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Pak space programme began 8 years before India, today ISRO is galaxies ahead

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Aug 6, 2015
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Dhrubo Jyoti
Hindustan Times

People watch as a rocket from space agency Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) takes off successfully to launch a record 104 satellites, including India’s earth observation satellite on-board PSLV-C37 from the spaceport of Sriharikota on Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017.(PTI)
  • sending 104 satellites to space Ron Wednesday – in contrast, Suparco is not expected to have indigenous satellite launching and producing technology for at least two decades and the target it has set itself is 2040. India plans to reach Venus and revisit Mars by then, if not more.

    But what happened to the subcontinent’s oldest space agency? The answer lies in a concoction of government apathy, poor education funding and an overarching military leadership dictating scientific goals.

    In the 1970s, ISRO accelerates its technological and scientific intake in the run up to the first satellite launch Aryabhatta-I in 1975.

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    But Suparco is already falling behind as the government shifts attention to the atomic bomb project, shifting key resources and scientists out of the space agency. The only high point of the decade is a visit by Apollo 17 astronauts. Pakistan would launch its first satellite, Badr I, only in 1990 with Chinese assistance.

    But the real fall comes in the 1980s and 1990s. First, President Zia-ul-Haq cuts off funding to major projects, including the flagship satellite communication launch. Then, military generals are placed atop the organisation, replacing scientists and the focus of the agency becomes countering India, rather than independent research.

    At the same time, the government disowns Salam for being Ahmadiyya and shuns all assistance that one of 20th century’s most important theoretical physicists could have offered. This affects the production of indigenous technology that is the backbone of ISRO or any modern agency, and makes Suparco dependent on foreign doles.

    In contrast, ISRO launches its first communications satellite, starts technology sharing programmes with several countries and unveils a remote sensing satellite system that is now the largest in the world. The agency is also successful in attracting talent, helped by its autonomy and scientists at the helm.

    Today, Suparco continues to hurt, mainly from crunched education funding that is the lowest in south Asia and continued military supervision.

    Its current chairman -- Qaiser Anees Khurrum – is a former top general. The agency has suffered a series of embarrassing failures in recent decades. It has had to give up orbital slots because it couldn’t launch in time, its first satellite was leased from the US and its second was launched in as late as 2011.

    The agency is now pinning its hopes on a Mission 2040 – by when it aims to have indigenous satellite making and launching capabilities – but whether it will meet its target is anyone’s guess.

    Watch video of the PSLV launch here:

    (The author studied the space exploration history as part of a masters course in astrophysics and space science. He tweets @dhrubo127)
Compare with a country 7 times smaller.

Feel smug - wewontherace.jpg


Meanwhile China has a freaking space station up there.
Its money which is a problem. By the way i thought Pakistan was never a challenge for India, how come they are comparing themselves with the weak isolated Pakistan :lol:
I don't care what anyone says, but when you are a poor 3rd world nation your priority should be feeding your citizens. Not sending machines to bloody Mars.

Seriously, this is incredibly stupid. And so is unnecessarily overspending on military.
I don't care what anyone says, but when you are a poor 3rd world nation your priority should be feeding your citizens. Not sending machines to bloody Mars.

Seriously, this is incredibly stupid. And so is unnecessarily overspending on military.

Ya to feed 5 today forget the the tomorrow of 95?

You cannot lift people out the poverty if you dont plan on how to keep poverty away in future. Thats what this investment does. Generates the reasons to still earn enough not only to feed onself but help eradicating reasons for poverty. If all the current resources are just spent to feed poors, how will we generate more resources in future unless we invest in something that would be able to generate further resources.

We are open to external aids, poverty and malnutrition in human challenge and not a challenge for country. Everyone will have to work together for upliftment of poors.
things to note 104 are not full size satellite they are micro satellite which are not more then few meter in size and they were launch from a medium size rocket
.poor article....
...India to participate in healthy competition with 1st world countries...not to waste time with pakistan
Its money which is a problem. By the way i thought Pakistan was never a challenge for India, how come they are comparing themselves with the weak isolated Pakistan :lol:

Who was challenging Pakistan ? Oops, I forgot- you're the same guy who was criticizing Indian PDV issiles for having fins.

I don't care what anyone says, but when you are a poor 3rd world nation your priority should be feeding your citizens. Not sending machines to bloody Mars.

Seriously, this is incredibly stupid. And so is unnecessarily overspending on military.

And pay an arm & leg for availing transponders & other space based services. No thanks.

Don't let the glamour & chest thumping fool you, this is nothing but pure business. Which earns & saves millions for us.

things to note 104 are not full size satellite they are micro satellite which are not more then few meter in size and they were launch from a medium size rocket

No SLV can launch 104 ''full size satellites'' except for Saturn V. And PSLV is not just any medium LV, it is the most reliable & least expensive in its class.
Indian Mars mission something to be Admired .. but Pakistan's Economy was swallowed by WoT, Lack of funds halt our space Program, India is better comparison with China not Pakistan
It's All About Priorities.Pakistan Put Money Into Nuclear Research And We Became Associate Member of Prestigious CERN.We Ignored SUPARCO and Our Space Program Languished
Who was challenging Pakistan ?

So why is the Indian author feeling the need to compare Pakistani space program with Indian? Insecurity perhaps?

Oops, I forgot- you're the same guy who was criticizing Indian PDV issiles for having fins.

No I am the guy who showed wannabe experts a mirror who called Pakistani missiles scuds because they had fins, guess what your own missiles has them too. Oops!
Every country has different priorities , you cant compare two countries ... bad article
So why is the Indian author feeling the need to compare Pakistani space program with Indian? Insecurity perhaps?

It's one damn person & not some representative of India or ISRO in Any manner whatsoever. Though many such articles have been written by Pakistanis too, including the famous Riaz Haq.

No I am the guy who showed wannabe experts a mirror who called Pakistani missiles scuds because they had fins, guess what your own missiles has them too. Oops!

There is a world of difference between a BMD missile & a strategic BM. BTW, even SM-6 has fins.
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