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Pak-US Agreement over Afia Siddique

I asked one simple question:
What did she do to deserve special treatment ?

Also why is she alive if she had a life ending cancer five years back ..
That is because you don't know half the story.

So tell me the story….

That her so called missing kids were found to w with her sister in Karachi

That she never had cancer

That she planned to blow herself up in Kabul ?

By the way what was she doing in Kabul ???
So tell me the story….

That her so called missing kids were found to w with her sister in Karachi

That she never had cancer

That she planned to blow herself up in Kabul ?

By the way what was she doing in Kabul ???

You don't even know all of this. There are many conflicting stories. I would say that Afia became a hostage of the situation. Pakistan and the US were at loggerheads in Afghanistan.The Americans captured her and tried to humiliate Pakistan by making an example out of her.
You don't even know all of this. There are so many conflicting stories.

Are you normal ??? Patwari brain 🧠…. first you claimed I know nothing and implying you know everything nd now you don’t know anything WTF is your brain made up of …
Does that warrant torture and violation of human rights?
if she was white she would have been home a decade ago or the US would have made it a diplomatic issue at every moment until release. There is a high chance she will be murdered on her return because she knows too much and too many corrupts are implicated including Musharraf.
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if she was white she would have been home a decade ago and the US would have made it a diplomatic issue at every moment until release. There is a high chance she will be murdered on her return because she knows too much and too many corrupts are implicated including Musharraf.

Most likely. Pakistan has without a doubt conducted a very ugly and henious campaign along with the Americans.
She was kidnapped along with her children by ISI from outside her home in Karachi and sold to their american masters for the going rate at the time of $5K per head. She was then rendered to Bagram and tortured there and when Yvonne Ridley highlighted her plight as the "gray lady of Bagram", she was shot and a cockamamie story was concocted that she attacked a marine and for which she received 80 years sentence not for supposed terrorism.

Truly a sordid ordeal and one of the worst cases of sepoy's colonial servitude.
Does that warrant torture and violation of human rights?
No, but why only Aafia? there are thousands of more Aafias out there who suffered more if not worse then her.
She was kidnapped along with her children by ISI from outside her home in Karachi and sold to their american masters for the going rate at the time of $5K per head. She was then rendered to Bagram and tortured there and when Yvonne Ridley highlighted her plight as the "gray lady of Bagram", she was shot and a cockamamie story was concocted that she attacked a marine and for which she received 80 years sentence not for supposed terrorism.

Truly a sordid ordeal and one of the worst cases of sepoy's colonial servitude.

Please answer my questions above to have any authenticity to any of the garbage you typed above ….

No, but why only Aafia? there are thousands of more Aafias out there who suffered more if not worse then her.

Because she is a better liar and drama queen than legitimate innocent Pakistani women rotting in our own Justice system .
why what did she do? just mention one thing. Also how come she is the longest living survivor of some unknown Stage 4 cancer five years back??? wait is it because the American tax payers paid for her treatment??
wat did you do ? it was American tax payer who paid for her torture too.
No, but why only Aafia? there are thousands of more Aafias out there who suffered more if not worse then her.
She is a representative of that class. Give us more names and their cause will be taken up.

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