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Pak-Russia talks on Su-35 pressure tactics to get Pak-fa deal from India?


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Pak-Russia talks on Su-35 pressure tactics to get Pak-fa deal from India?
PublishedSeptember 20, 2015 | Byadmin



History repeats its selfs, but when it comes to Russians, their Blackmail tactics also repeat its self Said high ranking serving officer of Indian air force to idrw.org when asked about talks between Pakistan and Russia on possible sale of Sukhoi Su-35 .

They want a deal on Pak-fa, but IAF has been adamant since it feels Product has not matured enough to be accepted at face value without carrying out detail technical evaluation by our team to gauge tall claims made by Russians on Pak-fa Said the officer close to idrw.org .

Defence analyst Ranesh Rajan speaking with idrw.org point towards similar tactics used by Russians, when Russian negotiation team landed in Pakistan for talks on possible supply of Sukhoi-Su-27 in early 90’s when IAF initially had rejected Russian offer of Su-27, which later became Su-30MKI project and Pakistan never brought Su-27.

Rajan also point out that Pakistan has no History of operating Russian/Soviet fighter jets in its inventory while it did operate Chinese copies of Russian jets but never Heavy Twin engined class fighter like Sukhoi’s in their operational history which tend to have higher operating cost than lighter single engined jets which have been mainstay of PAF fleet.

China also has been making illegal copies of Russian Su-27/30s which with Chinese avionics are much cheaper to procure and will come at friendly payment terms then Russian offer of Su-35 which will not offer such payment terms due to economic situations said Defence analyst Rajan .

While official response or protest might come from India through diplomatic sources to Russians, IAF seems confident talks are not of serious nature since Russian defence ministry recently told India it will not do any big ticket military sales with Islamabad which will hurt Indian interests.

It seems clear case of pressure tactics to get India on board Pak-fa program which even their own air force is not willing to back leading to lower than expected orders of Pak-fa aircrafts to be used only for Testing.

Posted in Exclusive, India
Well am repeating once again as I did more than a year ago.India is not going to buy any more Russian equipments(PAK-FA,MTA etc etc) in its inventory bar helicopters and some armoured vehicles.

PS-Don't ask me from where I got this Info.All I can say is its fairly reliable.
Sure & the Su35 might not be Pakistans top choice due to a number of factors even if the plane itself is good

It might just be a joint Pak-Russia ploy to utilise these talks to get the Indians into a tizzy before Modi goes to Russia, India now has to put in a convincing order so Russia is deterred from selling to Pakistan

At the same time
Pakistan may really want chinese air craft which isnt quite mature so they really want F16s to fill the gap for decade
This might give the Americans the incentive to provide more F16 support and agreements

Alternatively, The Russians may just have woken up

Defence is business
The americans sell to both Pakistan and India
The indians buy from the U.S, Europe and Russia
Why shouldnt the Russians do business and sell to all especially with Chinese encouraging them

Its only india who thinks world defence is like a boyfriend /girlfriend relationship where if they bitch & whine and cry they can convince their girlfriend from leaving
If Su-35 is pressure tactic for PAK-FA
the Mi-35 Was for Mi-28???? India is still buying Apache and Chinook

India is also gonna build an aircraft carrier with USA and i'm telling you India will get F-35 for that aircraft carrier....

When Mi-35 news came in the same things were also said about that pressure tactic India won't let that happen

even India Protested to Russia to not give any Attack Heli to Pakistan but In Reply they said it's not gonna hurt you that bad
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When we were signing the Mi-35 deal, the same guys were saying the exact same thing, oh its nothing, its just a tactic to get India's attention. The same pundits are now saying the Su-35 talks are a way to get India's attention. Maybe Indians need to wake up and realize they are not the center of the universe.
Well am repeating once again as I did more than a year ago.India is not going to buy any more Russian equipments(PAK-FA,MTA etc etc) in its inventory bar helicopters and some armoured vehicles.

PS-Don't ask me from where I got this Info.All I can say is its fairly reliable.
Yes it should done In same way India should make its relations with Russians as professional as they can
It seems like India is negotiating for F-35... Can be seen from recent news from Russia ....
China is not buying any more from Russia and India is talking Made In India and has DDTI with Us now , Things are changing very fast for Russians
If Su-35 is pressure tactic for PAK-FA
the Mi-35 Was for Mi-28???? India is still buying Apache and Chinook

India is also gonna build an aircraft carrier with USA and i'm telling you India will get F-35 for that aircraft carrier....

When Mi-35 news came in the same things were also said about that pressure tactic India won't let that happen

even India Protested to Russia to not give any Attack Heli to Pakistan but In Reply they said it's not gonna hurt you that bad
not just that russia wants india to buy T-90MS and armata and its AMUR class subs and three stealth figates that are rusting in there shipyards for past couple of years

russia even had offrred india Mig-35 and Su-35 when rafale was front runner in MRCA race but since USA showed its commitment to india by supplying C-130Js, P8Is and C-17s on time slowli indian defnce planners started taking american stuff pretty serouslli and with gowing prspects of USA supplying apaches , chinooks and EMALS, AAG and E-2D/E for owr IAC-2 russia is feeling disturbed as they messed vikrmaditya deal big time and they know China cant replace India as a defnce market as chinese tend to make there own version of any wepon system sold to them weather there is TOT or not while india plays by the rules of the orignal supplier (hence big prospects of follow on orders as with MKI)

even india knows russia is bluffing and russia also knows this fact its just not in a position to let go indian cash cow for pakistan or china but all hub bul watan pakistanies friends can certainly hope against hope .... good luck with it you will need more of it than us ... cheers mate

It seems like India is negotiating for F-35... Can be seen from recent news from Russia ....
if US sells EMALS and AAG for IAC-2 then two naval quads (16 fighters) = 32 F-35Cs and couple of tilrotar based E-2D/E cant be ruled owt as USA wont give EMALS & AAG & E-2D/E without F-35s rest you can speculate yourself
Do you sell your products to a customer who buys it on loan or to a customer who is ready to give you instant cash???
No offence!
But am sure Russia would not cut relations with its most reliable partner.
Times change...Russia wants to expand its business. So be it!!
India's dependence on Russian arms is going to come down progressively year after year for multiple reasons including erratic supplies, high arm twisting costs, heavy equipment more prone to intensive repairs. India has been offered both MI 35 and SU 35 but both did not cut ice with IAF, moreover India now has deep pockets so why not to buy cutting edge latest technology which is now available unlike past times. India will though continue to buy from Russia some critical weapons but not blindly like before

What they sell to pakistan or not has become immaterial to India because of wide choices it has now
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