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Pak space programme began 8 years before India, today ISRO is galaxies ahead

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Compare with a country 7 times smaller.

Feel smug - wewontherace.jpg


Meanwhile China has a freaking space station up there.

until the 1970 thing - pakistan wasnt 7 times smaller than India. and I am sort of tired of reminding:
Pakistan had a much healthier economy when compared to India for a long time. its only during the 1990s that India began to take off.
Pathetic article that too from a mainstream media newspaper.
It's one damn person & not some representative of India or ISRO in Any manner whatsoever. Though many such articles have been written by Pakistanis too, including the famous Riaz Haq.

Pakistanis if they do compare, they compare themselves with a 7 times bigger country. Indians on the other hand are comparing themselves with a 7 times smaller country and that too when they claim that Pakistan does not even matter, yet for some reason every now and than you Indians feel the need to just do that. :lol:

There is a world of difference between a BMD missile & a strategic BM. BTW, even SM-6 has fins.
Difference maybe the question isnt about the difference between the function of two but rather missiles having fins. SM-6 has fins so what, do you see me complaining or questioning Why Indian ABM has fins? Instead of quoting me uselessly tell this to your Indian compatriots next time they feel the need to enlighten us with their pearls of unwarranted wisdom on Pakistani missiles and how having fins make them soviet era scuds.:disagree:
Pakistan should be asking themselves why their space program never took off.

Didn't like the article... tone wise, it reads really smug and condescending, unnecessarily so. We live in a glass house ourselves here in India. Even technically, not to take anything away from ISRO's accomplishments, which have been tremendous, but we're essentially doing space coolie work here. Let's wait till we're doing some real heavy lifting and challenging China and the western agencies for clients.
Pakistanis if they do compare, they compare themselves with a 7 times bigger country. Indians on the other hand are comparing themselves with a 7 times smaller country and that too when they claim that Pakistan does not even matter, yet for some reason every now and than you Indians feel the need to just do that. :lol:

How Big is Japan ? Now start comparing with JAXA if you want to.

Difference maybe the question isnt about the difference between the function of two but rather missiles having fins. SM-6 has fins so what, do you see me complaining or questioning Why Indian ABM has fins? Instead of quoting me uselessly tell this to your Indian compatriots next time they feel the need to enlighten us with their pearls of unwarranted wisdom on Pakistani missiles and how having fins make them soviet era scuds.:disagree:

Try making them with foldable fins next time
How Big is Japan ? Now start comparing with JAXA if you want to.
Man you are persistent with your BS. I am really not in the mood to indulge you any further.

How Big is Japan ? Now start comparing with JAXA if you want to.

Try making them with foldable fins next time
Thanks but your advice is neither warranted nor needed.
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