propaganda.

Her sellers would definitely not want her back.

She is just 1 of the many hundreds that were sold.
Unfortunately the Ummah is at the helm of haram khor zina ki pedawaar people and they have relegated us ""Mullahs"" within the boundaries of Mosques and Madrassahs. It is time we the so called ""Mullahs"" wake up and claim our rightful place in government, military, economy, bureaucracy, health and education sectors. Until then the idea of a just society will just be a wishful thinking at best
Hunh ??? What does it have to do with me?? . looks like entire anti army Patwari force have a combing brain of the size of bird shit….
You seem to be another corrupt , do you have either dirty money or blood on your hands.
It is time we the so called ""Mullahs"" wake up and claim our rightful place in government, military, economy, bureaucracy, health and education sectors.

What is stopping you? Please go right ahead!
Was she innocent?
Depends what kinda answer you are looking for..

US argument is, Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire. Before AQ get hold of highly qualified Neuroscientist, she is better off dying in jail.

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Defense argument is … innocent of what crime? If she was illegally pickup in Karachi and sold without any charges or warrants against her, how credible is rest of the story?

In federal charges against her, she was listed as a Pakistani citizen, which mean she was stripped off her right of due process granted to a US citizen. Which would have open can of worms for prosecution.

In federal charges against her, she was listed as a Pakistani citizen, which mean she was stripped off her right of due process granted to a US citizen. Which would have open can of worms for prosecution.

Please note that Aafia was NEVER a US citizen. She did have a US green card for a period of time, which she lost when she moved out of the country, but she ALWAYS remained a Pakistani citizen. (KSM was another person who was a Pakistani citizen.)
Please note that Aafia was NEVER a US citizen. She did have a US green card for a period of time, which she lost when she moved out of the country, but she ALWAYS remained a Pakistani citizen. (KSM was another person who was a Pakistani citizen.)
Pakistani establishment, and PDF pundits argue she was a US citizen, so it’s none of their issue. Basically lying to their pubic.
Pakistani establishment, and PDF pundits argue she was a US citizen, so it’s none of their issue. Basically lying to their pubic.

What I stated above are verifiably true facts. No doubt about any of it at all.
Mussraf also lied that he didn’t handover any Pakistani citizen, and only foreign were handed over to CIA.

Of course he did lie about this matter. Nothing unusual about such disappearances in the Land of "Missing Persons".
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What is stopping you? Please go right ahead!
All the sectors don’t agree with Mullahs yet because they have women. So unless they can beat the women black and blue they cannot be reclaimed. That is the true Ghazwa e Hind for these Mullahs.
All the sectors don’t agree with Mullahs yet because they have women. So unless they can beat the women black and blue they cannot be reclaimed. That is the true Ghazwa e Hind for these Mullahs.

Disagree with them as I personally might, the mullahs do have the right to seek influence and control in society just the same as other groups. If they can influence a majority to enforce sharia in Pakistan, then so be it.

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