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Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

MIRV is next for Pakistan and a missile with longer than 8000 km range..
USA is on a mission to destroy Pakistan.
such weapons may keep them at bay...

You better make that an SLBM.

If its Land based, get ready to face trouble from the West.
Let me put it this way. Showing off PUBLICALLY and showing off to only those who are concerned are two different things. Time and again, Pakistan's SFC passes hints onto the Indian officials, without chest thumping.

The term MAD (mutual assured destruction) arose during the Cold War, long before Pakistan had nuclear weapons. MAD is the ONLY scenario which is preventing nuclear weapons exchange between any two or more nuclear nations.

Kindly do a little research over nuclear weapons, their safety and the strategic equations before bashing Pakistan and Pakistanis without any valid reason. :rolleyes:

I agree to you post except one fact that Pakistan does not show publically.. Pakistan has been very vocal in its first strike policy..
Congratulation Pakistan. You have been regularly upgrading your Nuclear weapons delivery systems, more over increasing your no of warheads, (somewhere I read 400-600 warheads in this thread) and uni-vocally preaching your first use policy. Hearty Congratulations again. Now its time to use them, right ?? So next time you feel like breaking the cease fire at LOC, why donn u drop by a low-yeild tactical nuke by your latest toy , "Nuke tipped" Nasr ??
Looks like everybody on this thread is ready for the suicidal mission of mutually assured destruction.Well! Good work guyz, keep it up.........:smokin:
kṣamā;3288678 said:
Congratulation Pakistan. You have been regularly upgrading your Nuclear weapons delivery systems, more over increasing your no of warheads, (somewhere I read 400-600 warheads in this thread) and uni-vocally preaching your first use policy. Hearty Congratulations again. Now its time to use them, right ?? So next time you feel like breaking the cease fire at LOC, why donn u drop by a low-yeild tactical nuke by your latest toy , "Nuke tipped" Nasr ??

United States has 5000+ nuclear warheads. They have the best delivery systems in the world (except ICBMs, Russians are superior in this case). They also have a first strike policy. Since by your logic, it is time to use them too (actually since 1960s), I wonder why they didn't use them during the Cuban Missile crisis and a number of other times. I wonder why Vasili Arkhipov didn't allow the Soviets to start WW3. :hang2:

The amount of childish posts in this thread describe how well Indians (mostly newer ones) know about nuclear weapons and their use. Don't post just because you found a thread where you can troll and bash Pakistan. :disagree: :tdown:
but it can't save pakistan from daily bombing or OBL style raids :undecided:

nobody dares to attack a non nuke country like Iran :lol:
But but it managed to save Pakistan after 26/11..didn't it?I mean your loud mouthed politicians could only threaten but deep down they weren't willing to sacrifice India.
United States has 5000+ nuclear warheads. They have the best delivery systems in the world (except ICBMs, Russians are superior in this case). They also have a first strike policy. Since by your logic, it is time to use them too (actually since 1960s), I wonder why they didn't use them during the Cuban Missile crisis and a number of other times. I wonder why Vasili Arkhipov didn't allow the Soviets to start WW3. :hang2:

The amount of childish posts in this thread describe how well Indians (mostly newer ones) know about nuclear weapons and their use. Don't post just because you found a thread where you can troll and bash Pakistan. :disagree: :tdown:

Nice biased way of summing it up. Have you seen the amount of suicidal posts by your comrades? Moron.
Nice biased way of summing it up. Have you seen the amount of suicidal posts by your comrades? Moron.

He might have had his fanboy impulse to put new Indian members in the ignorant category but he is a sensible poster...
Nice biased way of summing it up. Have you seen the amount of suicidal posts by your comrades? Moron.

The MAD scenario IS suicidal! :hitwall: Why is it so HARD to understand?? If the opposition realizes the massive response it would have to face in retaliation, it would never advance!

Oh and thanks for the personal compliments. :disagree:
The MAD scenario IS suicidal! :hitwall: Why is it so HARD to understand?? If the opposition realizes the massive response it would have to face in retaliation, it would never advance!

Oh and thanks for the personal compliments. :disagree:

So you're willing to compromise millions of lives just because no other alternative could be reached? Rather taking a more peaceful, non-violent approach, you plan to just send the nukes? Is this really your way of thinking? You do realize the after effects of nuclear war? You arch enemy india won't be the only country to be effected. Once again, you're a moron.
I can assure you, you can do no such thing. So Clillax...

Why is the history against you ? :azn: ... We have repeatedly warned your nation and shown our determination to go to the last resort if need be ... If we are going down , we do not care whom we take with us ...
Why is the history against you ? :azn: ... We have repeated warned your nation and shown our determination to go to the last resort if need be ... If we are going down , we do not care whom we take with us ...
Empty vessels make more sound.. the reason you guys got thrashed every single time..
The amount of childish posts in this thread describe how well Indians (mostly newer ones) know about nuclear weapons and their use. Don't post just because you found a thread where you can troll and bash Pakistan. :disagree: :tdown:

Well , they aren't bashing Pakistan in reality ... They are just showing their helplessness to deal with Pakistan as their country has forced us to prove 3 times in history :azn: ... Let them troll :lol: ... Will it stop Pakistan from modernizing its arsenal ? :no: ... Let the Americans worry , let the Indians frown , let the West keep raising eyebrows , let me assure anyone that it makes no difference in general and to us in particular :P
Empty vessels make more sound.. the reason you guys got thrashed every single time..

Do not make me delve deeper in history ... Who mobilized troops in '02 , lost 800 + in the process and then backed off ? :azn: ...

Face it , you do not have the determination to deal with a nuclear Pakistan ...
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