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Pak successfully fires two missiles

Why wouldnt It?, we have signed No first Use policy, So All Our first and 2nd strike capability would be there With Us, Until an enemy Makes Us Use it....

By mentioning it does not matter, i meant it does not matter to Pakistan, we are fully aware of Indias response but at that time would it really matter? remember we are talking about crossing the threshold for Pakistan to use nuclear weapons and that threshold means if a large part of our territory is captured(east pakistan like situation) or Pakistan war machine is destroyed to a point of no return.
lolzzz naaaa not that old lolzzz.
I suppose i read somewhere you mentioned you are a retired major....am i right? if so can you please elaborate if India too has a similar stance of using ballistic missiles although as an official stance India has no first use policy, but is the policy same w.r.t to conventional usage of ballistic missiles.

Yes I.am a retrd major...No My dear, Our doctorine Is Completely relied on Short range Missiles like the Pinaka, Smerch to destroy Supply chain or Link....Every Army In this world has Ballistic Approach and strategy to Use it, but I cannot Open it to You Dear, I hope You understand.... But I can say that, We are Sticking to No first use policy, Of not only Nuke but Also ballistic missiles with conventional warheads....
By mentioning it does not matter, i meant it does not matter to Pakistan, we are fully aware of Indias response but at that time would it really matter? remember we are talking about crossing the threshold for Pakistan to use nuclear weapons and that threshold means if a large part of our territory is captured(east pakistan like situation) or Pakistan war machine is destroyed to a point of no return.

If a Nuke war Irrupts, Then I say, Pakistan would Be more affected than What India.... Military power does Not act against You, But the Size of your land compared to india... I repeat, India Needs one out of ten missiles You Use Against us to destroy Pakistan.... I however hate to discuss this.... But thats what would happen.... and India can rebuild it with Huge International support, But pakistan cannot ,as it used first
India Would not and cannot Use Nuke First, Because India has signed No First Use Policy, And That Means, No Matter what, Unless other wise provoked We cannot Use It, And Here Provoked means , If the Enemy uses it against Us..... But If the enemy Uses it first he Not Only will be brutally Retaliated but Also the International pressure will tie its hand To avoid further destruction and The foreign Policy will be Highly Risked.... Which means The One who Uses it first will not get any help from the world, It would be deserted....

I want to know how indians will know that the missile launched by Pakistan is nuclear or it is carrying a conventional warhead ?
and what will happen if india mistakenly reacts with nuclear missile?
You can never take Your chances with a country which has second strike capability, through air ,water and Silo....

I think when we come to nuclear weapons, the principles of power, striking and counter-striking change as compare to conventional weapons. Whoever attacks first will not be able to deprive the enemy to attack back and that holds true for India as well. If India strikes us first, we have capacity to launch the country strike using Air and Soil as you are putting. I am not fully aware but may be we don't have capacity to launch nuclear attack from the sea yet.

But as I have said before, India can incapacitate Pakistan more by striking Pakistan first as compared to if we strike India first. Or in other words you can say India would survive more potential to attack Pakistan back as compared to Pakistan surviving its potential to strike India back and that is why it suits Pakistan to use its options first and damage its enemy as much as possible right at the first strike. But that would nevertheless mean we would receive the nuclear strike but from the enemy BUT the enemy that has lost pat of its power. That way we are likely to survive more.
I want to know how indians will know that the missile launched by Pakistan is nuclear or it is carrying a conventional warhead ?
and what will happen if india mistakenly reacts with nuclear missile?

Thats When Intelligence agencies come in handy.....
I think when we come to nuclear weapons, the principles of power, counter-strike change as compare to conventional weapons. No country can eliminate total potential of the other by attacking first. Whoever attacks first will not be able to depriving the enemy to attack back and that holds true for India as well. If India strikes us first, we have capacity to launch the country strike using Air and Soil as you are putting.

Let me make One point clear to You sir, You cant expect us to use Nuke first as we have taken up a stand of No first use policy...

IBut as I have said before, India can incapacitate Pakistan more by striking Pakistan first as compared if we strike India first. Or in other words you can say India would survive more potential to attack Pakistan back as compared to Pakistan surviving its potential to strike back that is why it suits Pakistan to use its options first and damage its enemy as much as possible right at the first strike. But that would nevertheless mean we would receive the nuclear strike back but from an enemy that has lost pat of its power. That way we are likely to survive more. Would you agree?

But we already have countermeasures to stop your missiles in mid Air, We already have Developments going on with AAD and PAD... And Pakistan cannot damage India by attacking us first to the extent it gets damaged by retaliation... And About your surviving question, Iam sorry If I answer to that I cannot make friends here...
Thats When Intelligence agencies come in handy.....

On theory it alright but honesty i dont think our intelligence agencies are that much capable.

even they fail to prevent terrorists attacks be it nuclear we r :hang2:
Anyway I am so happy Army tested the missiles finally..these tests are almost after a year.
damn some one remember zardari we need test .great going PA .

What does Zardari have to do with this? The decision primarily and solely lies with the scientists, the strategists (ASFC) and the approving body (NCA - if needed). Everything does not rise from a single source.
On theory it alright but honesty i dont think our intelligence agencies are that much capable.

even they fail to prevent terrorists attacks be it nuclear we r :hang2:

No one can decide that, especially both Our intelligence agencies are powerful against each other.... You got any Doubts in that?:D
india is testing abm's which can easy destory this missile's .

Not every missile sir, Only if the enemy missile comes near its range would it get activated and The altitude plays a major role, If we Install this Strategically , Then we have a high chance of countering it, otherwise not
I understand that they are standing at the perimeter for security but this is really not a place one would like to stand. Like five seconds after this picture, these guys would have been covered in dust.

Getting covered with dust is not a concern. BTW, apart from security they might also be operating a few instruments to observe the launch so that the launch conditions and sequence can be recorded, you might see some items around the periphery.
No one can decide that, especially both Our intelligence agencies are powerful against each other.... You got any Doubts in that?:D


Even America and USSR during cold war ers established a hot line to avoid these sort of confusions which may lead to destruction of both sides.

Mind you they had whole sub divisions of CIA and KGB against each other.

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