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Pak police officers accused of chopping off hands of thieves

I still remember the man in the bus who looking at my condition, paid the ticket...... I have seen god in him that day....

That is one of the most heart warming stories I've heard on PDF in a while. :tup:
Well In India the problem with judiciary is the "TIME" .... You can do any crime and can get a bail.... the trial might go for years.... and if the culprit has money and power he can manipulate the investigating officer and create loop holes and a good lawyer can get you out with out any punishment..... Faster trials and tough punshment should be the way ahead.... I am sure the story would be similar in your case......
Police is not the judge. period.
Neither is sharia law implemented in pak. period

And its simply inhuman for such a petty crime, even if it is true.
And the same police twiddles their thumbs when facing jehadis.
those police officer must be given due punishment for this brutal and unlawful act. It is a national shame that such incidents are happening.. when will be civilized?
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