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Pak police officers accused of chopping off hands of thieves

Like u minded have make this country secular . What our religon say you don't care . You just care what united nation whose own hands already blooded with many innocent people specially Muslims

That's because the way you and I think are very different. I have no problem with the Islamic republic remaining one. But stoning girls to protect stupid pride and honour?

For me, to be loyal to my religion, I keep my religion between myself and my God. I try to follow my religion as personally as I can. I don't need to impose my views on anyone else. They do what they do and they are free to do so.

But even their freedom ends where the law starts.

You just care what united nation whose own hands already blooded with many innocent people specially Muslims

My hands are bloody???
My hands are clean.

Check yours.
They're bloody, that girl that got stoned. YOU in this thread said it was her fault.

Her blood is on your hands. Excuse me if I refuse to parade myself as a munafiq Pakistani.
Exactly, the judiciary should be strong. One of the main reason we see all these people losing hope and anarchy everywhere in our countries is because the justice system is dead. We are still following the century old british system, that dont work for us, and to make matters worse, the human rights clowns want more rights for the criminals. What about the rights of the victims.

Well In India the problem with judiciary is the "TIME" .... You can do any crime and can get a bail.... the trial might go for years.... and if the culprit has money and power he can manipulate the investigating officer and create loop holes and a good lawyer can get you out with out any punishment..... Faster trials and tough punshment should be the way ahead.... I am sure the story would be similar in your case......
Like u minded have make this country secular . What our religon say you don't care . You just care what united nation whose own hands already blooded with many innocent people specially Muslims

tell me where islam allows stoning of a women if she decides to marry a man she likes
tell me where islam allows stoning of a women if she decides to marry a man she likes

Why ask?

Apparently, even suicide bombings in the Islamic republic are permissible.
Our martyrs aren't fit to be called martyrs by some.

Shame if you call this the Islamic republic of Pakistan.
my statement stands, we will wait till yo get robbed, and then ask you, k?

I have been to robbed.

But still, I don't ask for their hands to be chopped off, they should be caught, bought before a court and sentenced.
I have been to robbed.

But still, I don't ask for their hands to be chopped off, they should be caught, bought before a court and sentenced.
what if the belong to some influential family, are set free, and do a more hineous crime?
what if the belong to some influential family, are set free, and do a more hineous crime?

Then they should be bought to justice, fix the system. Don't take the law in to your own hands.

@Jf Thunder There's a reason why democracy here in the UK works. The people made it work. They realised to put their strength behind the system and it will deliver.

Pakistanis don't trust the system, often uproot it, disrespect it and then cry when it doesn't deliver.
I have been to robbed.

But still, I don't ask for their hands to be chopped off, they should be caught, bought before a court and sentenced.

Even i have been robbed and robbed soo badly that, i was stranded 2000 kms away from my home with rupee 10 in my pocket... I never felt chopping that guy's hand....
Even i have been robbed and robbed soo badly that, i was stranded 2000 kms away from my home with rupee 10 in my pocket... I never felt chopping that guy's hand....

Yes, we had some of our dearest possessions stolen including a lot of the gold built up over the decades.
It was tragic.
Yes, we had some of our dearest possessions stolen including a lot of the gold built up over the decades.
It was tragic.

My credit card (2), My debit card, My driving license, Money and other important documents......
@nair I commend you for keeping your humanity in such a situation.

You see the real test of humanity is, you take the persons possessions away, leave him on his own with nothing and see if he still remains humane.

Many don't unfortunately.
Cutting hands of thieves is approved in Islam.

Dude only as a last resort by the State after the accused have been presented before the Court of Law & their guilt has been incontrovertibly established & that too only as a last resort - I can't stress this enough !

Not by Police Officers on their own initiative for a crime a person may or may not be guilty of & certainly not for such a petty theft !
Dude only as a last resort by the State after the accused have been presented before the Court of Law & their guilt has been incontrovertibly established & that too only as a last resort - I can't stress this enough !

Not by Police Officers on their own initiative for a crime a person may or may not be guilty of & certainly not for such a petty theft !

Yes, the punishment is one thing. Policemen doing it to suspects, without any order is very wrong.
@nair I commend you for keeping your humanity in such a situation.

You see the real test of humanity is, you take the persons possessions away, leave him on his own with nothing and see if he still remains humane.

Many don't unfortunately.

I still remember the man in the bus who looking at my condition, paid the ticket...... I have seen god in him that day....
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