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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Musharaf's plan was indeed a masterpiece. Only thing that spun the whole thing around was the deployment of the 7 Cavalry Stuart Tanks Zojila. That was indeed an exceptional manoeuvre by General Thimayya as the Pakistani's did not consider it possible to bring tanks to Zojila. But had the stuart tanks not been transported guised as T-16 infantry track carriers only 2 anti tank guns on the pass would have meant big trouble for the Indians.
Lol......a layman or a very very 'lame' man?? Perhaps even lamer to post it here just to boost egos. Fortunately Indian ego is well fed with propaganda and hearsay as they don't have much else.

The blog post was totally written by some layman for the layman.

According to the post Karan posted.

Musharraf subsequently turned his attention to Gilgit and won a major war against the Pakistani Shias in Chitral, killing hundreds.

So according to layman's post Musharraf was killing Shias in Chitral. Same Chitral which was most supportive and admirer of Musharraf in whole Pakistan. So much so that Musharraf decided to contest in national elections from Chitral.

Former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf would contest election from Chitral district, a top leader of the newly launched All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) said on Sunday.

Musharraf to contest election from Chitral | PAMIR TIMES | Voices of the Mountain Communities

But again such blogs are part of national propaganda and delusion campaign to cover up the military and intelligence failures. Whole Indian nation has been brainwashed systematically. Just check the thanks for the post with "authentic" blog post has received. Brainwashing doesn't only happen in some Madarsas of FATA after all.
We never wanted to mess with you to begin with, we have enough mess of our own to deal with. We are a poor country with huge population, it's your angels in the army which make glorious plans and carry out against India which mostly fail.

It is amazing that even after loosing all these wars and bankrupting the country, your military still holds power in the center. best of luck for your next endeavor.

I am sure we all know factually what happened in '48 & '65 (actual wars) where as '71 was an internal matter. We all also know what happened with the 'crumbling knees, toothless roar' of the Indian Military in '99 and '02. So I won't waste my time.

But there is another matter that I want to correct you on, and it is quite unfortunate but factually correct. Pakistan's progress during the reigns of so called dictators has been golden economically where as we are blessed with the worst kinds of tyrants in our political leadership who have usually raped the excellent financial grounds built by military dictators. Take Ayub Khan's tenure and that alone is testament.
LOL @ this brain dead Indian's figures.

Lagi na aag.

Your troops were getting pounded so hard, then finally after our forces cleaned up house, you acted like the neighborhood alley dog.

Our troops were leaving their positions, and you fired on their backs got a few kills and started to act like sher.

Just the name of our country gives you Indians the runs. :lol:

Looks like you run away and hiding in USA...your biggest enemy..:D
That's the dumbest part of an already stupid post. If the intention is to understand what really happened, then:

For Pakistan: Kargil was a brilliant military plan foiled by political leadership of the country under intense international pressure especially from USA. End result, battles won by soldiers while politicians lost the war.

For India: It was a major intelligence failure & military embarrassment that was swept under the carpet by superb international diplomacy. End result, battles lost by the soldiers while politicians won the war.

The problem with Pakistan's perspective is that due to the whole propoganda of Martial race and superiority of Pakistani military, you folks consider Military as a special and a separate entity from the political leadership of your country. So you consider that Mushy won the Kargil war but the gains were squandered away by your politicians. Where as this mentality itself is the single largest reason for the mess Pakistan finds itself in. For last 60 years, Military in Pakistan has always had their own agenda which they force. Whenever the civilian / democratic agendas become too diverge from theirs, they simply over throw the govt and establish a military dictatorship. That's why mostly MIlitary and Political leadership is hardly ever working in tandem in Pakistan.

Kargil was yet another example of the same. It was really Mushy who screwed the pooch by 1. trying to hog the glory by keeping the political leadeship out of the loop and 2. by not invovling the Air force to sustain the gains (again glory hog) and 3. Finally getting caught with his pants down when his conversation got recorded and paraded in front of the international community.

And a military plan that has to hide behind the guise of so the called Mujahiddins is not really a military plan.. More of a theft attempt which got cuaght out. Had he accepted from day 1 that they were his men, I would have whole hearted agreed to it being a good plan.. But alas it was a plain and simple chindi Chori that got him caught red handed.. Frankly the 2nd biggest mistake from Pakistan on the Kashmir issue

Lol......a layman or a very very 'lame' man?? Perhaps even lamer to post it here just to boost egos. Fortunately Indian ego is well fed with propaganda and hearsay as they don't have much else.

Personal Attacks ?? Tell me.. Didnt Mushy fail in 1987.. Again in 1989 and then in Kargil??
More than 5000 Pak Soldiers died in Kargil ;)

There weren't even 5,000 Pakistani soldiers involved in Kargil, not even 5,000 caskets, there was 5,000 nothing. Typical Indian fool no intellectual integrity will believe whatever his shining democratic corrupt Government will feed him, claiming his original country is "Israel".
Roza hega ta bhi eh chaj hege tere... roze ch eidda di gallan karda hai.Ki faida roze da???

Kargil scoreborad --> 527 Indians soldiers died Vs 4000 Pakistani soldiers died.
Results for India : Diplomatic and Military Victory
Results for Pakistan : Diplomatic and Military Defeat and International mittee paleet.

If this is a "WIN" for you then no use of arguing more.There are enough Kargil threads already so that's all for this.

Have fun finding gay threads :lol:

A country of 1.4+ Billion was finding it difficult to provide enough coffins to the soldiers that were killed during that so called war yet you guys still have the audacity to speak of soldiers lost on either side.
:rofl::rofl: and why in the world was the victorious army 'leaving their positions'..?

Under immense diplomatic pressure and international isolation, Pakistani political establishment's backbone gave way and the fighters were ordered to disengage & fall back. Is that so hard to understand?
A country of 1.4+ Billion was finding it difficult to provide enough coffins to the soldiers that were killed during that so called war yet you guys still have the audacity to speak of soldiers lost on either side.

Who told you this fact.
Written by a pathetic writer trying to be more Indian than he was.
Internet Indians are gloating at the fact that they got spanked by Pakistan. What could be funnier than this??
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