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Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab

You are completely entitled to your opinion.
Even though 99,9% of the Pakistanis will disagree with you, and even though you couldn't care less, it would be wise to think why Pakistanis do not really appreciate Mr. Mukherjee and his comments.

Actually, we genuinely believe Pranab Mukerjee is full of BS, and has done an excellent job of ruining Indo-Pak relations with his big mouth.

I agree that his comments may not please you.

Let's leave out PM for now. Leave out India from the picture.

Do you think Pakistan is capable of taking action against terror? Fully and with no holds barred? Don't you have many vested interterest who won't let Pakistan do that? Institutional support (whether official or not) that helps these people survive and carry on?

So I know it would not be appreciated coming from an Indian but I guess you would find many Pakistani writers (and highly respected ones) who also write along the same lines. People like Irafan Hussain.
I agree that his comments may not please you.

Let's leave out PM for now. Leave out India from the picture.

Do you think Pakistan is capable of taking action against terror? Fully and with no holds barred? Don't you have many vested interterest who won't let Pakistan do that? Institutional support (whether official or not) that helps these people survive and carry on?

So I know it would not be appreciated coming from an Indian but I guess you would find many Pakistani writers (and highly respected ones) who also write along the same lines. People like Irafan Hussain.

I think Pakistan is indeed capable of taking action against the Taliban inside her own country.
It needs the right support, it's as simple as that.
How can you possibly say with certainty that foreign intervention in Pakistans fight against these militants will prove helpful?
Shouldn't you be looking at the overall picture, what would be feasible or managable? Shouldn't Pakistan be stable and economically strong in order for the Taliban on her side to crumble?
How will unjustified and unauthorized strikes inside Pakistan help Pakistan as a whole against the Taliban?

Pranab should be ashamed and receive a smack on the head for saying that Pakistan is incapable of action against these terrorists.
Thousands of Pakistani soldiers have died, hundreds and hundreds of civilians have died, including women and children, thousands and thousands more have been wounded.
Still, the Pakistani Army is as determined as ever to fight off any insurgency, the whole nation of Pakistan, with the exception of a few, wants to get ridd of these radical mullahs who think they possess the power to act as some sort of government institute.
Pakistan can use all the help, but help means in a "helpful" way, something that really adds a PUNCH to Pakistans abilities to eliminate the terrorists.
Wars are not won in one day, and especially these kinds of wars, they are never to be won in a short span of time, the right decisions, the correct aid, the strong determination and the full support of the people will eventually lead to dismantling these taliban pigs who have been a pain in the *** for our beautiful nation, however, with comments from Pranab or others who tend to undermine Pakistans dedication towards fightning terror, it won't help ONE bit, it's just completely useless, just like Pranabs threats against Pakistan.
It's just not helpful, I would instead like Pranab to say that he is fully committed on helping Pakistan get ridd of this evil or join forces with Pakistan and ensure a "terror-free" South East Asia?
But that's just wishful thinking, this warmongerer has seriously done his best in trying to destroy the progress both nations have made so far in terms of trustworthy relationships.
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Jihad, you need to understand that from India's perspective we have long suffered from terror coming from Pakistan.

So while Pakistan is indeed bearing the brunt of terror and you have all our sympathies, you need to understand that it does not mean that anyone can condone terror activities effecting their country because of that. Especially when niggling suspicions remain that they may still enjoy some institutional support.

I agree that the world should help Pakistan come out of this difficult situation and Pakistan on it's part should come down hard on all terrorists and not try to discriminate between good and bad terrorists. You know, don't try and save the good terrorists for a rainy day!

There are no good terrorists, by definition.
Jihad, you need to understand that from India's perspective we have long suffered from terror coming from Pakistan.

So while Pakistan is indeed bearing the brunt of terror and you have all our sympathies, you need to understand that it does not mean that anyone can condone terror activities effecting their country because of that. Especially when niggling suspicions remain that they may still enjoy some institutional support.

I agree that the world should help Pakistan come out of this difficult situation and Pakistan on it's part should come down hard on all terrorists and not try to discriminate between good and bad terrorists. You know, don't try and save the good terrorists for a rainy day!

There are no good terrorists, by definition.

Pakistan has long suffered from Indian terrorist activities aswell.
What is India doing about that?
Do you think that by ignoring that fact, and by continuing the (mostly) negative pressure on Pakistan will result in better understanding or actual results on the war on terror?
India on its turn has its share in this and MUST try and help herself, and the GoP in this ongoing struggle.
My point is, the current attitude of some of your politicians including Mr. Mukherjee will not add any constructive input or solution to our problems.
It must stop, both nations should aim for better relations, and with a stable atmosphere rather then a hostile one, Pakistan has one thing less to worry about and can indeed continue to concentrate on her war against terrorism.
India will be affected as much as Pakistan is by this, as not only Pakistan harbors certain elements that want to hurt domestic aswell as foreign interests, but India aswell.
I think Pakistan is indeed capable of taking action against the Taliban inside her own country.
It needs the right support, it's as simple as that.
How can you possibly say with certainty that foreign intervention in Pakistans fight against these militants will prove helpful?
Shouldn't you be looking at the overall picture, what would be feasible or managable? Shouldn't Pakistan be stable and economically strong in order for the Taliban on her side to crumble?
How will unjustified and unauthorized strikes inside Pakistan help Pakistan as a whole against the Taliban?

Pranab should be ashamed and receive a smack on the head for saying that Pakistan is incapable of action against these terrorists.
Thousands of Pakistani soldiers have died, hundreds and hundreds of civilians have died, including women and children, thousands and thousands more have been wounded.
Still, the Pakistani Army is as determined as ever to fight off any insurgency, the whole nation of Pakistan, with the exception of a few, wants to get ridd of these radical mullahs who think they possess the power to act as some sort of government institute.
Pakistan can use all the help, but help means in a "helpful" way, something that really adds a PUNCH to Pakistans abilities to eliminate the terrorists.
Wars are not won in one day, and especially these kinds of wars, they are never to be won in a short span of time, the right decisions, the correct aid, the strong determination and the full support of the people will eventually lead to dismantling these taliban pigs who have been a pain in the *** for our beautiful nation, however, with comments from Pranab or others who tend to undermine Pakistans dedication towards fightning terror, it won't help ONE bit, it's just completely useless, just like Pranabs threats against Pakistan.
It's just not helpful, I would instead like Pranab to say that he is fully committed on helping Pakistan get ridd of this evil or join forces with Pakistan and ensure a "terror-free" South East Asia?
But that's just wishful thinking, this warmongerer has seriously done his best in trying to destroy the progress both nations have made so far in terms of trustworthy relationships.

If Pakistan is capable of tackling of terror it has been 8 years Pakistan is fighting terror in its own soil till Taliban is are getting stronger and bigger by organizing court and issues warrants against its elected representatives.
Actually, we genuinely believe Pranab Mukerjee is full of BS, and has done an excellent job of ruining Indo-Pak relations with his big mouth.

sorry to hear that. I would have thought that mumbai-carnage ruined indo-pak relations. you guys, should remember that pranab is just the messenger and he was giving you message from a country that had just suffered from terror attacks which we strongly believe was carried out from your land with implicit support from key guys in your country. obviously, you cant expect him to give you 'love messages'.
If Pakistan is capable of tackling of terror it has been 8 years Pakistan is fighting terror in its own soil till Taliban is are getting stronger and bigger by organizing court and issues warrants against its elected representatives.

Your post is easily put without too much thought or views into the whole situation.
Look at the bigger side, see through all the activities that occured in the 8 year time span, and then judge again.
sorry to hear that. I would have thought that mumbai-carnage ruined indo-pak relations. you guys, should remember that pranab is just the messenger and he was giving you message from a country that had just suffered from terror attacks which we strongly believe was carried out from your land with implicit support from key guys in your country. obviously, you cant expect him to give you 'love messages'.

The relations were ruïned due to the handling of the GoI in this case.
The way it treated and demanded alot from the GoP without, at that time, providing sufficient proof to back up her claims.
Anyways, this has been discussed countless of times, do some research on all of the other threads regarding the Mumbai issue.
Right now, Pakistan is investigating it with (hopefully) smooth co-operation from Indian side.
Mr.Mukherjee is simply running his mouth for the upcoming elections.
Your post is easily put without too much thought or views into the whole situation.
Look at the bigger side, see through all the activities that occured in the 8 year time span, and then judge again.

but pama is right, drones are a very recent occurence, till then pak army was on it own and US was giving a lot of military aid, then why werent you successful?

and how are things different now?

the fact is drones are helping you.
Your post is easily put without too much thought or views into the whole situation.
Look at the bigger side, see through all the activities that occured in the 8 year time span, and then judge again.

With all the US attacks in FATA, Taliban running courts and running there law do'nt you think war is spilling into pakistan after these 8 years?
These courts and US attacks not there 8 years before they are in Afgan.
but pama is right, drones are a very recent occurence, till then pak army was on it own and US was giving a lot of military aid, then why werent you successful?

and how are things different now?

the fact is drones are helping you.

And what exactly is "very recent"?
Also, Pakistan went through alot of political reform and turmoil, which didn't do us any good in our fight against these radicals.
Why weren't we succesful? Was the U.S. "aid" any succesful? Did the U.S. fully provide Pakistan of everything it needs to fight off these pigs?
Did Pakistan receive the right aid a 3rd world country needs to maintain a stable economy and at the same time wage a very costly war which gains public distrust among Pakistani people?
How things are different now? I think the Taliban now knows that it's just a matter of time before they're out of business, Pakistan has sacrificed alot, and is continuing to do so, we will not stop until this menace is destroyed.
These drones are not helping that much, why is that?
They might hit their targets, but they also hit civilians, these drones are NOT favored by the people of Pakistan, and history says, the people in the end, always possess the POWER.
"Aid" to Pakistan also means gaining good mutual feelings among the GoP, it's people, and the American government.
That can also be seen as "aid" and as a step further into dismantling the Taliban ideology and presence inside Pakistan.
The relations were ruïned due to the handling of the GoI in this case.
The way it treated and demanded alot from the GoP without, at that time, providing sufficient proof to back up her claims.
Anyways, this has been discussed countless of times, do some research on all of the other threads regarding the Mumbai issue.
Right now, Pakistan is investigating it with (hopefully) smooth co-operation from Indian side.
Mr.Mukherjee is simply running his mouth for the upcoming elections.

lets not go back to that bickering. but, since you mentioned, I want to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me sincerely.

as soon as there was attack on mumbai, kasab was all over the news channels including all the info about him like his nationality, address etc. at that time pak had said that they were conducting investigation on their own. then a pak private channel proved that kasab is a pakistani, but still GOP didnt agree. kasab wrote to your consulate in india asking for legal help, the consulate did not care to reply at that time and later announced that kasab is not a pakistani. after lot of tough talk from Mr. Mukherjhee and immense armtwisting from US, pak finally agreed that kasab was indeed a pakistani.

how long does it take for a nation to investigate whether someone is its national or not?
why did pak deny kasab was pakistani initially?
why was the durrani who actuallya accepted kasab's nationality fired?
does all this show sincerety of pak in cooperating with india?
With all the US attacks in FATA, Taliban running courts and running there law do'nt you think war is spilling into pakistan after these 8 years?
These courts and US attacks not there 8 years before they are in Afgan.

Pakistan should receive the equipment and technology to carry these attacks out by herself, in assistance of the U.S.
A newsheadline of: "Pakistani drone or UAV takes out important taliban leaders" for example will do Pakistan in general much good aswell as the U.S.
You know that this is a fact, yet you seem so keen on letting the Americans do it on their own way by going against the will of the Pakistani people and the government.
lets not go back to that bickering. but, since you mentioned, I want to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me sincerely.

as soon as there was attack on mumbai, kasab was all over the news channels including all the info about him like his nationality, address etc. at that time pak had said that they were conducting investigation on their own. then a pak private channel proved that kasab is a pakistani, but still GOP didnt agree. kasab wrote to your consulate in india asking for legal help, the consulate did not care to reply at that time and later announced that kasab is not a pakistani. after lot of tough talk from Mr. Mukherjhee and immense armtwisting from US, pak finally agreed that kasab was indeed a pakistani.

how long does it take for a nation to investigate whether someone is its national or not?
why did pak deny kasab was pakistani initially?
why was the durrani who actuallya accepted kasab's nationality fired?
does all this show sincerety of pak in cooperating with india?

Again, I am tired of answering these questions over and over again.
I sincerely request you to go through some threads in this part of the forum regarding the Mumbai issue.
I'm sure you'll come through Pakistani and Indian views.
In all honesty, your questions will be answered if you view these threads.
I'm not in the mood to go over the whole case again, please.
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