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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Rather incisive there, and accurate beside.
'Pampered child' is certainly one thing while unrestrained bully is the other. The combination is severely problematic to both siblings and even other family members. Not to forget the neighborhood.

The fact of the matter is that the Gernails of the PA have consistently embarked on rather ill-advised misadventures and on few occasions (at least 2) have had the PAF pull their chestnuts out of the fire them. AM. Noor Asgar Khan has clearly articulated about what he had to do. What may have motivated the GHQ to do what it did has been explained by PAFpilot in his post above. That is really a pity because the Pakistani Armed Forces have had some very outstanding officers across the three services. IMO, many of them were submerged in swell of mediocrity (and sycophancy) that these specific Gernails had to create and foster for their self-preservation. One name outstandingly comes to mind in this context; that of Zia-ul-Haq. The lasting damage that Zia did to the institution to the PA in particular is still to be fully understood. Zia's political legacy is another matter altogether. The flotsam and jetsam of that is spread all across Pakistani society today.

But eventually it will be for the Awaam in Pakistan to set that right.
Iwould add one more thing here as you have mentioned wrt PAF officers seems they are more rooted in reality as compared to PA officer corp.You get many a example across the PAF officer s as you had mentioned.
And wrt Pa officer corp with nukes one can also draw the analogy of a spastic child with a knife.In such a scenario such a child can do more harm to itself with blade than to others.In that a scenario adult do treat child with more care that may explain usa/india's behaviour with pak.

Come now, that may trigger off a landslide of a scandal. PMs and Govts. got shown the door because of that Badnaam Naam.
Bacchi deserves better than that.
naam badnaam hai to kya hua kaam acha karti hai.just like in kargil.:lol:
Indians who are advocating Pakistan Army is some kind of rouge entity are really disconnected from reality. Wake Up you ignorant bunch of fools. It's 2012 not 1999 not 2002 not 2007. Army is being run under General Kiyani who is far more capable and has "SAID" numerous "TIMES" we want "friendly" relations with India not like war mongering indian General who blabbers about CSD or indian Airforce cheif who publicly said we have identified 5000 targets in Pakistan. Today army is totally focused on War on terror and is being headed by a far more sane and capable General than indian counterparts who are indulged in corruption or in petty issues like Age reduction

And those who are trying to bring nukes in here.... They are being handled by a far more capable person who has better IQ and mentaity than yours and average Indian General. He is the Boss of nuclear safeguard force for last 12 years and he is known for his integrity and cool professionalism. He can not be influenced by "PA Officers Corp" and By the Way can anyone give me an example of recent "PA Officer Corps" misadventures?
To burst your bubble, as early as 2001/02 when Pakistan was perhaps the weakest, India amassed 700-800k strong military and deployed Air Force to forward bases while Indian Navy was ready to provide a blockade of Karachi again........and what happened? The bubble burst and air, either hot or cold, was released.

Always big words and no actions from big mouth.

Standard reactions from people who have no idea why wars are fought. Wars are not the purpose, just the means to an end. After 2001, India had 5-6 years of relative peace with Musharraf trying to settle the Kashmir dispute on terms that were acceptable to India. Why should we fight a war then? The build up may or may not have helped but we got what we wanted. Also unlike those of you who claim that the Kargil war was worth it because you still hold some post or the other, here is your wake up call. Pakistan's purpose in Kargil was to choke of Siachen & eventually get India to settle the Kashmir dispute. India's purpose was to maintain & if possible reinforce the status quo. India succeeded & you didn't. Some 13 years later, Kashmir is a lost cause for you guys (whether you accept it or not) & India has both Kashmir & when compared, a much better international image. Until you chaps get it into your heads that wars are not fought for the sake of fighting it, nothing will ever change for Pakistan. You will still be singing the same tune in another 10 years from now when we would have moved even further away from you.
In case you don't know , it was Pakistan who was FORCED by USA to back off.

Wake up Sid :lol:

Thanks a lot for showing condolences... we are also sad for the 4,000 Pakistani Soldiers who were killed by Indian Army and rotted on our land.

It's such a shame that Pakistan simply refused to take back rotting maggot filled bodies of their own soldiers.Those soldiers fought for Pakistan but got disowned by their own people.We know how hard it can be for the families of those soldiers who never got the bodies back.Kargil is a deep wound on Pakistans recent history which they simply REFUSE to admit but cry hard deep inside because it was a national shame. :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

We are so sad :azn:

AN indian decorated soldier body brought back by a garbage truck shows a lot how you treat your own soldiers like rotting maagot filled bodies which are send via garbage truck.... tch tch and not to forget when you guys had a shortage of coffins than how bodies of indians soldiers were left rotten on battlefied or in hospitals like rotten maggots.... tch tch
AN indian decorated soldier body brought back by a garbage truck shows a lot how you treat your own soldiers like rotting maagot filled bodies which are send via garbage truck.... tch tch

Yes but still we cant match glory of using precious lives of soldiers for futile war, letting them die in battlefield with airforce-cover, later disown them to let their bodies rott

tch tch and not to forget when you guys had a shortage of coffins than how bodies of indians soldiers were left rotten on battlefied or in hospitals like rotten maggots....

Shortage of coffins?? May be because even pakistani soldiers too will need coffins from us was not anticipated by India.
If you believe truth - Dude it wasnt shortage in no. of coffins but economic corruption in purchasing coffin by defence ministry.

To believe there will never be another Kargil like event is to believe and have faith in the ego and greed of powerful men. For it is not the Pakistani people who have any interest in waging a war against India...a common man has far bigger problems, of mere survival, than the conquering of the world.

The misadventures that we seem to take every decade and a half has much more to do with the politicized nature of the Pakistani armed forces. Soon after the founding of the nation, the army took on a mythical status, not because of its exploits, but the first of the military dictators had staked his claim on the nation. Pakistanis saw the armed forces as the only defense against an aggressive and unpredictable India...in reality, that more accurately portrayed the Pakistani side. Military glory was the only way these generals could gain power and hold onto it...well if not really glory, then one feigned through propaganda. War became a crucial part of the "election campaign", for no man or woman would pick a general to fix fiscal policy and social issues...they were a necessity due to the constant threat of war. Were the threat to disappear, what reason would there be for an all powerful military?

As long as Pakistan functions under the rules set forth in the 1950s, aggressive military actions will always be a very real possibility...every ambitious new military leader will first look to carve his place in Pakistani lore, legitimizing his eventual reign. Thankfully for him, history has proven, only a war has to be undertaken (planning optional), the details of which can be manipulated to make the relevant leader seem like the second coming of Alexander the Great...a glory created from the blood of brave young men who would die defending, not Pakistan's honor, but the misguided ambition of their military leaders.

That is not to say all military leaders are of the same ilk. But unfortunately due to the formidable framework already set forth by the army and then cultivated over decades, it only takes one man every couple of decades; one man with ambition and greed...everything else easily falls into place.

Excellent Post Sir...
Salutes !!:tup:
AN indian decorated soldier body brought back by a garbage truck shows a lot how you treat your own soldiers like rotting maagot filled bodies which are send via garbage truck.... tch tch and not to forget when you guys had a shortage of coffins than how bodies of indians soldiers were left rotten on battlefied or in hospitals like rotten maggots.... tch tch

So here is what you have come to conclude about not accepting rotting bodies of your own soldiers??? Garbage trucks and lack of coffins...

So this means you didnt have even any garbage truck or any coffin at all to bring them back and wanted to simply rott and fed on maggots and leaving the families of soldiers without the bodies? Wow it's 100 times more shameful than the example of garbage truck/lack of coffin.A army simply disowning it's own men who laid their lives.

Why don't you answer that you didn't accept the bodies of your own soldier.It is becoming funny the way you are not able to answer but pointing at others.You are diverting the subject but we can understand because you can't face the humuliation caused in Kargil... 500 India Vs 4000 Pakistanis dead so Pakistan won Kargil... LMAOOO :lol:
It's such a shame that Pakistan simply refused to take back rotting maggot filled bodies of their own soldiers.Those soldiers fought for Pakistan but got disowned by their own people.We know how hard it can be for the families of those soldiers who never got the bodies back.Kargil is a deep wound on Pakistans recent history which they simply REFUSE to admit but cry hard deep inside because it was a national shame. :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

We are so sad :azn:


Perhaps relieved until we send more men.

Unlike buzdil Indians, our men do not fear death.

The mothers are proud and are ready to send their other sons.

The only corpses that were maggot-ridden were of the Indian soldiers being forced to their doom. The only corpses that were maggot-ridden were of the Indian soldiers being taken in garbage trucks. It's unfortunate the NLI had to butcher so many of your young men. Mountain sides flowing with blood of Indians must have been a horrific sight to see by the Indian commanders from their base camp.

It's quite a shame really. And will be quite the tragedy until next time.

Perhaps next time the PA will be generous enough to gift you coffins along with a corpse?
Unlike buzdil Indians, our men do not fear death.Perhaps next time the PA will be generous enough to gift you coffins along with a corpse?
true story, they would rather surrender en-masse. instead of the coffins, try sending some rail bogies, transporting them back was a PITA
and kindly be more generous, accept the fallen PA soldiers next time.
Gloating over the dead bodies is worst a person can do to dishonor a fallen soldiers and its sure opens the doors to hell for gloaters............
This statement sounds like a joke when you guys disowned your soldiers.

If that is sad then what is more saddening is scamming your own nation for the coffins of your butchered soldiers. :disagree:
According to one account the Indian battalions were
flailing like fish out water after being lit up with lmg fire.

One could only feel disgust at such a sight, but our soldiers had their objectives.

I hope so too.

And I hope you are a combatant. Not one of those keen to fight to the last man, so long as it's someone else. Not as an armchair aviator, a coffee-house commander.
If our national security was under threat then I would be honored to defend my nation. I hope you would be too. Not as apseudo sophisticated Internet Hindu that has never picked up a rifle in his life. :whistle:
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