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Pak Soldiers ‘Hid In The Woods’ After Indian Army’s ‘Punishing Attack’ On Pakistani Bunkers – Chinese Expert

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Following India’s recent retaliatory attack in response to the alleged ceasefire violation by the Pakistani Army which resulted in the deaths of six civilians and five Indian security personnel, a Chinese expert has praised the Indian Army for the manner in which they carried out the operation.

Labeling the surprise attacks as a well-planned operation, a Beijing-based military expert wrote in an article for a Chinese website Sohu as quoted by The Eurasian Times: “The Indian special forces first divided into multiple groups and penetrated into the launch position late at night. In the early hours of the morning, Indian special forces carried out both precision and long-range operations using anti-tank missile (ATGM) destroying the Pakistani bunkers.’

Subsequently, the Indian artillery began to shell a stronghold of a Pakistan forward post at an altitude of 5,000 meters, destroying the stronghold first, and then sweeping the trenches,” the expert said.

At the same time, the battlefield was closely monitored, and Pakistani soldiers disappeared in the woods after being found locked and bombarded. It can be said that it was a well-planned offensive,” the expert said.

In a strong response to ceasefire violation carried out by the Pakistan Army at Line of Control, the Indian Army last week destroyed multiple posts, ammunition bunkers, and terror launch pads on the Pakistani side.


That is part of tactic used by PA in case of heavy fight and they are employing various tactics very effectively since long as it helps reduce injuries and casualties in fire fight.
This so called Chinese expert seems to be the alter ego of an Indian whose been rejected by women all his life.... also funny it seems the story he is telling is about the Indian side, projecting his insecurities onto others...
So John Bolton's interviews in the last few weeks is a lie....
did you miss John Bolton's that Interview where he said, Indians are filthy and liars, He personally checked Modi's Six and its really 56" and he blamed Pakistan for Modi's six condition.

and John Bolton said, Indian are brain dead, do not argue with them...if they say balakot, say yes, if they say 300 terrorist killed, say 3000 killed.

and he said further, Indian smell like Gobar and mutra, agreeing with them is best way to keep them afar.
So now chinese expert doesn't have a brain....and John Bolton doesn't have a brain too....only you have a brain.

As Indians = no brains = creator = no brains = hence made up Chinese by Indian= no brains
Hell Abhi is a really nice guy. We'd have put on a show when he gets 'shot down'.

I felt sorry for abikeelundon .. going up against PAF CCS class pilots ..it was no game
This so called Chinese expert seems to be the alter ego of an Indian whose been rejected by women all his life.... also funny it seems the story he is telling is about the Indian side, projecting his insecurities onto others...
I suspect this "Chinese expert" is one of the resurrected Qing dynasty generals that IA has been utilising for a variety of propaganda missions.

did you miss John Bolton's that Interview where he said, Indians are filthy and liars, He personally checked Modi's Six and its really 56" and he blamed Pakistan for Modi's six condition.

and John Bolton said, Indian are brain dead, do not argue with them...if they say balakot, say yes, if they say 300 terrorist killed, say 3000 killed.

and he said further, Indian smell like Gobar and mutra, agreeing with them is best way to keep them afar.
It's soooooo true though isn't it...

Alexander the Great, Abdali, bin Qasim, British.....nobody could actually be bothered wasting any extra effort holding onto this hell hole east of the Indus. They turned back purely because it wasn't worth the hassle trying to civilise these elephant riders, not because they couldn't vanquish their armies militarily. It's one thing conquering Hindustan, wasting generations trying to undo the b.s. caste system and the rest of this nonsense is a big "nope, going home now".
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If that was the case then your own PM wouldn't be using absence of Rafales as the excuse.....besides, Christine Fair is no Dalit so i wonder why not listen to her as well.

Christine Fair didn't have the CIA reporting to her. John Bolton was NSA at the time. He had the entire CIA reporting to him and he briefed the president of the USA on the events around balakot. If you want to believe Hamid Mir over John Bolton it won't be surprising....I mean you even decided Osama wasn't killed even as Obama declared to the world that he was killed in pak.

Rafale comment was not related to Balakot.
did you miss John Bolton's that Interview where he said, Indians are filthy and liars, He personally checked Modi's Six and its really 56" and he blamed Pakistan for Modi's six condition.

and John Bolton said, Indian are brain dead, do not argue with them...if they say balakot, say yes, if they say 300 terrorist killed, say 3000 killed.

and he said further, Indian smell like Gobar and mutra, agreeing with them is best way to keep them afar.

You lashing against India for bombing balakot or lashing out against Bolton for confirming it?
If Pak soldiers hid in the woods then who killed these boys???




May be it was the yeti that Indian military found near Nepal border that killed these poor guys ;)
You lashing against India for bombing balakot or lashing out against Bolton for confirming it?

are you feeling the lashes???? I am just telling the truth.
Bhagwan White masters ki jao ho.

Do you have a murti of trump???
If Pak soldiers hid in the woods then who killed these boys???

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May be it was the yeti that Indian military found near Nepal border that killed these poor guys ;)
Yeti is busy on LAC, here on LOC Leopard killed them while Indian Army was collecting urine to become invisible.
Just so you know Sohu translates a lot of foreign articles so it might be a case of:

1) Indian media making stuff up.
2) Said B.S. gains traction in international media.
3) India media quotes international report as litmus for credibility.
This is the Translation of Chinese Article.

There is no Chinese expert involved here, everything is based on Indian Media and Social media fake claims, as mentioned clearly in the original article.

Fake news Factory is doing its job and creating fake news and fake Chinese experts.

Please report this fake news, falsely used Chinese expert reference by the OP Article.

@masterchief_mirza @Windjammer @Basel and all others

A mountain division is as fast as lightning! The Indian army destroyed the outpost at an altitude of 5,000 meters, and the Apache was useless

The conflict between India and Pakistan broke out again, and the two countries shelled each other at the border of Kashmir. This was the largest attack in recent months and the worst casualty this year. According to New Delhi TV, a total of 4 army soldiers, 1 Deputy Border Security Force (BSF) inspector, and 6 civilians were killed in the crossfire. The Pakistani side stated that 4 civilians and 1 soldier were killed in Pakistan, and 22 others were injured. In this military conflict, India and Pakistan accused each other of actively breaking the ceasefire agreement. India accused Pakistan of breaking the 20-year ceasefire agreement for no reason and opened fire on civilian areas. Pakistan accuses that India is supporting "terrorism" with the purpose of destabilizing Pakistan.

It is understood that since 2003, India and Pakistan have implemented a ceasefire on the line of control dividing Pakistan-controlled Kashmir and Indian-controlled Kashmir, but the two sides often violate the ceasefire agreement, and both sides often accuse each other of initiating hostilities. Both countries claim full sovereignty over the disputed mountainous territory of Kashmir, but each has jurisdiction over parts of the region. Since gaining independence from the British in 1947, there have been three wars in the region, two of which have fought for the region.

As for this large-scale artillery battle, people familiar with the matter revealed that when the Kashmir front had been calm for several months, the Indian army suddenly launched an attack. Its artillery, special forces, and reconnaissance and monitoring forces jointly conducted the battle, especially against Pakistan. When paralyzed. The person familiar with the matter disclosed that when the winter had come to the Kashmir mountains, Pakistan had never expected that its old opponent, the Indian army, was not busy preparing supplies for the winter. Instead, it chose to start the war suddenly and caught Pakistan by surprise. , At the same time, the planning is also very thorough, it can be described as dripping water.

Regarding the specific details of this large-scale artillery battle, the person familiar with the matter disclosed that first, the Indian special forces were divided into multiple groups and penetrated into the launch position late at night. In the early hours of the morning, Indian special forces suddenly carried out precision and long-range anti-tank missile sniper killings on Pakistani bunker, destroying Pakistan's main firepower point. Subsequently, the Indian artillery began to bombard a stronghold (two stories high) of a Pakistan forward post at an altitude of 5000 meters, destroying the stronghold first, and then sweeping the trenches. At the same time, the battlefield was closely monitored, and Pakistani soldiers hiding in the woods were locked and bombarded. It can be said that through a well-planned offensive shelling battle, Pakistan was hit by the Indian army on the front line near the actual control line.

It is worth noting that the person familiar with the matter also revealed that in addition to the above-mentioned forces, the Indian army also dispatched an elite mountain division belonging to the 16th Army. In addition, the Indian army had previously thought of dispatching the AH-64E "Apache" gunship, but abandoned this idea after discovering that the "Apache" was unable to display combat effectiveness in this canyon terrain. What's more, once a war begins, the Pakistani army also has a way to deal with the "Apache" armed helicopters. The most effective weapon is undoubtedly the anti-aircraft missiles. The analysis pointed out that for armed helicopters flying at low altitudes (slow flight speed and low flight altitude), portable air defense missiles and short-range air defense missiles are the most effective and lowest cost weapons against helicopters. In the previous wars in the Middle East, US military helicopters have been shot down by man-portable anti-aircraft missiles. This shows that the Indian army is still very cautious this time. Return to Sohu to see more

The opinions of this article only represent the author himself. Sohu is an information publishing platform. Sohu only provides information storage space services.

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Christine Fair didn't have the CIA reporting to her. John Bolton was NSA at the time. He had the entire CIA reporting to him and he briefed the president of the USA on the events around balakot. If you want to believe Hamid Mir over John Bolton it won't be surprising....I mean you even decided Osama wasn't killed even as Obama declared to the world that he was killed in pak.
Don't drag unrelated issues to pamper your tiny ego..... even if one was to believe that the Indian bombs hit their targets in Balakot and only made holes same size as an average Indians brain, but it's no rocket science that when a bomb impacts on a target it causes destruction kicking up a lot of dust with raging fires and eventual smoke rising which would be visible from miles.....so in middle of nowhere the alleged seminary either had a very efficient fire extinguishing system or the Indian bombs were totally eco friendly that not a single trickle of smoke was detected from the location.

Rafale comment was not related to Balakot.

Yes it was after when unlike the IAF trying to sneak in during middle of the night, the PAF raided Indian targets in broad daylight....causing IAF and ground defences to go into a panic mode....even after this brief punishment of IAF was over, you warlord in the area refused to fly to Delhi for the fear of being shot down...which is hardly surprising after PAF made such a massive hole in the IAF's credibility.

Indian army was reduced to prey, Pakistani snipers showed their strength and hunted down the Indian army

On the battlefield of Kashmir, an Indian soldier was hiding behind a bunker. He thought he was well concealed, but he was a little inattentive. The moment his head popped out, the Pakistani sniper shot a shot. The Indian soldier fell down immediately, only to see The Indian army urgently jumped out to carry the bodies of their comrades. Later, after the news was widely exposed by the Pakistani media, netizens in the country shouted to award certificates of merit to soldiers who made meritorious service.


Although there is a certain military power gap between Pakistan and India, Pakistan's snipers are very good. Previously, in the first "Blade" international sniper shooting competition, Pakistan won the single championship. Not only did it have superb marksmanship, it even won the most difficult project.

In the actual control line of Kashmir, Pakistani snipers have the most natural shooting range, while the Indian army is a good prey.

Since November 13, the Indian army has carried out retaliatory strikes against Pakistan. Approximately 8 Pakistani soldiers died in the exchange of fire. In response to Indian fire suppression, Pakistan chose to send more snipers to the border area. Realize the precise removal of the targets of the Indian side. Suddenly, there may be a sniper contest in Kashmir. In view of the good performance of Pakistani snipers, Indian generals are beginning to be very worried.


In fact, India and Pakistan have prepared many snipers in the border area, but the two sides have reached a tacit agreement before, and generally will not easily send snipers to fight, so as to avoid the death of officers on both sides and deepen the conflict. This time, it is very likely that India suddenly launched a retaliatory attack on Pakistan, causing a large number of casualties in Pakistan, so Pakistan will use snipers.


Nowadays, the Indian media has heated up the news about Pakistani snipers on the battlefield, and then the Indian side can only bite the bullet and accept the move. Many military experts analyzed that it does not rule out the possibility of India sending more snipers to the front line or the Indian army. More fierce retaliation will be implemented. Return to Sohu to see more
Eurasiantimes is trash, it's always been trash.

Who, pray tell, is this chinese expert?
A "Chinese expert" by the name of vikram singh or nitish patel.......... :disagree:
Vikram Sanghi is is with eurasiantimes, Chinese article has no author mentioned, only randian un named sources which are social media accounts of Brain dead Bhakts.
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