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Pak Russia relations. Why Pakistan is important for Russia now?

Will Pakistan ever can overtake India in future with its economic & industrial power- NO.

I disagree with this point we have had this race for quite some time now. But it is likely possible that things might be the other way around in the next 50 to 60 years
Buddy when russian give you attack helicopters in large quantity then come here, other than that every thing is just statements and hopes....
They already are this is reality please accept it every major news magazine confirm it russian defence ministry confirms the sale

Ok when you see MI 35 with PA do you a cept you were wrong
@p a kistan ...I would only say..."begane ki shadi mein abdulla deewana"
Then Why You take US money??
US give money in support of war against terrorism

First of all you blame us for terrorism but you never blame US

US was partner with pak to build talibans whom you call terrorist

Currently did india ever suppirt pak war on terrorism never instead of pointing fingures

Entire world praises our war on terrorism but nof india

Becausr your funded terrorist asses are getting kicked and very soon karzai abdullah asses too and all anti pak in afghanistan no matter what they are kicked of this current or past afghan govt of puppets cant run afghanistan they only run kabul soon every afghani will stnd against you and your puppets

Afghani are goid people they dont care money but true values and brotherhood they cant be sold these afghanis are tribe soon they will get your puppets

@p a kistan ...I would only say..."begane ki shadi mein abdulla deewana"
Dont worry bhai this time shadi ma abdullah dewana nahe hoga jusg wait and see when MI 35 touch down in pak i send u message remember ne
Are russians are fool enough not to align with india, which is the biggest arm importer- NO

Who is the biggest major russian partners-China, India

Did russia do nuclear energy co-operation with india- Yes(Nuclear energy co-operation basically takes even decades)

Did India support sanctions on Russia- NO

Will pakistan ever can overtake India in future with its economic & industrial power- NO

Is every country work for its self interest -Yes

I know there will be some co-operation with russia and pakistan, but that will never undermine india's interest to a certain limit and those will think russia will opt pakistan over india is living in day dreams.

Predicting the future based on the past never works, especially when dealing with once in a century events like the end of the Cold War, the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Rise of China. World as we have known it will not continue for long. India has huge financial dependence on the West and the West will dictate India policies in the future forcing it to distance itself from China and Russia. India can not survive without western money.


Haq's Musings: Can Indian Economy Survive Without Western Money?
Why Pakistan is important for Russia now?

I am creating this thread to summarize all reasons behind building up relation of Pakistan and Russia, and hope it will answer all Indian folks here who frequently ask what Pakistan offer to Russia?

I will describe all the reasons and actions which forced Russia to come closer to Pakistan who was its brutal rival few decades ago. Russian KGB was involved in separation of Western Pakistan and similarly Pakistani ISI was responsible for breakdown of Soviet Union and liberation of new states in Europe and Central Asia.

1: Indian turn towards west:

Russia and India are old friends and enjoyed deep relations on political, social, economic and particularly defense grounds. India was major hub of Soviet weaponry and this trend continued even after collapse of Soviet Union. Russia, unlike past in no longer economic giant and suffer from poor economy due to heavy sanctions placed by EU and USA. One of its major sources of income is its market of weapon systems. India recently showed a twist in its defense policies and preferred European and US weapon systems instead of Russian one. Selections of Rafale over Mig35, Chinook over Mi26, AH64D over Mi28N, Spike missiles over Russian ATGM counterpart are major examples. This sudden twist was surprising as well as disappointing for Russians. Although India still operates its entire fleet of Armor and navy based upon Russian systems, but this trend may (or may not) also change in future if India went for Western platform for its future tanks and inducted western subs instead of Russian one.

2: Growing Pak-China influence:

Pakistan, though suffered from terrorism for more than a decade but now it is showing signs of recovery. Economy of Pakistan is growing, situation of law and order is improving day by day also not to mention political stability thanks to recent measure taken by COAS. Operations in Waziristan and Karachi helped country to stand on its feet again and return back to action. Recently China and Pakistan relations covered a mile stone in the form of CPEC project. China will invest 46 billion$ in Pakistan markets and help to solve the energy crisis. But most important factor is Gwadar port which is taking shape thanks to CPEC project. Gwadar, deepest sea port in World is located at key strategic point and is fully capable to become hub of sea trade. China instead of coving long distance across sea in hostile waters of West Sea, will prefer to travel some 1000 miles through Pakistan. This will save time, money on one side and offer security and prevention of naval blockage in case of hostility with Japan, South Korea or Taiwan in future on other side. Chinese economy stands on its trade. And it cannot afford the blockage of its key sea routes. Gwadar provides China perfect alternative.
Russia also considers Gwadar great opportunity for same reasons. Russia need effective and secure access to Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea. And Gwadar is shortest route to justify that. If Russia practically becomes part of CPEC by linking Kashgar through road or rail, it will enjoy same benefits as China. This is the only opportunity which Pakistan can provide, not India.

3: Possible transformation of Gwadar port into naval base:

India fears that once Gwadar port become operational it will no longer work as trade route only, but will become a key port for People Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) to operate. It is natural for Pakistan navy to use Gwadar for military purpose but it is believed and ‘’feared’’ by some that China will place its long range surface sea vessels or nuclear subs to protect its interests in sea. Indian navy right now is most dominant in Indian ocean. Heavy presence of Chinese navy plus Pakistan navy will completely nullify its dominance in region and it will no longer be possible for Indian navy to cause Naval blockage of Pakistan in case of any major future conflict. Russia just like previous case can enjoy same benefits. Although they got strong allied navy in region i.e Indian navy, but it is possible that Indian navy will turn towards West and Americans just like their Army and Air force. Recent agreements of India and USA to jointly produce air craft carrier is most prominent example. Russia will like to make its own presence in region instead of relying on Allied countries inorder to deter US navy. Its matter of time and opportunity when Russians will take this decision, however its opposite case cannot be ruled out.

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4: Development of Influence in Afghanistan:

Afghanistan after with drawl of NATO forces is still in state of war. Afghan Taliban under the command of new leader has started to show muscles and it is very clear that Afghan armed forces lack both capability and time to counter them. In the meantime negotiations between Afghan government and Taliban are going on and Pakistan is guest of these games. It is not in India interest that Pakistan play decisive role in Afghanistan. It will simple ruin its efforts of past decade to engage proxies in Pakistan. India keen to use Afghanistan as second front and it is arming afghan army by indigenous weapons and also contributing in the field of intelligence. Pakistan on the other hand wants Afghanistan on its side inorder to secure its back in case of any conflict with India. But bonus point for Pakistan is that unlike past, Iran and Pakistan now have very common interests in Afghanistan. i.e to develop peace in region and make both Taliban and Afghan forces to counter ISIS instead of fighting with each other. Pakistan won the side of Iran (Indian ally) by taking a strong decision of avoiding any involvement in Yemen conflict. Iran and China both are supporting Pakistani efforts in Afghanistan and in near future if they succeed, Afghanistan and Iran may form collective front along with Pakistan and China to full fill their interest. Russia and China share common enemies (most of). And they know that none of them alone can counter NATO dominance in any part of Word. To secure their existence and future both giants are willing to work together on political, social, economical, defense and science and tech grounds. China involvement automatically brings Russia involvement as they share most of common interests in South Asia and Middle East without any intersection. Russia will be looking forward to join alliance of China, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan if it ever came to existence. India hostility towards China and Pakistan as well as its different interests in Iran and Afghanistan put it out of table.

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5: Defense market in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan:

Russia sees a huge market in South Asia for selling its arms. Instead of India, Russia will look forward toward three Muslim countries in region to become market for its defense equipment.
Pakistan several defense projects are directly or indirectly related to Russian tech. Even most of Chinese weapon systems operational in Pakistan have Russian origin or components. Russia provided Pakistan RD93 engines via China inorder to develop complete fleet of Jf17 Blk1 air craft. It may look forward to offer new engines like derivatives of AL31 to Pakistan directly for future blocks of Thunder aircraft. Despite of this, Russia will provide Pakistan four Mi35 Hind Gunship helicopter as initial batch. It has also offered Pakistan Mig29, Buk, Tor anti air system, Panstsir S1 and small arms to replace old gadgetry of Pak army. News for deal of most developed Russian flanker Su35S is also in air.

This is just a beginning, in future Russia is interested to work in civil sector too (gas pipe line).

Iran although still embargoed suffered from shortage of state of art and modern weaponry. Despite of Iran self-reliance on reverse engineering old weapon systems helped it to maintain its presence but it clearly lags behind Arab states in the field of modern weapons. Once sanctions are lift, Iran will become purchaser of weapons and of course West and USA will not offer Iran any weaponry. It will be Russia, China, India and Pakistan which will compete with each other to fill up that vacuum. Very likely Iran will bend toward Pak China pool instead of Indian one, and Russia knows that very well. Russia want to grow influence in Iran and Afghanistan……… and for that Pakistan is key…………..!!!
Good luck :cheers:

Predicting the future based on the past never works, especially when dealing with once in a century events like the end of the Cold War, the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Rise of China. World as we have known it will not continue for long. India has huge financial dependence on the West and the West will dictate India policies in the future forcing it to distance itself from China and Russia. India can not survive without western money.


Haq's Musings: Can Indian Economy Survive Without Western Money?
salaam chachha :haha:

kaise mizaaj hain ... kabhi to khush ho ke bhateeje ke salaam ka jawaab de diya karro ..... chachh!!!! :sarcastic:

Putin visit pakistan- NO
Pak army chief met putin in russia- NO
Did pakistan have russian nuclear installation or future plan- NO
Defense relation between pakistan and russia-Very negligible
Did pakistan have billion dollar diamond industry to work with russia- NO
Did pakistan have joint oil exploration plan with russia- NO

Then how pakistan relation help russia?- Really i don't know

@ranjeet @GURU DUTT @Star Wars

@xyxmt @Windjammer @Super Falcon @RiazHaq @Umair Nawaz @Icewolf @vostok @Tipu7 @ALi1997 @Abingdonboy @Guynextdoor2 @magudi @Chanakya's_Chant
kyon sirji ... why break there dreams just yet ... its in a way good for us ,,... if you know what i mean :D
Putin visit pakistan- NO
Pak army chief met putin in russia- NO
Did pakistan have russian nuclear installation or future plan- NO
Defense relation between pakistan and russia-Very negligible
Did pakistan have billion dollar diamond industry to work with russia- NO
Did pakistan have joint oil exploration plan with russia- NO

Then how pakistan relation help russia?- Really i don't know

@ranjeet @GURU DUTT @Star Wars

@xyxmt @Windjammer @Super Falcon @RiazHaq @Umair Nawaz @Icewolf @vostok @Tipu7 @ALi1997 @Abingdonboy @Guynextdoor2 @magudi @Chanakya's_Chant

You're proven wrong now .
That is why it's necessary for india to keep patience be fire jumping like monkeys .
Because US is not trust worthy and is more inclined towards india
Anyone who is more inclined towards India will always be non-trustworthy... just check the reviews about Soviets and present Russia before F16 episode... :police:
Hopefully these guys help us out with our jet engines and other military projects.
Putin visit pakistan- NO
Pak army chief met putin in russia- NO
Did pakistan have russian nuclear installation or future plan- NO
Defense relation between pakistan and russia-Very negligible
Did pakistan have billion dollar diamond industry to work with russia- NO
Did pakistan have joint oil exploration plan with russia- NO

Then how pakistan relation help russia?- Really i don't know

@ranjeet @GURU DUTT @Star Wars

@xyxmt @Windjammer @Super Falcon @RiazHaq @Umair Nawaz @Icewolf @vostok @Tipu7 @ALi1997 @Abingdonboy @Guynextdoor2 @magudi @Chanakya's_Chant
It takes time to foment relations. Remember it was us that gave the Russians a bloody nose in Afghanistan. We even directly downed Russian fighters. So think before you type.
@p a kistan ...I would only say..."begane ki shadi mein abdulla deewana"
Ho gya?

chalo shabash aysa kro k ab AP mar jao :lol:

Good luck :cheers:

salaam chachha :haha:

kaise mizaaj hain ... kabhi to khush ho ke bhateeje ke salaam ka jawaab de diya karro ..... chachh!!!! :sarcastic:

kyon sirji ... why break there dreams just yet ... its in a way good for us ,,... if you know what i mean :D
O sunao maamo g kida'n phr? :-) jb ap ban ho jao na to Yeh pipe ka tambakoo he change kr lynaa 2 Sal sy isi Ko sootay LGA rhy ho :D
Putin visit pakistan- NO
Pak army chief met putin in russia- NO
Did pakistan have russian nuclear installation or future plan- NO
Defense relation between pakistan and russia-Very negligible
Did pakistan have billion dollar diamond industry to work with russia- NO
Did pakistan have joint oil exploration plan with russia- NO

Then how pakistan relation help russia?- Really i don't know

@ranjeet @GURU DUTT @Star Wars

@xyxmt @Windjammer @Super Falcon @RiazHaq @Umair Nawaz @Icewolf @vostok @Tipu7 @ALi1997 @Abingdonboy @Guynextdoor2 @magudi @Chanakya's_Chant

It’s slowly all coming true...... :( poor Indians....

1) Partner in fight against extremism/terrorism.
2) Talks are underway for major Economic projects with Russia.
3) More Mi-35 on order....
4) Russia will help setup maintenance/repair facility for Helicopters and another one Jf-17 engine in Pakistan
5) Talk for Russia T-90 Tank (or sub systems), air defence system and Su-35s is in initial stage.
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