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PAK FA with 'Brahmos'

They are developing an air-launched version that is much smaller than the ground launched versions that they are jury rigged onto the Su-30mki's. However, even a smaller version wouldn't be able to sit in those internal bays-not unless they do away with the ramjet engine on those missiles.

Why would they have an "air to air" version of a cruise missile ? Not that it would be too hard for them to do. The Bramhos was intended to hit moving targets and its seeker is quite capable of maneuvering to strike a target in the air but it would have to be some sort of flying tank or something because that thing can take out a frigate. An airplane would be like punching through tissue.

Even with air to ground version, its too big. From what I understand, an MKI can only carry 1 at a time, isn't it?
Now the modifications are made in MKI to carry 3 brahmos.
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When you are giving a link try to give something reliable. You can say wikipedia is not reliable but you dont hesitate to put forward some unknown blogs , sometimes that of our friend Riaz haq or sometimes Rupee news as valid source. Some of our senior members have subscription to Jane's. In confusion we can request them to give information from most reliable defence journal.

First test of Babur was done on 12 August 2005 but induction in Army is also being said 2005. It was tested again on 22March 2007,26 July 2007,11 Decemcber 2007 and lastly on 6 May 2009.Brahomos was first tested in India in December 2004. It was inducted in Navy in 2006 and Army in 2007.

What you are saying about 2009 is three consecutive tests of Brahmos Mark II version first of which was not successful (it failed to target a specific building among many other building). But Other two tests were reported successful.

Both the missile has its advantages and its disadvantages which civilians like us can understand (I am not going to technical part like guidance etc and taking official claims as true). The major advantage of Babur at present is its higher range while advantage of Brahmos is its speed and capability to destruction (due to its much higher kinetic energy).

Theoritically all missiles sub-sonic or supersonic can be intercepted but practically which one is easier to intercept you can understand. Maker of both missiles cliams about manuevering capability of their missiles but fact is that missiles do not dribble Anti-missiles like Maradona. Even low flying cruise missiles can be tracked with modern radars and shot down.

I will prefer Brahmos when the target is within its range and specially against moving target and Babur against long range non-movable target. Remeber a sub-sonic Cruise missile has less speed then a modern fighter.

Basically Babur and Brahmos have very less in common. A proper comparison of Babur can be done with Nirbhay (long range subsonic cruise missile) or Shourya (A hybrid of Ballistic and cruise missile but of hypersonic speed and similar range of Babur) but we have to wait till they become operational.

I am glad that there are some sane heads who talk with responsibiliy and not with brute indignations of others.

Yes India has brahmos and Pakistan has its own missiles and when war breaks out, it will be devastating for all this time arround , so do something for peace by offering a negotiated setttlement of all problems and not by showing off that mine is bigger than yours.
Even with air to ground version, its too big. From what I understand, an MKI can only carry 1 at a time, isn't it?
Although there are some models that shows 3 Brahmos on MKI, it will carry only 1 of the first air launched version, because it is too heavy to be carrierd on the wings. But the CEO of Irkut confirms that a lighter version is under development and this could be fitted in numbers up to 3.
Sukhoi intends to add three more T-50 development aircraft to the test program within the next 12 months, with further details of Russia’s next-generation fighter leaking out from a high-level gathering here.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held a cabinet meeting last week on developing the aerospace and defense industry at Sukhoi’s Moscow headquarters. Putin was also shown the T-50-0 static test rig airframe along with a cockpit simulator for Russia’s fifth-generation fighter.

Putin and Sukhoi’s chief, Mikhail Pogosyan, maintain that the T-50 should be ready to enter service with the Russian air force during 2015, to meet its PAK FA fighter requirement. Putin says, however, that “before the jet goes into serial production, it should complete more than 2,000 test flights.”

Given what is already an highly demanding schedule, Pogosyan is quoted in the Russian press as saying: “By the end of 2010 or in early 2011, we must add three more prototypes to the test-flight program.”

Sukhoi executives suggest the second prototype will likely enter testing this year, while the third and fourth prototypes will appear in 2011. The first two will not be fitted with radar or weapon control systems, and will be used primarily for flight performances and major systems evaluations.

Sukhoi designers are trying to compress the T-50 development through the extensive use of specialized system-integration test benches. The development of previous aircraft types was supported with the use of “iron bird” rigs for complex flight control system checks and an “electronic bird” for the avionics package testing, coupled with stationary engineering simulators used for “man-machine” interface development.

For the T-50, in addition to these tools, Sukhoi seems to have built an additional prototype not intended for flights—the so-called T-50-KNS. This airframe is fitted with operational systems, equipment and engines.

Sukhoi’s production facility in Komsomolsk has used the T-50-KNS for checking the use of new manufacturing technologies, while designers were able to examine all wiring, ducting, equipment and engine installation within the actual dimensions of the aircraft. The T-50-KNS and other test-bench checks ensured the initial flights of the T-50-1 prototype. Pogosyan says a 24-deg. angle of attack was reached on the T-50-1 after only three flights.

The company’s T-50 chief designer, Alexander Davidenko, says almost 70% of the outer surface— 25% of the aircraft’s empty weight—consists of composites . Introduction of the materials allowed the number of structural parts to be cut four-fold compared with the Su-27 Flanker.

As for the cockpit, Davidenko notes that the aircraft’s avionics use smart digital systems to reduce pilot workload in terms of flying and combat operations.

http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/gene...ne=More Sukhoi T-50s To Fly In Next 12 Months
good news.i am very much glad. BTW will PAK Fa have square nozzles?
he said. He also confirm that Indian side will take as 50% of all program work despite the fact that now 'Russia is well ahead' in this program

The best part of The Article... Thanks to Russian for trusting on us... (Our Ability and commitment)
Brahmos air to air version can be Installed either externally or internally....

care to link a source that it can be carried internaly?

we have had this discussion before and determined even a shortened air to ground version would still have to be external.
Now now my friend(Launde)... You need a reality check

BrahMos is in service from 2k6

BrahMos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

were done here sir. BrahMos is much more difficult to intercept or detect as compared to subsonic Babur.

much more difficult for who?

Western block countries who have upgraded to latest technology such as Aegis systems and ESSM. Have the capability to deal with the Brahmos.

in fact ESSM was specificly designed to deal with missiles such as Brahmos
Brahmos is the first & only supersonic cruise missile operational now..

Unless until you technically test the anti-missile system with its proposed enemy missile, the %age of accuracy is unknown.

Also Hyersonic version of Brahmos is underway,,

You don't know what you are talking about do ya ?

Chinese C-101 , C-301 ,C-803 ,C-805 ,KD-88 , Russian P-800 Oniks , 3M-54 Klub French ASMP , USA SLAM and many more are all operational supersonic cruise missiles and many of them were developed way before Brahmos sooper dooper cruise missile.

Sorry if i busted your bubble:D
Brahmos is the first & only supersonic cruise missile operational now..

Unless until you technically test the anti-missile system with its proposed enemy missile, the %age of accuracy is unknown.

Also Hyersonic version of Brahmos is underway,,

Russia and China both have supersonic cruise missiles in their inventories. and you are quite wrong with them not knowing if ESSM is a capable missile for shooting down supersonic and even hypersonic missles. you show a lack of understanding of how weapon systems are designed and tested. I understand you wanting to be a brahmos fanboy. but when blanket statements are made that there nothing is around that can touch it you are quite mistaken.

let me ask you a question how much faster is the ESSM compared to the Brahmos?
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