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Pak-US Agreement over Afia Siddique

So you need us to tell you what’s going on in the world around you????

Bro you are better off cooking and washing dishes then discussing issues here. Have a nice day.
You are the one saying there are many cases like hers, are you conjecturing or do you have evidence?

You are the one saying there are many cases like hers, are you conjecturing or do you have evidence?
I am referring to Pakistani women imprisoned in Pakistani jail system under fake charges on domestic and criminal fake charges.......they are rotting away with no justice available to them
Pakistanis are becoming a pacifist qoum har koi inko bezatti kar jata i guess releasing more Joyland type stuff will help their cause.
We were always thand-mahol quom, weren't we. Otherwise, who keeps up with this shit for 75 years

But my point was this, sir, wasn't it the guy in your DP who rendered her to the yanks?

not pointing fingers on you. just a light-hearted observation.
All the people thinking this is just because of some “prisoner exchange” have never seen the video where her son was stripped naked outside Christ Church Rawalpindi.

That video was subsequently deleted from history. We all know how she ended up in Afghanistan onboard N379P’s flight out of Chaklala Airbase (Noorkhan Airbase).

Furthermore, In a lawsuit against the federal Bureau of Prisons, Siddiqui’s lawyers said another inmate “smashed a coffee mug filled with scaling hot liquid” into her face. When Siddiqui curled herself into a fetal position, the other woman began to punch and kick her, leaving her with injuries so severe that she needed to be taken by wheelchair to the prison’s medical unit, the suit says.

Siddiqui was left with burns around her eyes and a three-inch scar near her left eye, the lawsuit says. She also suffered bruises on her arms and legs and an injury to her cheek.

The attack prompted protests by human rights activists and religious groups and calls for improved prison conditions. The activists have also called on the Pakistani government to fight for her release from U.S. custody.

But that’s okay the naysayers and custodians of “human rights” on this forum just go to show the that human rights are “qualified” rights and not absolute- and only apply to those that meet their narrow viewpoint of being a “good guy” or “just cause”.
All the people thinking this is just because of some “prisoner exchange” have never seen the video where her son was stripped naked outside Christ Church Rawalpindi.

That video was subsequently deleted from history. We all know how she ended up in Afghanistan onboard N379P’s flight out of Chaklala Airbase (Noorkhan Airbase).

Furthermore, In a lawsuit against the federal Bureau of Prisons, Siddiqui’s lawyers said another inmate “smashed a coffee mug filled with scaling hot liquid” into her face. When Siddiqui curled herself into a fetal position, the other woman began to punch and kick her, leaving her with injuries so severe that she needed to be taken by wheelchair to the prison’s medical unit, the suit says.

Siddiqui was left with burns around her eyes and a three-inch scar near her left eye, the lawsuit says. She also suffered bruises on her arms and legs and an injury to her cheek.

The attack prompted protests by human rights activists and religious groups and calls for improved prison conditions. The activists have also called on the Pakistani government to fight for her release from U.S. custody.

But that’s okay the naysayers and custodians of “human rights” on this forum just go to show the that human rights are “qualified” rights and not absolute- and only apply to those that meet their narrow viewpoint of being a “good guy” or “just cause”.
None of the government’s in power during her incarceration dealt with the USA 🇺🇸 with a agenda without strings attached.
Afia is a test for the entire Ummah.
Every single one of us will be held accountable on the day of judgement for this.

Even if she was a criminal you punish her in Pakistan. You do not sell a Muslim women to kuffar!

We have failed to get her back. The Ummah has failed to get her back. This is an Ummah issue as someone like Afia cared about the Ummah and her dear Pakistan sold her to kuffar. Islamic Republic of Pakistan sold a Muslim women to Kaffir Republic of USA.

Even kuffar have enough ghairat to protect their citizens especially women and even if criminals they do not hand them over to anyone.

For the enlightened protectors of humans rights on this forum, f*ck off don’t dare quote me with your propaganda.

None of the government’s in power during her incarceration dealt with the USA 🇺🇸 with an agenda without strings attached.
Her sellers would definitely not want her back.

She is just 1 of the many hundreds that were sold.
Americans would never let Aafia go, case closed. The same reason they can't let any other Gitmo detainee go.
So tell me the story….

That her so called missing kids were found to w with her sister in Karachi

That she never had cancer

That she planned to blow herself up in Kabul ?

By the way what was she doing in Kabul ???
She was pickup by ISI in Karachi. Atleast 2 high ranking officials confirmed it for me. Now try unshoving whatever propaganda you have up your rear.
Typical western none sense when it comes to wester affairs in third world countries

1- Forced Libya to accept responsibility for some alleged issue
2- Libya gave them good will promises they had no hand in it , not trusted
3- Libya gave them $$$ for blood money
4- At time same promises were made to Libya "All will be forgotten"
5- Libya was forced to accept random lies , at the time their leader thought the future generation will benefit from accepting the lies as truth
6- What happened in end??????

"What people don't realize the heavier CIA operations only get approved once you accept certain guilt"

The lies which you accept are later used as Basis for approving stern Operations on your soil because, back home locally they use the argument well they accepted certain lies as truth

In this case what USA is doing is simple, trying to re-write history
It is done, so back home in their textbooks and books historians write they can fully claim certain things related to Pakistani Land usage for certain purpose
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