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Pak-India tensions seen dominating Indian BRICS summit

You are living in lala land.

1. No country has acknowlegded Indian surgical strike claim.
2. LMAO Many Americans themselves dispute the events which led to Osama's capture. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/...en-killing-story-fantasy-160502181248703.html
3. Only the US is on your side. No one else has acknowledged the Indian surgical strike claim. The world has forgotten a surgical strike even took place.
4. If your country is going to make false claims about a surgical strike that didn't take place it is logical for Pakistan to ask for proof. You didn't have any proof and everyone is still waiting. LMAO What is so difficult to understand for you? You are flexing muscles when you don't have any.

LMAO Hindi BS Besides, she is not even a person in official capacity. Who is this? Your aunt? LOL

India did surgical strike not for publicity. But to eliminate terrorist launch pads. The purpose of strike is served. Now its the politicians who discuss whether it has happened or not. Who cares about conspiracy theories:close_tema:. We are thankful that Pakistan rejected it. We don't want to spend money on wars. More surgical strike awaits as more "freedom fighters" are in a hurry to meet their maker.:guns:
Not try but beg. Because India is only ridiculing itself by bringing irrelevant discussions to every summit and forum. The desperation is immense. The world doesn't care about Indian accusations. The surgical strike claim has been laid to waste. No one cares or thinks about it anymore. The world media has gone silent. The only country on your side is the US and we know how much of a mess they are in. They can't even fix ISIS and are at war with almost every single country.

you are entitled to your opinion.. why do you bother forcing it down others' throats ?
you are entitled to your opinion.. why do you bother forcing it down others' throats ?

That also is just an opinion on your part. Stop shoving it down my throat.

India did surgical strike not for publicity. But to eliminate terrorist launch pads. The purpose of strike is served. Now its the politicians who discuss whether it has happened or not. Who cares about conspiracy theories:close_tema:. We are thankful that Pakistan rejected it. We don't want to spend money on wars. More surgical strike awaits as more "freedom fighters" are in a hurry to meet their maker.:guns:

LOL Okay kid. Go and play with your bazooka. You Indians have ruined this forum with your childish posts. No one cares about your surgical strike conspiracy theories. The world has moved on. Only you are desperate to hijack every forum to constantly bring Pakistan to the forefront LMAO
Somebody tell these indians CPEC is not a gift of China for Pakistan .. Its Chinese insurance of naval blockade by india or USA in Malacca strait ... :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

lol, Malacca straight is between Malaysia and Indonesia. Both are Muslim countries and members of OIC. Pakistan also a member in that. Its easy to transport through road than Ships. That's the main advantage of CPEC. Its actually a route to transport Chinese goods without going all the way through Malacca straight. "Its Chinese insurance of naval blockade by india or USA in Malacca strait .". As I said, conspiracy theories :whistle:
I am sorry, I am not sure if my question is correct... May I ask below question please?
isn't it possible that Indian and Pakistan to be friend country please?
lol, Malacca straight is between Malaysia and Indonesia. Both are Muslim countries and members of OIC. Pakistan also a member in that. Its easy to transport through road than Ships. That's the main advantage of CPEC. Its actually a route to transport Chinese goods without going all the way through Malacca straight. "Its Chinese insurance of naval blockade by india or USA in Malacca strait .". As I said, conspiracy theories :whistle:
i think you should do some research on usa plan to control china .... Its not my opinion it is what usa was planning on record ...

And what commonality did you find in china and muslim state ? And how easyy for usa is it topple one regime and bring regime of its own choice ... Even same is done in pak for multiple occassion ...
I am sorry, I am not sure if my question is correct... May I ask below question please?
isn't it possible that Indian and Pakistan to be friend country please?
Not possible ... Muslims has ruled hindus for more than 1000 years ... This is first time they have slightly upper hand due to size so they are trying to do whatever they could to take revenge
And answer few question

1. How many countries in the world except pakistan denies that there was no Surgical Strike ?
2. Is it true that the history tells us that Pakistan even denied that there is no Osama bin laden in Pakistan, and there are no PA rather mujahideen in Kargil.
3. If only US is in our side, than how many countries in the world except Pakistan condemn the Surgical Strike.
4. Why you want the proof of the surgical strike, when PA knows very well that it has taken, and if no surgical strike is taken then so much Mirchi because we are going to repeat the same process again across the LOC, and keep yourself in the deniel mode.
1. And how many countries except India acknowledged that it did happen? UNMOGIP (united nations monitoring group in india and pakistan) said they did't observe anything regarding "surgical stike". International media from many countries were invited to those locations India claimed to have done surgical strike, they found nothing. India said 25 countries including USA was briefed about surgical strike, yet USA denied that. That is still more than what you have shown.

2. Yes, there have been statements by Pakistan that denied his presence in Pakistan. And there have been statements that claimed he died. But still there were ample evidence when USA did take out Osama. The entire world knew the next day what had happend. In your case you claim to have evidence, yet it is nowhere to be seen.

3. You can't condemn something that didn't happen. Even Pakistan didn't condemn "surgical strike" but rather the claim to have made such.

4. Logical fallacy at it's best. You claim that unrest in Kashmir is not domestic but of Pakistan's making. You claim Pakistan is harboring terrorits against India. You go to extreme lenght to try to isolate Pakistan in every international forum. You bitch, whine, complain to countries who do buisness with Pakistan, everyting from weapon sale to investment. And now you claim to have made a "surgical strike" against these said terrorists. This is your golden oppurtunity, you can finally do what you have been striving for so long, isolate Pakistan. Show the evidence, broadcast it all over the world. Show that Pakistan is creating unrest in Kashmir and that it is not domestic. Pakistan will loose any credibility over Kashmir, it will be even hard for China to support Pakistan on Kashmir and it will strengthen your case on Kashmir. You can finally isolate Pakistan. All you have to do is show that indian soldiers were inside Pakistan and terrorist camps.But you dont want to release because it will give away your tactics rofl. India has never missed an opportunity to bitch, complain and whine about Pakistan in order to isolate it but now that it has "evidence" it chooses not to. Indian logic at its best.
LOL BRICS is dead and has been dead since early 2014.

Brazil was supposed to power house South American economy, yet its own economy is staggered, with huge internal problems and corruption

Russia pre 2014 was fine to do business with but after taking over the Ukrainian land and the Syria conflict they are finding huge problems created by the West through sanctions which will not go away.

India is on track with their economical growth though the country has a hindu nationalist problem and the PM is a known US declared terrorist due to the Gujrat riots.

Chinas economy again isn't growing as fast as expected and now they are looking for new trade routes to kick start the growth again.

SA i can't say much about as i don't know much about their economy.
Yes , If Pakistan hands over occupied part of Kashmir to India, and stop interfering in India's internal matters

I would disagree, Outsiders ruled India, those who were weak bent down and accepted defeat and followed their culture,
Might add more but it would be irrelevant to this thread.

On topic, Since India has openly said that it will isolate Pakistan, I don't see any thing wrong, its using influence to get an upper hand over enemy state.

1) Reality check ... Which part of Kashmir's people are asking freedom ? Which part has curfew since more than 3 months ? So which one is occupied force ???

2) Ask yyour ancestors ... They were all ruled by muslims ...

3) can you do a dam about Azad Kashmir ? Azad kashmir is where its people want it to be ... There is not a single anti pakistan mass protest in Azad Kashmir ...
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