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Pak denies any 48-hour deadline

What does that have to do with my post?

I am aware that the media finally found the correct Faridkot, but that only validates my argument here that Pakistan was already investigating the Mumabi attacks, hence the story about a 'deadline' to do something being invalid.

Well it was just to have you brace for the volley to come. ;)

I see the relation to your post in terms of "Indian media running with the Faridkot story". Wonder why you don't see that!

A little unrelated but I remember a poem by one Sharad Joshi called "Asansol".

It was along the lines that even though he is bound by a rope as long as the rope has sufficient leeway so that he can visit "Asansol" (He doesn't even know where the place is).

Whether there is a fixed deadline or not doesn't matter that much. If there is heat being felt to take action that is all that matters. Not that it should have been required in the first place.
Pakistan was not investigating, but covering-up the trail.

This is why India is not going to give Pakistan its evidence.

Hey, who cares afterall........... but btw what kind of cover up you think Pakistan can do..... probably remove Farid kot from the scene, kill all residents of farid kot etc...... be specific with your answer
Pakistan was not investigating, but covering-up the trail.

This is why India is not going to give Pakistan its evidence.


Thank you for that brilliant insight RAW Director (Western Division).

Now, seriously, a response that isn't BS.
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Well it was just to have you brace for the volley to come. ;)

I see the relation to your post in terms of "Indian media running with the Faridkot story". Wonder why you don't see that!

I am afraid I still do not see what relationship the Faridkiot story has with this thread. This thread isn't about the 'Indian media running with the Faridkot story'.

And finally:

Rice denies 48-hour deadline for Pakistan to take action

Updated at: 2000 PST, Sunday, December 07, 2008

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday that Pakistan must act quickly to arrest suspects linked to the deadly attacks in India to help ensure there are no follow-on assaults.

Interviewed on a foreign TV channel, Rice said she stressed during her visit to Pakistan last week how important it was for Islamabad to act quickly but denied there was a 48-hour deadline to take action.

"The important thing is that Pakistan act and that these people are brought to justice and that any information that they may have is put to use in making sure follow-on attacks don't happen," Rice said.

Rice echoed remarks from Pakistan's foreign office denying Islamabad had agreed to a 48-hour timetable to take action against Pakistanis accused of involvement in the Mumbai attacks.

The Washington Post reported that Pakistan had agreed to a deadline imposed by the United States and India to arrest three people and formulate a plan to take action against a militant group accused of involvement in the attacks.

"No. There's not a timetable involved here," the US top diplomat said.

"Obviously, this is counterterrorism work. It's hard work. And it's not as if these people are sitting on the surface," she said, adding that Pakistani leaders "understood their responsibilities and now we're waiting."

The 60-hour Mumbai siege by Islamic militants has badly affected relations between India and Pakistan, the nuclear-armed South Asian neighbors who have fought three wars since independence from Britain.

India says all 10 gunmen involved in the assault came from Pakistan, and has handed Islamabad a list of 20 terror suspects, with demands for their arrest and extradition.

Suspicion over the recent Mumbai carnage, which left 172 dead, has fallen on the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, a group that has fought Indian rule in Kashmir and was blamed for a 2001 attack on the New Delhi parliament.

Before visiting Pakistan, Rice made a solidarity visit to India.
Rice denies 48-hour deadline for Pakistan to take action
Whether there is a fixed deadline or not doesn't matter that much. If there is heat being felt to take action that is all that matters. Not that it should have been required in the first place.

See here is the thing - Pakistan had declared from the outset that it would cooperate with any investigation, and it asked for India to share evidence in order to do that. India refused, and instead gave us a list of 3 individuals (we now find out from the Pakistani Interiror Minister) instead of the 20 widely reported in the Indian media (which the Indian government never denied, essentially allowing a lie to perpetuate) who had nothing to do with the Mumbai attacks, at least according to any information available till now.

That we started investigations as soon as we got some inklings of the identity of the suspect is obvious from the reports by journalists (western and Pakistani) who visited the various Faridkot's, and discovered law enforcement and intelligence officials had already been to those locations and investigated the source.

Flint's outlandish allegation is given lie by the fact that Pakistani officials confirmed to Mullen that at least the captured terrorist was Pakistani based on the above mentioned investigations, information he is reported to have shared with India after he left Pakistan.

Ambassador Haqqani has stated in various interviews in the West that the US has been sharing intelligence with Pakistan as well - all of this points to a cooperative process, one that Pakistan had indicated from the outset that it would follow.

The Indians, however, eager to paint Pakistan as uncooperative, and in as poor a light as possible, continue to distort everything to make it appear as if the only reason Pakistan is cooperating is because of 'heat' on it.

Thank you for that brilliant insight RAW Director (Western Division).

Now, seriously, a response that isn't BS.

True. Secondly, its not the GoP which would be covering the trail. The militant group (if found to be involved, which it very well may be), can do that on its own.

Thank you for that brilliant insight RAW Director (Western Division).

Now, seriously, a response that isn't BS.
So basically we're supposed to reverse our 60 yr old policy and hand over Pakistani citizens to a hostile nation because India said so?

India didn't even say please!
See here is the thing - Pakistan had declared from the outset that it would cooperate with any investigation, and it asked for India to share evidence in order to do that. India refused, and instead gave us a list of 3 individuals (we now find out from the Pakistani Interiror Minister) instead of the 20 widely reported in the Indian media (which the Indian government never denied, essentially allowing a lie to perpetuate) who had nothing to do with the Mumbai attacks, at least according to any information available till now.

That we started investigations as soon as we got some inklings of the identity of the suspect is obvious from the reports by journalists (western and Pakistani) who visited the various Faridkot's, and discovered law enforcement and intelligence officials had already been to those locations and investigated the source.

Flint's outlandish allegation is given lie by the fact that Pakistani officials confirmed to Mullen that at least the captured terrorist was Pakistani based on the above mentioned investigations, information he is reported to have shared with India after he left Pakistan.

Ambassador Haqqani has stated in various interviews in the West that the US has been sharing intelligence with Pakistan as well - all of this points to a cooperative process, one that Pakistan had indicated from the outset that it would follow.

The Indians, however, eager to paint Pakistan as uncooperative, and in as poor a light as possible, continue to distort everything to make it appear as if the only reason Pakistan is cooperating is because of 'heat' on it.

It would be a most welcome development if things are indeed going this way. However the Guardian report talks of the reportes being beaten and prevented from investigating. That would point to an attempt at hiding things.

I for one would any day prefer co-operation rather than confrontation between the two countries. If things are indeed going as you say- "Aapke muh me ghee shakkar".

RR, Can you see the highlighted part? Where is that kalava theory? Is it well and truly dead now!
Rice denies setting 48-hour deadline to Pakistan

There you go, the Indian ego massage has been ripped apart.

This is testament that the Indians are not interested in seeing any justice. They just want to feel good. Feel in command. Feel like a big brother to Pakistan.

Not really. It was not Indians but a media report that claimed to quote a Washington post report. It is all over the internet not just in Indian papers.

Well, if the deadline is not there it is great. Pakistan's co-operation is all that matters, not these small things.
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Vinod, if you have any sense of shame left, you will just shut up and give it up. You've been minced in this thread.

You're jumping from one thing to the other. Clutching at straws.
So basically we're supposed to reverse our 60 yr old policy and hand over Pakistani citizens to a hostile nation because India said so?

India didn't even say please!

I think Pranab Mukharjee did say please in that hoax call. :lol:
Vinod, if you have any sense of shame left, you will just shut up and give it up. You've been minced in this thread.

You're jumping from one thing to the other. Clutching at straws.

Not really. Show me one post of mine where I claimed anything to the contrary. Quoting a media report is something we all do.

I anyway said that the deadlines being there or not is not the issue, same as the coming of Pasha or not.

These are trivial things, the main thing is going after the common enemies.
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