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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Again and again and in future you will fucked and still you are fucked, killing your own people, you are in deep $hit. Lol they used us :what: or you were using them, you orthodox minded people. But how you won the war when Pakistan initiated it by doing Operation Gibraltar. Shall I post Videos from Pakistani media who begged to Superpowers to have Ceasefire from Pakistani media. (Because Pakistan ran out of 80% ammuntion in 2 Weeks and could move further than Khemkaran losing 3 times more land to India what they actually captured including outskirts of Lahore.)

I think A.Khan explain enough.

I think your ex Army chief's explanation was even better, you like posting youtube videos go and post the videos of his views on Kargil war!

As for '65, the whole world knows who invited independent watchers and analysts for an independent and neutral assessment of the war and who refused independent and neutral assessment. And we know why that is, does the little Indian?? I guess not.

In 2001 When it comes to rescuing it was Americans all the way to help their cute little ground labourers.And people now forget all that and starts blaming yankees....
OOhh well,it doesnt make any difference if yanks supports pak or not,India can still achieve its own objectives likes it did single handedly in 71 Splitting Pak into TWO while the whole world including all off west,China and many asian countries supported pak in multi lateral ways. Remember PNS mehran

The little toilet cleaner wants to speak too??? It was an Indian achievement to gain independence from East Pakistan or a Bengali achievement?? Little toiled cleaners have too little to rejoice so stories have to be made up of how Bangladesh was liberated by India when all the while it was Bengalis using Indians as ******.....now look how that pretty little country treats the ******!

And you were responsible for PNS mehran? Please dude, the best you can do is provide arms and $$$, you cannot provide manpower as your Indians would rather wash American toilets.
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Karan we had the Official list of Pakistani KIA on the ISPR website, my son - it was 453 - and personally as the indian dead piled up, was heartbroken to think that their young wives and families would be receiving a dead soldier. We did not even have to aim, just point in the general direction and watch the indians fall.

Oh! didnt know you were at the hill tops in Kargil.. Thought you to be an internet warrior only.. ;)

anyway, yes, you guys had the upper hand because your army sneaked in like thieves and occupied the mountain tops during the winters when as a tradition army used to vacate those heights due to harsh weather. and PA under Musharraf was hardly trustworthy to declare real figures. Mushy screwed the pooch on this so you can hardly expect him to be truthful about what happened. And this official list you talk of, took over 11 years to materialize.


Its kind of hard to take someone at face value when for 11 years that someone kept denying their involvement and then quitely list some of the names of the dead soldiers. Am sure this list does not contain the names of any of those soldiers whose bodies were not even accepted by Pakistan and had to be buried on the Indian side by Indian army..

Well Oscar is not the representative of Pakistan Army . here is the source of official statistic

Eleven years after the Kargil War, the Pakistan Army which has been denying its role in the conflict has quietly put the names of 453 soldiers and officers killed in the battle on its website.

Pakistan Army admits to Kargil martyrs | NDTV.com

It was bad move of Nawaz to ask army to pull out troops and he paid the price for it but again indian cried too much in front of whole world about Pakistan crossing LOC but still Pakistan has not got any sanctioned or world boycott because of this act so basically you just got the fake applause of others for not daring of crossing the Pakistani border after your jets and helicopter got shot down By PAF

For 11 years your army blabbed about NO INVOLVEMENT in Kargil and then suddenly released the list of some 400+ PA soldiers killed in that conflict (without PA being involved :lol:) .. May be in another 11 years they will admit that they misplaced a zero and the figure is 4000 and not 400...
Just idle curiousity: I wonder how far this delusion will go. Now we have got down to the level where moderators, and Numerous other Pakistani commentators themselves, are not to be believed. Where will it stop?

Forum members are usually made moderators because of their moderating abilities such as to keep a fair attitude and maintenance of forum decency, it does not mean that they are correct on their comments! This is his personal views, 1 in a million here, what about the other 9,99,999 who say otherwise?

And you expect an organization that lied desperately, claiming that the incursion was by Mujahideen, then slowly, reluctantly after months claiming their bodies and acknowledging their military status, handing out medals even more reluctantly based on Indian citations, to be taken seriously?

Tactical denial and lie are 2 different things, most likely above your IQ level else you would not have posted that.
frustrated indians cannt get a life?

still crying on wars......poor souls....
Again and again you want to tell us how Bengalis used you like cheap ****** and tossed you aside when the objective was achieved? !

Who used whom is not that important, Finally who got F*CKED counts matters .And you know the answer.
Splitting of Pakistan into two was not just a loss of territory it was failure of TWO NATION THEORY & fake claims of muslim unity, a rape on West Pakistan's dominancy, a deep wound on Pakistan's Moral & Ideology.

What could you have done if Pakistan wasn't fighting Pakistan in 1971? Literally, what could you do in 1965 when you got your ***** handed to you by an army 1/3rd of your Army?

Could ...Would....If...But....Then....When!
Holy Sh*t in wars these words doesnt count much....soldiers are to fight not to debate.
Winning few BATTLE is different things & winning a WAR is entire different achievement.
Check out figures of 65 war, which loosers were on loosing side.

Yeah again there is a thin line between bravery & stupidity, when you know your army is 1/3rd of IA & still attack India with proper plan & win than its bravery.On contrary if you know India is 3 times stronger in army strength & still attack India to embarass yourself, ran back to your holes when gaint awakes & deny defeat its plain stupidity. You are master of later thing & keep it repeating again & again.

even in 2001/2 you rushed in first to amass 700-800k soldiers at our border only to piss your own pants when you saw the reaction from our side. You had to unilaterally disengage and withdraw your forces. Surgical strikes, another joke from Indian jokers. Big talk and NO action defines India

walking, carrying ammo & taking advantageous postions on heights on unmanned mountains in absence of any resistence like Chindichorrs is different thing & fighting with these chindi chorrs with all adversities of weather & easy shoot spot positions & still making enemy run with his tail between leg is entire different thing.

Also running back to holes when IA got serious about Kargil is another achievement which can even be a shame for Chindi-Chorrs.Next ask your Mujaheeds to wear Bangles,Salwar-suit, sarees or Burkhas for such bravery. IA will atleast not shoot them when they retreat & you will be saved from shame of not accepting their bodies.
Forum members are usually made moderators because of their moderating abilities such as to keep a fair attitude and maintenance of forum decency, it does not mean that they are correct on their comments! This is his personal views, 1 in a million here, what about the other 9,99,999 who say otherwise?

You do realize that if the other 999,999 are like you, the choice is a no-brainer. Doesn't take much IQ.

Tactical denial and lie are 2 different things, most likely above your IQ level else you would not have posted that.

Ah! Our old friend, IQ levels.

Are you part Chinese?
Ek baat batao koi...na hi kargil mila aur na hi siachin to jeet haar kaise???
logic goes thus...
1.India pre-empts in siachin taking up vaccant glaciers call it as preemptive action.Pakistan pre-empts in kargil taking up vaccant posts call it as victory howcome??
2.India throws out PA from kargil with sustained military and diplomatic pressure its called victory of PA coz there leadership betrayed.
3.Indian PM cries to usa president.but one finds Nawaz sharief standing in white house for punishment?:D
4.After 10 yrs karil is with india and siachin too but india spends more on security of this area so its a loss for india....here pakistanis take up bania mentality of hindus and start measuring loss and victory in terms of money...amazing:D

logical Deduction i make is:
1. Pakistan pre-empts on empty kargil heights -> india defends =>victory for pakistan...oss for india.....
2. india preempts on siachin takes up area upto saltroo ridge=>spends millions....victory for pak..loss for india.
3.Pakistan challenging 7 times big india and punching above its weight ->poor india defending =>victory for pak ,defeat for india but then india repulse the attacker and successfully defends so again its victory of pak defeat of india(coz you know pakistan challenged 7 times big india unsuccessfully.)

Above is going on for 65 yrs.....

But watever be the cliche' india still got kargil and siachin.so what matters??????ego massaging false victory or false defeat or is it the situation on ground?:no:
Oh! didnt know you were at the hill tops in Kargil.. Thought you to be an internet warrior only.. ;)

anyway, yes, you guys had the upper hand because your army sneaked in like thieves and occupied the mountain tops during the winters when as a tradition army used to vacate those heights due to harsh weather. and PA under Musharraf was hardly trustworthy to declare real figures. Mushy screwed the pooch on this so you can hardly expect him to be truthful about what happened. And this official list you talk of, took over 11 years to materialize.


Its kind of hard to take someone at face value when for 11 years that someone kept denying their involvement and then quitely list some of the names of the dead soldiers. Am sure this list does not contain the names of any of those soldiers whose bodies were not even accepted by Pakistan and had to be buried on the Indian side by Indian army..

I wonder where you are getting the figure of 11 years from, I mean Musharraf published his book in 2002/3 I guess and Kargil was details are all over that book. The whole world know's Pakistan was forced to withdraw from Kargil so is that not acceptance???
Sau baat ki ek baat....

agar body bags aur coffins ki counting main hi victory/defeat decide kar loge to pata nahi even if pak gets obiletrated pakistanis says its defeat for india coz india has much to lose in a war.And yes Pakistanis are right here.there is no victory in beating an already dead horse and even pakistanis knows this sub-conciously so some times truth does come out from pakistan itself that pakistan is already living-dead and soul-less and hence its for india to lose in a war.
Oh! didnt know you were at the hill tops in Kargil.. Thought you to be an internet warrior only.. ;)

anyway, yes, you guys had the upper hand because your army sneaked in like thieves and occupied the mountain tops during the winters when as a tradition army used to vacate those heights due to harsh weather. and PA under Musharraf was hardly trustworthy to declare real figures. Mushy screwed the pooch on this so you can hardly expect him to be truthful about what happened. And this official list you talk of, took over 11 years to materialize.


Its kind of hard to take someone at face value when for 11 years that someone kept denying their involvement and then quitely list some of the names of the dead soldiers. Am sure this list does not contain the names of any of those soldiers whose bodies were not even accepted by Pakistan and had to be buried on the Indian side by Indian army..

For 11 years your army blabbed about NO INVOLVEMENT in Kargil and then suddenly released the list of some 400+ PA soldiers killed in that conflict (without PA being involved :lol:) .. May be in another 11 years they will admit that they misplaced a zero and the figure is 4000 and not 400...

Pakistan did not lose 4,000 soldiers.

That was a number invented by Nawaz Sharif to discredit Musharraf.

Musharraf was the commander during the Kargil operation and he has stated that Pakistan lost 357 Soldiers.

Even Western Sources say that Pakistan lost less than 500 soldiers.

Nawaz Sharif was not privy to this kind of information on the casualty figures of Kargil as this was a secret Army operation.
65, Pakistan rapes India and India calls for international interference for a ceasefire!

71, Pakistan fights Pakistan, Severing of ties was just a formality but for a good time, east Pakistan uses India as a ***** and discards her after the night.

99 Indian Army and Indian Air Force, after repeated attempts, could not achieve anything militaryily so the political India had to run to the US and international communities to intervene and to force Pakistani withdrawal.

02 India amasses 700-800k troops at the border, moves strike fighters of IAF at the forward air bases and then does not dare cross the border or perform surgical strikes for lack of balls, withdraws the forces unilaterally!

Ever seen a young bull with cows in the same pen? Pakistan's attitude reminds me of the bull and treatment of India reminds me of the cow.....you know what the bull does to the cow, yeah?
Miya aap movie bahut dekhate hain.screen ki duniya se zara bahar niklein aur thodi thandi hawa ka anand lein.:D
Given the advantageous positions that pak troops occupied in kargil, they lost more troops to the harsh weather than to Indian bullets.

It was winter at its peak and thats the reason why Indian army withdrew (as it does in every season)...paksiatn withdraws too but that year musharraf wanted to play games with Vajpayee and Sharif but poor fellow, nothing could he achieve and in the process lost 3000 troops of his Northern light infantry. :lol:
Given the advantageous positions that pak troops occupied in kargil, they lost more troops to the harsh weather than to Indian bullets.

It was winter at its peak and thats the reason why Indian army withdrew (as it does in every season)...paksiatn withdraws too but that year musharraf wanted to play games with Vajpayee and Sharif but poor fellow, nothing could he achieve and in the process lost 3000 troops of his Northern light infantry. :lol:

Actually Kargil was a hideous shock to India
It does not matter, which army lost how many soldiers..in a war ..all that matters is achieving the designated objective.

Pakistan's objective in the war, was to occupy the kargil peaks, cut off Indian supply route to Siachen and occupy Siachen later point of time.

Indian objective was to prevent Pakistan from cutting off NH1, save Siachen and clear the Kargil peaks of Pakistani infiltrators.

Final tally as it stands today is..

Siachen is with India.

NH1 and supply route to remains intact ..Pakistani are no position to threaten the supplies, infact another supply route Srinagar - Jammu ,and 592m long bridge over river Ravi is progress.

India regained 99% of the peaks occupied by Pakistanis.

India achieved 99% of its objectives. Pakistan lost 99% of it objectives.
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