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Pak gets powerful tracking system, deploys it at firing range to test & develop new missiles

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how these types of systems work?
Why not an active sensor like radar?

Because when you track a missile under a testing regime, there is a risk of your radar signals interfering with the missile's own radar. Sure, you can use a different freq, but with different freqs you get different resolutions as to what the missile under testing is doing. If you are fine with that, then you can use a radar to track the test missile.

An electro-optical tracking system is passive and non-interfering. However, the more critical your data, the more cameras and positions requires. The more critical your test data, the higher the required video resolution. With an active sensor like radar, you can measure the test missile's progress down to the single meter (or less) range. If your target is a window that is one meter in dimension, if your missile cannot resolve that distance, your missile will miss that window. So if you have to passively track the test missile with the EO method, the high video resolution is critical because you must know if the test missile can resolve that meter distance before it impact the target and destroys itself.

An optical system is a critical component in missile testing. It usually comes with a pair of high-performance telescopes equipped with a laser ranger, high-speed camera, infrared detector and a centralised computer system that automatically captures and follows moving targets.
The laser range finder does not interfere with the missile's own radar. The laser range finder helps the cameras keep track of the missile's flight.

The high speed camera is curious. What kind is it?


We have no idea.

The IR sensor is an assist to tracking by using a different characteristic from the test missile. The test missile produces IR signals from its propulsion and from skin friction as it flies.

The computer sync all tracking methods to give a real time video presentation and record of a test.

This is the best high level deduction we can have without any more technical details.
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