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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Broken boned, battered, defeated one could only feel pity for the ones that were still alive.
Exactly and that was the case with Pakistani Soldiers in Kargil(They were the Broken boned, battered, defeated ones).
If our national security was under threat then I would be honored to defend my nation. I hope you would be too. Not as apseudo sophisticated Internet Hindu that has never picked up a rifle in his life. :whistle:

Gr8!! So do you know the difference between your 'rifle' and your 'gun'??

So now remember the ditty:
This your 'rifle' and this is your 'gun'; one is for fighting, the other is for fun! :lol:

And b4 you rush head-long into battle, don't forget to take off those grown-up sun-glasses. That might help you to shoot straight! :rofl:
Gr8!! So do you know the difference between your 'rifle' and your 'gun'??

So now remember the ditty:
This your 'rifle' and this is your 'gun'; one is for fighting, the other is for fun! :lol:

And b4 you rush head-long into battle, don't forget to take off those grown-up sun-glasses. That might help you to shoot straight! :rofl:

A novice troll attempt. I sincerely hope you are satisfied. :angel:
Indian aircraft downed. Check.

Indian soldiers butchered. Check.

Indian generals humiliated. Check.

Indian posts captured. Check.

Indian military doctrine completely revised. Check.

At this point it is all jokes from the Indian members here. All I can do is feel pity and laugh at their jokes.
Indian aircraft downed. Check.

Indian soldiers butchered. Check.

Indian generals humiliated. Check.

Indian posts captured. Check.

Indian military doctrine completely revised. Check.
a ruined Pakistan in the process: check

PA generals must really think like you, and they probably ignore the costs to the nation as well, quite like you

honestly RP, your posts are far more humiliating to your own country, pity you fail to see it.
Standard reactions from people who have no idea why wars are fought. Wars are not the purpose, just the means to an end. After 2001, India had 5-6 years of relative peace with Musharraf trying to settle the Kashmir dispute on terms that were acceptable to India. Why should we fight a war then? The build up may or may not have helped but we got what we wanted. Also unlike those of you who claim that the Kargil war was worth it because you still hold some post or the other, here is your wake up call. Pakistan's purpose in Kargil was to choke of Siachen & eventually get India to settle the Kashmir dispute. India's purpose was to maintain & if possible reinforce the status quo. India succeeded & you didn't. Some 13 years later, Kashmir is a lost cause for you guys (whether you accept it or not) & India has both Kashmir & when compared, a much better international image. Until you chaps get it into your heads that wars are not fought for the sake of fighting it, nothing will ever change for Pakistan. You will still be singing the same tune in another 10 years from now when we would have moved even further away from you.
International image is just a diplomatic term which have being used when a nation seen its interest on another one. Well ! In Economic terms as you have naturally more potential in export & import (2nd largest nation by population) you ultimatly considered as best source of income (specially referring to ME) . and when it comes to your importance for U.S and allies, then you are just needed to counter China in that region. Even International stake holder's support you for some purpose, So using that need as international image won't be considered a sane opinion. our support for Kashmir cause would never be dead but depth in support depends in internal political conditions. Kashmir is still a core issue for international community cuz now it has a startegic importance to pressurize both nations on different occasions where its needed. Pakistan's purpose wasn't to choke Siachin as it was started by freedom fighters but to internationalize that issue of Kashmir .
A novice troll attempt. I sincerely hope you are satisfied. :angel:

At trolling, I'm a novice. You are the Badshah of trolls.

At shooting a rifle and using my gun, I'm certainly not a novice. Enough to satisfy me.

But don't forget that ditty about your 'rifle' and your 'gun'. It might help to keep you alive!
Also remember to take off your Papa's sun-glasses b4 going to war. It might even make you look better. :)
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