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Pak Responds: FO call's Mullen's bluff, No evidence shared with us.

And Ahmedinejad said the US is the great Satan - have you invoked St. Michael yet?

Maybe if the Admiral had Pasha on tape ordering the hit - as colleagues before him miraculously also produced a tape of Bin Laden... perhaps he would have presented it.

Have they shied from presenting any evidence against Pakistan that they would shy from it now?

I call shenanigans. Just like the "I killed him and threw him in the sea, don't ask me any evidence" BS they gave us just a few months ago.

Presenting evidence compromises the mechanisms used in gathering it. Simple fact.
Presenting evidence compromises the mechanisms used in gathering it. Simple fact.

So true.. I remember that RAW was up in arms when the BJP govt in India shared the Tape recordings of Musharraf and his general staff planning the Kargil misadventure to the world community. Unconfirmed news reported that 4 RAW agents in Pakistan were outed and killed as a result of that..
Her statement automatically refused statements made by counterpart while it's more diplomatic and sophisticated way of denying allegations.
"Truth hurts"! :D

Well, sometimes it stinks as well, I will give you that. But in this case, the stench is NOT from USA. ;)

Truth hurts - that adage more appropriately applies to the one who says I got evidence, but I won't share it.

You won't understand - after all you're backing the same evidence horse that was never presented in the Aafia Siddiqui trial - She got convicted for firing from a gun which had never been fired, a bullet that was never found and gun powder that was never dispersed...

But the US had evidence and it has super duper evidence now too. Let's all shut up and believe it due to inferiority complexes.

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

Let's make it simple... Don't talk present your case.

Our masala is we see a big man talking smack and we cower and hide in the hole. Sethi declared that Pasha got the evidence - FO says FO to that.

So less said about it the better. This is the same BS they pulled with OBL and no one pushed them hard on it. I say they are making it all up, show me the evidence or shut up.
"Truth hurts"! :D

Well, sometimes it stinks as well, I will give you that. But in this case, the stench is NOT from USA. ;)

Actually the 'stench' in this case appears to be emanating entirely from the US, given that even US commentators in the media are hard pressed to find some rational motive behind the ISI 'supporting the Haqqani network in attacking the US embassy and truck bombing'.
just empty chest thumping,you cant do anything...they are superior in any military equipment;)

Ya we all know they have superior weapons but we all know what happen in Vietnam and Iraq now i Afghanistan. Even Soviet union had best weapons compared to other nations but still it fall.

So stop barking on behalf of America. Come out of delusion that america is going to leave u Indians alone n will let u flourish . AMERICA'S PEACE WILL COME TO U.
Truth hurts - that adage more appropriately applies to the one who says I got evidence, but I won't share it.

You won't understand - after all you're backing the same evidence horse that was never presented in the Aafia Siddiqui trial - She got convicted for firing from a gun which had never been fired, a bullet that was never found and gun powder that was never dispersed...

But the US had evidence and it has super duper evidence now too. Let's all shut up and believe it due to inferiority complexes.

AA: There is no need for any complexes or conspiracies. Please let me explain.

Aafia was abducted and handed over by the ISI. I agree with you that the trial was a sham, but it was done to cover up lots of other aspects of the story, which are not the topic of this thread.

Similarly, the extent and methods of data gathering cannot be jeopardised just to make a point that Mullen is indeed correct. Further, the important audience that needs to believe Mullen is not in Pakistan.
The most telling fact in that clip is that Ms Khar could not categorically state that what Mullen said was incorrect. All she said was that the evidence has not been shared. BIG difference.

Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Tehmina Janjua, when asked whether there was any truth to Mullen's charge, tersely answered, "I would say a categoric no."

Read more: Pakistan denies U.S. allegations of militant ties

Is the above response from the FO 'categorical' enough for you?
Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Tehmina Janjua, when asked whether there was any truth to Mullen's charge, tersely answered, "I would say a categoric no."

Read more: Pakistan denies U.S. allegations of militant ties

Is the above response from the FO 'categorical' enough for you?

Then why did the FM herself not corroborate her own spokesperson?

Oh wait, this would be the same FO that still has not come up with a formal declaration of RD's status. That explains it. :D
General Kiyani speaks. He's on tv right now and Dawn is reporting him saying that Mullan's statement isn't based on facts rather a total falsification of facts. Kiyani is further saying that he's very disturbed by this fabricated statement and in his recent meeting with Mullen, he (mullen) did not share with him any such news or evidence and the entire meeting went very positive.

The news will be available online pretty soon.
Further, the important audience that needs to believe Mullen is not in Pakistan.

That does not mean that this forum, or any other not intent on propagating US propaganda and lies, be used to advance the US narrative/propaganda without pointing out its flaws and uncorroborated aspects, especially with the US intelligence fiasco with respect to WMD's in Iraq.

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------

Then why did the FM herself not corroborate her own spokesperson?
She did not refute or contradict her own spokesperson did she?

IN essence the FM's position is the same as that of the Foreign Office
Oh wait, this would be the same FO that still has not come up with a formal declaration of RD's status. That explains it. :D
In this case the FO has 'categorically' stated Pakistan's position on US allegations.
That does not mean that this forum, or any other not intent on propagating US propaganda and lies, be used to advance the US narrative/propaganda without pointing out its flaws and uncorroborated aspects, especially with the US intelligence fiasco with respect to WMD's in Iraq.

Fair enough. Let us continue to present, and defend, our points of view. It makes for a lively forum. ;)
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