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Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

Again, you are discussing a high yield weapon, irrespective of its deployment. The yield (hence the type of weapon) depends upon its usage.
India will not use a high yield nuke??

The Indian BMD? For now, yes.
Do you know so much about indian BMD?
How can you be so sure...It have prove itself to be a very capable system with a great radar(LRTR) and a highly maneuv
erable missile(AAD)
Shaheen-II has a MaRV. And by the counter-measures I meant decoys (chaff and balloons).
Mate we have discussed it all before you joined. Here, have a read:
Indias BMD systems have been in development since 2000 so don't expect it to be premature...
I take your word for that (hope you'll take mine too).

I do, (the cricket ball thingy :) ). Can we discuss this "Countering the Indian BMD" thing on the dedicated thread? So that this thread doesn't derail...

India will not use a high yield nuke?

I never said that. Why are you assuming things?
Look, all type of nukes (gun-type fission, implosion-type fission, tritium boosted fission, Teller Ulam design) were developed a couple of decades ago. So I don't think any nukes design is "modern". The thing is, high yield weapons (fusion and boosted fission) are for use against Strategic targets (i.e. Population Centres). While the low yield fission weapons (including sub-kiloton yield ones) are for use against troops on a battlefield, CBGs, IBGs or larger military targets as Military Bases.

Do you know so much about indian BMD?
How can you be so sure...It have prove itself to be a very capable system with a great radar(LRTR) and a highly maneuv
erable missile(AAD)

Yes I do. Please go through that thread and then add to it if you have anything more.

Indias BMD systems have been in development since 2000 so don't expect it to be premature...
Pakistan's Ballistic Missiles have been in development since 1995. So by your logic, they should be even advanced, no? :P
Nukes are useless, Since 1946 no one has used this useless bomb.

Yes they have been used, INDIRECTLY. The very fear and threat of their usage leading to total annihilation has prevented a conventional WW3 and many other wars b/w nuclear nations.
Pakistan's Ballistic Missiles have been in development since 1995. So by your logic, they should be even advanced, no? :P
India had made a SAM even in the 1970s ...so who is more advanced??:cheesy:
64N6E (BIG BIRD) surveillance/detection radar,
83M6E command and control system
48N6E2 missile/ 9M96E1/2 all three present in inventory.

To the above PMU-2 add the Greenpine, LRTR/Swordfish, and then maybe rethink your " immature " again

As per SIPRI India never purchased any S - 300 models from Russia.
Mods Please don't Delete it....!!!!!!!


Just for info, there are rumours Pakistan has Chinese HQ-9s (S-300 equivalents) for BMD role.
One has to accept that Pakistan has got India thinking with its nuclear program but all wars can't be taught with just nukes.
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