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Pak police officers accused of chopping off hands of thieves

That shows their confidence on judiciary.....
Just recently there were 2 girls found raped and hung from trees. Not making fun of anyone, but the point that I will make by using this example is that. Jails, and punishments have become too soft now. A person goes to jail, lives out his life, free food, free accommodation, security at gates. And what 7 years for a rape. But the girls or the victims family has to live through hell for the rest of their lives.
I had seen cases in the US where a gang would steal, one guy if any got caught will take the hit, serve the time, with all the preps in jail, and the rest of the crew will hold onto his share till he comes out. Now if the punishment would befit the crime, how many will try to take a chance stealing someones hard earned money if they knew that the hand might not be with his body if he is caught. I dont condemn the punishment, but I dont condone a preemptive punishment with out due process. The judge should have rendered the verdict, and then the punishment should have been executed.
One of the basic principle of modern justice system is "punishment proportional to crime". Hence the abolition of such cruel punishment, in modern societies of-course, not in cavemen societies. Plus, police should never be allowed to punish someone. It is judiciary's prerogative and for a good reason....
Nd what ab0ut her parents right 0n her is that n0thing . Are girls have right t0 put their parents dead while they are alive in this s0city where a girl is honer t0 her family ?
dude, if a girl does not like the man her parents chose for her, she can say NO, and parents have no right to force her daughter into a marriage, and oarents hsould not think they have done some favour on their children to bring her up, IF THEY MADE HER TO COME INTO THIS WORLD, THEY HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HER, AND I CAN SEE YOU ARE GONNA MAKE A TERRIBLE FATHER

type correctly dude
Just recently there were 2 girls found raped and hung from trees. Not making fun of anyone, but the point that I will make by using this example is that. Jails, and punishments have become too soft now. A person goes to jail, lives out his life, free food, free accommodation, security at gates. And what 7 years for a rape. But the girls or the victims family has to live through hell for the rest of their lives.
I had seen cases in the US where a gang would steal, one guy if any got caught will take the hit, serve the time, with all the preps in jail, and the rest of the crew will hold onto his share till he comes out. Now if the punishment would befit the crime, how many will try to take a chance stealing someones hard earned money if they knew that the hand might not be with his body if he is caught. I dont condemn the punishment, but I dont condone a preemptive punishment with out due process. The judge should have rendered the verdict, and then the punishment should have been executed.

Thats what my point and made me raise that question.....Shalll avoid discussing rape and hanging in UP in this thread, my points are already expressed in that thread, you can see if you wish to,
Good...this way the thief won't be able to do any robbery.

Also rapists in Pakistan must be stoned to death whereas TTP/BLA/LeJ/etc terrorists should be thrown in the cage of hungry lions, dogs, bears or snakes.
Thats what my point and made me raise that question.....Shalll avoid discussing rape and hanging in UP in this thread, my points are already expressed in that thread, you can see if you wish to,
I didnt mean to bring that up for the reason that u thought I did. What I was trying to say was that people commit these heinous crimes because they are not afraid of the circumstances. Let it be rapes anywhere, or killing or stealing anywhere.
Can u agree 0n this parents can think bad f0r his children ? Nd st0p predict ab0ut me h0w I ll b . D0 u kn0w the wh0le st0ry 0f the st0ned daughter ??? D0nt just rely 0n the media specially **** media wh0 always sh0w dark side 0f a pic
Dude type properly :girl_wacko:
I didnt mean to bring that up for the reason that u thought I did. What I was trying to say was that people commit these heinous crimes because they are not afraid of the circumstances. Let it be rapes anywhere, or killing or stealing anywhere.

I got your point.... then the solution should have been improving the quality of judiciary and ways and means to reduce the crime.... could be giving severe punishments...... Police will never be a good judge, and they can misuse this power....
I got your point.... then the solution should have been improving the quality of judiciary and ways and means to reduce the crime.... could be giving severe punishments...... Police will never be a good judge, and they can misuse this power....
Exactly, the judiciary should be strong. One of the main reason we see all these people losing hope and anarchy everywhere in our countries is because the justice system is dead. We are still following the century old british system, that dont work for us, and to make matters worse, the human rights clowns want more rights for the criminals. What about the rights of the victims.
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