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Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

My simple logic is the following.
What can Pakistan do with 200 + nuclear war heads that it could not do with 100 ?

USSR had many more war heads than US ever had. Did it matter ?

If a Time ever comes , we will just go out With a Blast , taking everyone with us .
My simple logic is the following.
What can Pakistan do with 200 + nuclear war heads that it could not do with 100 ?

USSR had many more war heads than US ever had. Did it matter ?

The same can apply to your nation ! what a silly logic you have do you even know what a single NUKE can do .. both Pakistan & India have them just pray and hope there is never ever a war between the two both have nukes today and the main and only reason for that is for them to be used upon each other if needed ...GOD forgive the time ever arises hope for peace thats all i can tell you that is the most simple logic one can have today .
Nukes are just some show pieces. No use

If a Time ever comes , we will just go out With a Blast , taking everyone with us .

I can assure you, you can do no such thing. So Clillax...
Nukes are just some show pieces. No use

I can assure you, you can do no such thing. So Clillax...

& how can you say that ? think about it, to avoid defeat if Pakistan chooses to go down it will definitely go for a "mutual assured destruction" with India now when it does so , will it give a rat's a$$ to world opinion ? no it wont simple. so be reassured Pakistan has the capability to do this & if push comes to shove it very well will.
MIRV is next for Pakistan and a missile with longer than 8000 km range..
USA is on a mission to destroy Pakistan.
such weapons may keep them at bay...
& how can you say that ? think about it, to avoid defeat if Pakistan chooses to go down it will definitely go for a "mutual assured destruction" with India now when it does so , will it give a rat's a$$ to world opinion ? no it wont simple. so be reassured Pakistan has the capability to do this & if push comes to shove it very well will.

It is sometimes prudent to get defeated than getting annihilated.
Pakistan hasnt much to lose anymore and its a miracle that a country surrounded by large powerful and rich enemies is still there..
Its time to be prepared for the worse...If Pakistan goes,so does everybody else.
Pakistan hasnt much to lose anymore and its a miracle that a country surrounded by large powerful and rich enemies is still there..
Its time to be prepared for the worse...If Pakistan goes,so does everybody else.

Would it be ready to loose 180 million people?
Would it be ready to loose 180 million people?

The 5 big are ready to lose much larger population for MAD...
Say India keeps building dams on Rivers as of now..It will eventually result in famine,so people will die anyway...

Thats why i say,Pakistan hasn't much to lose anymore...Already between rock and a hard place.
Same goes for USA..The way CIA is infiltrated in the country,paying suicide bombers and separatists,and their thirst for Pakistani Blood has no limits,they want more..Its is causing deaths and may result in complete destruction of Pakistan...For them Pakistan should have a well developed MAD program..
This is true. I suspect Pakistan's nuke production is linked to the amount of Western "aid" Pakistan receives; a percentage is taken off the top and applied to the nuke program. If any Westerner asks he or she is told that it's just the usual South Asian corruption.

What Western aid are you exactly talking about? Is there any proof that any amount received in aid was transferred to our nuclear program? All the money that is disbursed is rigorously monitored by USAID and they continually audit all the numbers. Anyways coming back to the point, Pakistan has received almost $20 billion in Western aid but has suffered losses of almost $70 billion in this WOT. As far as we are concerned, keep this aid to yourself and we will exit this WOT. Exiting this WOT would be much more profitable than fighting this fruitless war.

The amount of nukes you have are more than sufficient to deter India or any aggression. It is more than enough to permanently destroy our entire region. By continuing your program and building more nukes, you are just inviting unwanted attention, increasing doubts among west and getting prone to sanctions.

I don't believe Pakistan is increasing the number of her nukes but is instead focusing on improving the nuke quality and delivery systems.
The 5 big are ready to lose much larger population for MAD...
Say India keeps building dams on Rivers as of now..It will eventually result in famine,so people will die anyway...

Thats why i say,Pakistan hasn't much to lose anymore...Already between rock and a hard place.
Same goes for USA..The way CIA is infiltrated in the country,paying suicide bombers and separatists,and their thirst for Pakistani Blood has no limits,they want more..Its is causing deaths and may result in complete destruction of Pakistan...For them Pakistan should have a well developed MAD program..

Forget about other countries. Why do you Pakistanis think of other counties before you think of your Country.

And if you mean losing 180 million is 'not much to loose', then God save Pakistan.
What ever Pakistan is doing Its doing Secretly.Indians Dont know what we have but we dont show, unlike india who shows off everything.
If you think that's a good strategy, your dead wrong! A country needs to show its adversaries what it has in order to put the fear of God in them. You need to show the big sword you've got to deter an enemy from even the thought of striking first.
To indians who think their BMD's are not faltu they should its the most error prone unreliable tech ever.

Not surprised that your statement makes no sense.

Not even their dada US have mastered and its inevitable that some war heads will slip through these shields and hit its target.

No ever claimed BMD is a pancea :rofl:

PAK should concentrate more on MIRV and maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) tech which will ensure their MAD with this artificial radical hindutva state called india.

Actually , even that doesn't ensure 100% possibility of missiles reaching their target in Indo-Pakistani case due to the geography.

BMD's are for states like US that can waste money like brainless monkeys for their defence corporations not for a country that struggles in feeding 50% of their population. :)

Just to inform your Abba aka China too is among those brainless monkeys deploying BMDs.

One sentance to sumaarize your Jammati verbal dirrahoea on BMD is : "bandar kya janne adrak ka swad" :lol:
If you think that's a good strategy, your dead wrong! A country needs to show its adversaries what it has in order to put the fear of God in them. You need to show the big sword you've got to deter an enemy from even the thought of striking first.

Let me put it this way. Showing off PUBLICALLY and showing off to only those who are concerned are two different things. Time and again, Pakistan's SFC passes hints onto the Indian officials, without chest thumping.

That is the Precise reason people consider Pakistan is an International migraine ...no one trusts your bearded mullahs with nuclear weapons....World would definitely be a better place without Pakistan and Pakistanis..

The term MAD (mutual assured destruction) arose during the Cold War, long before Pakistan had nuclear weapons. MAD is the ONLY scenario which is preventing nuclear weapons exchange between any two or more nuclear nations.

Kindly do a little research over nuclear weapons, their safety and the strategic equations before bashing Pakistan and Pakistanis without any valid reason. :rolleyes:
Pakistan hasnt much to lose anymore and its a miracle that a country surrounded by large powerful and rich enemies is still there..
Its time to be prepared for the worse...If Pakistan goes,so does everybody else.
that is the reason Pakistani Administration is being tolerated the world over and aided by US..
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